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1 hour ago, MothmanDraws said:

The true suffering for us will be this weekend when they announce the new battletomes Khorne and Chaos dwarves, no slaanesh book until 4th edition

Well they did remove Khorne, Slaanesh, SBGL and OBR books from their website, so there is little chance they do not receive a new one soon. 

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Imagine if they announced all four books at once this weekend.

It's funny because we already know what the books are, so there's no surprise necessarily. 

The surprise will be whatever hero model that each of the books get I guess. 

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3 hours ago, Beliman said:

I'm curious about the charge roll for unit that disembarked from a Frigatte. I'm not sold with the Tuskhelmet interaction.

Me too, and I'm not sold either. Lots of little interactions that need to be addressed, but judging by the gitz problem I doubt we will get those clarification before at least a month.

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11 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Imagine if they announced all four books at once this weekend.

I would love them to at least (a) confirm what the books will be (I mean, we know already, but I want to be told) and (b) tell us the order they are going to be released in.

All for at once (or over a two week period say) would be great. We kinda know that they aren't going to get particularly big releases so it's not likely they'd be competing with each other for sales, so it would seem possible. I guess it depends on how many GW can get printed.

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I absolutely love the Lord of Hubris, but then he has a similar vibe to myrmidesh which are possibly my favourite infantry unit in AoS from an aesthetics point of view (and hopefully a rules point of view when this book comes out) so making a hero who shares a lot of their aesthetics was always going to be a slam dunk.

When he said "I have practiced my blade-craft to perfection" in the video, did anyone else think of the "I studied the blade" meme?

Now I fully expect him to be not that good. A 4+ ward with a taunt sounds good on paper, but unless he has a lot of wounds to go along with that I think he'll still go down pretty quickly. I suppose you don't have to use the taunt, in which case he's a pretty durable hero, but unless he has another useful ability or has a ridiculous attack profile he'll probably fall into the camp of "not very useful foot assassin". Not that I mind, he looks awesome.

Of course the real star is the announcement of the Hedonites Battletome. I have waited for this for a long time: do not fail me GW rules writers: give me a S2D, GSG, BoC tier book please. Doesn't need to be overpowered, it just needs to be fun.

The Realmgore Ritualist looks cool too, though once again I am more interested as to the contents of the new book. Will Khorne finally feel like Khorne? I hope so.

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Awesome models, at first i wasn't super excited about the Slaanesh Hero but looking at it more the pose is great. I would assume they will be released before Adepticon? Same for 40 K heroes.  I was hoping for 1 of the death tomes today but maybe they will move the narrative forward with OBR vs SBG? With Nagash gone we can expect some tensions between Katakross and other Motarhs.

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Considering they revealed bith chaos tomes and KO got a single hero i'm still getting hope that the death battletome is the only army getting something more of the hero...maybe a pair of units?

Not bad the chaos heros still i prefer the lord of Hybris,khorne priest seems a bit boring...Valkia imho could have been better.

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The Slaanesh hero is fantastic, pelvic thrust and all, so much character. Good restraint on the amount of cruft, an appropriate Slaaneshi elegance.

The Khorne hero is fine, I guess? A bit busy tbh and I wouldn’t have said “terrain-focused slaughterpriest” would be a clamoured-for addition to the Khorne range. Seems a bit niche. Could work interestingly with the wider rules though.

Agreed that a Valkia resculpt would be cooler, she’s the only particularly interesting unique mortal character for the faction.

Edited by sandlemad
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Personally dissapointed by the Slaanesh hero. I mean yeah the model is pretty good, but for gods sake Slaanesh already had a warded melee hero! I guess this guy has less utility and is just a duelist so maybe a cheaper Sigvald? But at the same time, why? Slaanesh didn't need this imo. They should have gotten a hero on an exalted seeker that synergised with seeker riding units.


But I guess it is just a continuation of the foot hero curse of 3rd edition. If they had to do a foot hero couldn't it have been a priest or something though? 🤨

On the other hand.... New book! Here's to hoping it isn't dreadful at least! Though I think given the trend of 3rd edition books it should at the very least be fun and thematic, and can dare to hope it'll even be a great book!

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9 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Valkia imho could have been better.

I share the same opinion. I thought that since Valkia made her way into Total War Warhammer, GW was going to capitalise on that and strike while the iron was hot to give her a new miniature soon. Instead, we get a new generic hero. Even if I'm a little bit sore about that, the concept of a "Khorne occultist" that specialises in rituals sets her apart from other Khorne heroes (and Khorne has a lot of them).
I like the Slaanesh hero though. He's so smug ! I love him.

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