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It's beautiful! I love it! It has the sail, it has a big sack on the throat and even some weird axolotl-like thingies that I don't know what to call! It really is perfect.

Now, I don't love the skinks lmao. I see what they were going for with them, but the horizontal crests look silly to me. At least the banner is awesome.

Another concern of mine is that it probably means we're losing the salamander and razordon for that beastie. Model wise it's much better and afaik razordon wasn't really good rules-wise, but still, I'll miss that spiky ****** and forever imagine what he would look like without bendy resin legs. Also, those rules they previewed... I dunno how I feel about just 1 attack, I hope there's a way to boost that

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So after watching that video multiple times.. 

Do we think this is going to make a Razordon as well? Do you think they would have shown that off?

Secondly the rules at a glance seem like a pretty big nerf to our current salamander, which is probably a good thing and a tone down of overall mortal wounds. 

Finally the sculpts are amazing. The new skinks with their crests and armor and feather... everything is amazing! I love the sail back lizard design for the salamander... time to go buy a bunch. 

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10 minutes ago, Still-young said:

I don’t actually love it I don’t think, the neck/head looks weird from a a distance but it’s such an improvement it barely feels worth nitpicking. I’m amazed it’s not a dual kit with the razordon though. I’m sure it’ll grow on me, I do like the axolotl gills. 

they surely are a huge upgrade, the reason why I am also not very impressed is probably that during these years I have seen so many alternative models from 3d sculptors (because the official ones were so ugly) that it's difficult to do anything really surprising with the "salamander" concept.

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17 minutes ago, Matrindur said:



AoS Chotec Feb20 Image1

Quite different than current Salamanders. Also could still be a dual kit with Razordons, maybe replace the top along the yellow scale-line? Also interesting that the skink crest is sideways

BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA KEEP THIS SPAWN OF PTRA AWAY FROM MY BANDAGES!!!! Jokes aside this kit looks awesome! I'm truly happy for all the Dino lovers amongst us, and if you excuse me I have to go convince myself and my wallet that my 8 year old brother is finally mature enough to join the hobby without breaking his models.....

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9 minutes ago, GenericEdgyName said:

Y'all know what, I re-read the rules and they don't seem bad anymore, just different. Yeah, the damage output is lesser than the current (porbably overpowered, as @DinoJon mentioned) but instead it has a completely different role. 24" range and save debuff will help nicely against a lot of stuff

Also they suggest in the article that's just the long range profile but they also have a short range one...

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22 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Do we think this is going to make a Razordon as well? Do you think they would have shown that off?

Secondly the rules at a glance seem like a pretty big nerf to our current salamander, which is probably a good thing and a tone down of overall mortal wounds

I don't think we gonna see the Razordon, specially with the design of the spam being a mix of dimetrodons and salamanders.

Honestly it should help differentiate it from all the other ranged options Seraphon has, with the hunters and the mounted skinks been close range, the salamander as a artillery with a debuff and the bastiladon/stegadon probably being the biggest range. 

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A nice touch for explaining why these skinks look different lol. I'll take it! Makes sense that skink handlers are marked differently than the general population's parallel head fins.

"The Sun Acolytes who handle these sour-tempered salamanders are marked for their duty from birth. When the stars flare and the spawning pools boil, the skinks who emerge are blessed with incredible resistance to heat, as well as frills that resemble Chotec’s own sunburst. "

Seems they went with an IP kit name but are still calling the actual critters salamanders which is GOOD. I appreciate the nod to salamanders with the head frills. I LOVE that it looks like a dimetradon overall though.

edit: they're gills. I forgot the word for gills.


Edited by CommissarRotke
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"When a skink handler marks a foe with a dot of ruby-tinted light, the Spawn of Chotec hawks a viscous Glob of Flame Acid at the target. The ensuing splatter not only ignites immediately, it’s caustic enough to leave victims vulnerable to further attacks."

All my cat does is bat at the laser pointer... these guys shoot ACID.

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Interesting! This is definitely a return to the old Dimetrodon-looking salamander of yesteryear. The 6th ed update was intended to make it look more agile and hyperagressive, with the designers’ notes specifically saying that a big lizard spitting from miles away like artillery was a bit, well, silly. Conceptually I agree and prefer the furious speedy lithe version (more the art than the mini) but still, nice sculpt.


Perhaps also interesting is how different this is from the salamanders in Total War, which are an improved design but very close to the 6th ed one. I wonder does this say anything about The Old World? Though admittedly Lizardmen are probably pretty far down the line for that.

Would certainly be surprised if the current rules for Salamanders and Razordons stuck around.

Edited by sandlemad
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Why did they give the "salamander" feathery gills? Its basically a Dimetrodon dinosaur with neonate salamander gills, and a tiny seraphon helmet. Its just a weird combo. Then again i'm a herpetologist (biologist who studies reptiles and amphibians), so maybe it just pokes my inner logic circuit in my brain.



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At first, I had a tough time feeling comfortable with a different head  frills compared to the other skinks. But the lore of them actually makes it pretty cool. 

I think having different sub species of skinks is actually a cool idea. 

I’ll admit I was in the minority that actually liked most of the old Seraphon sculpts and felt that it would be hard to really push the needle, but they have done an amazing job finding a unique design space to upgrade and improve these models. Every release I feel my self saying wow that’s the best Seraphon sculpt until I see the next one which then becomes my favorite.

So excited to se what comes next !

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I really doubt we're going to see a dual kit with the Razordon with this, but GW has surprised me before. It'd be a shame if it ends up like the Aspect Warriors that didn't get updated or if they drop it, but I guess people who have Razordons can still proxy them as this guy. Still, new Salamander looks fantastic. I love him so much.

I don't collect Fyreslayers, but for their sake, I hope there's a way to ally these guys in.

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Should have been easy to make it a razerdon kit as well.  Instead of the frill, spikes and maybe some spike plates that go over the sides and a different head...  I'm surprised as it seems its just a Sala kit.  Looks nice but nothing showstopping.   

If there's anything else today, I'll guess kroxigors




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