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12 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I guess I didnt word my statement correctly. I dont want COS to turn to a Human only Faction, I want all the minis to be updated within. But that does mean getting rid of older models regardless of race.

I want updated Humans, Aelves and Duardin!!

Is it bad I want an army of classic fantasy dwarves? Never going to happen though, its not a defensible Intellectual property, too generic. Which is the same reason why I firmly believe we got Cow-Elves. 


Thats ok, now I'm on the Dark dwarf hype train, hopefully that will eventually give me my modern army of heavily armored, slow moving dwarves, (perhaps with some blackpowder weaponry)

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9 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

Sorry what was the rumour regarding small heroes in GHB? That each faction would just get one hero release?

i believe the rumor is that small heroes (Sub-commanders) gain an ability in the next GHB to be un-targetable by range attacks if they are near another unit (basically 40K lookout sir)

Edited by novakai
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I too hope the dawnbringers have horses, but I guarantee, if so, they'll be strewn with enough faction specific iconography to no longer pass for standard mounted knights. 

I do like the demigriff knights though, wouldnt mind seeing a revitalized version of them. A large unit of lightly armored scout-type outriders on normal horses would be nice as well. 

But I also want some ting totally ridiculous for the army, like a giant altar to sigmar, dragged by some huge beasts across the battlefield, where the Dawnbringer priests reforge dead humans back into some soul-less golem abominations, therefore mimicking Sigmar in their own warped way. Picture a chaos warshrine for Order with the ability to replace dead units with a Golem. 


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6 minutes ago, novakai said:

i believe the rumor is that small heroes (Sub-commanders) gain an ability in the next GHB to be un-targetable by range attacks if they are near another unit (basically 40K lookout sir)

I'd take that. Sick of having my Orruk warchanters, vampire lords, necromancers, and chaos sorcerers all shot dead before I get across the board. Figures, in a shooting heavy edition, all I have are armies without ranged combat 😉

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Really interesting to see a Sisters of silence as a face of Black Library preview.

Sisters of Silence had one of the best upgrades in Horus Heresy 2.0. They started as an auxiliar units for Talons to a full army that is better than Custodes in >3000p games.

Edited by Beliman
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53 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

its not a defensible Intellectual property, too generic. Which is the same reason why I firmly believe we got Cow-Elves. 

It's probably the reason all of the naming is... Like That yeah. Final signoff for production would've needed some kind of IP guarantee. I'm not so sure we should peg the entire design process on it though, since the reimaginings are a better standout against WHF, DND, Tolkien, etc etc--there was certainly a core design idea to make AOS uniquely high fantasy.

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1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

many people assumed it was a bargain-bin attempt to keep a bunch of old world models in circulation for just a bit longer.

I feel the same about skaven, ogor mawtribes, flesh eater courts and beasts of chaos. None of them have been updated since the old world after all.

I assume the people supporting cities getting squatted would be totally fine with those armies also going to legends.

'Hey guys, don't worry, the old world is coming soon, and you can use your army there!!!' /s

They don't have a more legitimate claim to survival.  

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34 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

I feel the same about skaven, slaves to darkness, maggotkin, ogor mawtribes, flesh eater courts, soulblight gravelords and beasts of chaos.

I assume the people supporting cities getting squatted would be totally fine with those armies also going to legends.

They don't have a more legitimate claim to survival.  

i mean out of those seven, 5 of them were separate full armies in fantasy with Maggotkin being originally from warriors of Chaos that branch out into its own thing, and Flesh Eater Court being in the running for more stuff soon.

with CoS, them merging Empire, Dark Elfs, Dwarfs, Remaining High elfs, and Wood elfs into one army seems more like the quickest route to keep them playable for now (which was probably their big goal in 2nd edition) but not a commitment to them in the long run.

I feel like what happened with High Elves getting the boot before CoS and was the precursor move before Lumineath was released was more an indication of GWs plans with old fantasy models. it's just that it's a long-term plan and not something that going to be finished until ten years have pass.

Edited by novakai
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Buzzing to see more of what the next chapter of Cities is going to look like! So excited by the Dawnbreakers artwork, and while I know that’s just a campaign and not a tome, I feel confident we’ll see this chapter of the story reflected in the model designs somehow. I wish we had more rumours to that effect! 

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2 hours ago, novakai said:

i mean out of those seven, 5 of them were separate full armies in fantasy with Maggotkin being originally from warriors of Chaos that branch out into its own thing, and Flesh Eater Court being in the running for more stuff soon.

with CoS, them merging Empire, Dark Elfs, Dwarfs, Remaining High elfs, and Wood elfs into one army seems more like the quickest route to keep them playable for now (which was probably their big goal in 2nd edition) but not a commitment to them in the long run.

Yeah this is what makes CoS different. The other examples are all aesthetically unified as a result of having been taken from a single Old World faction, but CoS consists of a grab bag of everything in order that didn't get it's own home. It very much feels like GW finding a way to let people play with their existing minis, not a planned part of the game.

That said, I absolutely wouldn't support squatting CoS at this point. It has been far too long and it would be an absolute kick in the teeth for anyone who collects them. They might not be a massively popular army (I don't actually know) but at this point you can pretty much guarantee there will be people who bought CoS having never connect WFB at all, and telling them "sorry, we don't support the thing we sold you" is truly ****** behaviour.

Now if GW slowly create update sculpts for CoS that's fine, as long as there a is always a (GW tournament) legal way to play the existing minis as well.

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it depends on your definition of squatting, but I feel for sure that most of the old empire units (especially ones with Karl Franz's name on them) are being retired and replaced by New AoS humans. and it is more like Lumineath situation where they aren't replacing old Empire units, but it is basically a new army that pays homages to the old army

I think there were also hints by Whitefang that some chunk of Nonhumans in CoS was also being retired too and wanderers were hinted to be one of them.

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Isnt that what "legends" is for, a way to play those units that are not in production, etc any more?

And aren't new models released that have craptastic rules, stats, etc all the time. So like even brand new stuff just sits on the shelf. 😄

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3 minutes ago, novakai said:

also i think Legends have been mostly restricted to Open play now

Yeah, Legends is basically a way to let people down easy, more than an option that gets used often, and those warscrolls almost never get revisited so you might as well be writing your own rules at that point. I think proxying is a much more realistic option than Legends in almost all cases.

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The line about the SC boxes saving dwarfs and pirates I think is the most troubling. Makes me really think they will just use the crusades as way way to keep the lore untouched, but still remove all the non human elements.


And I would be 100% fine with proxing my removed units with what remains or the new human stuff. That was my original plan when I got into Cities, but now I am not sure and think i rather invest in my other factions????

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8 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

Totally random but im hoping Dawndringers have regular ol tried and true horses and leave the fantastical to stormies otherwise aren't they just smaller stormcast then?


Easy solution: Unicorns!

Not in terms of the traditional smaller unicorns with deer hooves, goat beards and lion tails but modern horse with a spiral horn unicorns. Then give the option to build them with or without the horn. 

Boom high fantasy IP friendly AOS models that can be built as traditional cavalry.

But in all seriousness I think that they will have traditional horses based on what I feel was likely part of the barding of a horse and the other more human appearance of the models we have seen thus far. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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12 hours ago, novakai said:

i believe the rumor is that small heroes (Sub-commanders) gain an ability in the next GHB to be un-targetable by range attacks if they are near another unit (basically 40K lookout sir)

OK, but...didn't they tell us that rank and file troops would be all the rage in Gallet GHB? Then it turned out there was a thing called bounty hunters. I wonder what feature they will include that will kill  support heroes with alarming ease in the new GHB?


Regarding Dawnbringers and CoS, my guess is that Dawnbringers will replace CoS. So you get steampunk imperial guard (going by that RPG game) instead of landsknechts. If you want elves and dwarves, you'll have to ally in pieces from one of the four relevant factions. Though this might sound bad, you will probably get cool witch-hunters to go with your steampunk dudes (going by the Van Denst box). And nuns too, going by what they used in Cursed City.

So I am guessing that CoS will go the way of Legions of Nagash. Could be totally wrong, though. Just a gut feeling...

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1 minute ago, Wraith said:

OK, but...didn't they tell us that rank and file troops would be all the rage in Gallet GHB? Then it turned out there was a thing called bounty hunters. I wonder what feature they will include that will kill  support heroes with alarming ease in the new GHB?


Regarding Dawnbringers and CoS, my guess is that Dawnbringers will replace CoS. So you get steampunk imperial guard (going by that RPG game) instead of landsknechts. If you want elves and dwarves, you'll have to ally in pieces from one of the four relevant factions. Though this might sound bad, you will probably get cool witch-hunters to go with your steampunk dudes (going by the Van Denst box). And nuns too, going by what they used in Cursed City.

So I am guessing that CoS will go the way of Legions of Nagash. Could be totally wrong, though. Just a gut feeling...

The person who shared the leaks says that this isn't true. There will still be sub factions base on cities but there will also be a dawnbringers sub faction. He compares it to Big Waagh in the Orruk Warclans book. 

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