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2 hours ago, Koala said:

I honestly do not get the constant complaint about "we deserve new models" from some fireslayers players here. 

Not only is it quite an entiteled statement to make in general and for any hobbyist, it is also not like GW tricked anyone into believing there were more models to come ( remember when Armybooks had rules for units that didnt exist?)

Some of the FS players i know actually started their project because of the small scope. "its just two Start Collecting and a few blisters". 

Now dont get me wrong: we are all in need of a new plastic fix. But at least give some pretend reason why your things are more releveant: "the army sure would look more interesting with an axthrower artillery", "those clanrats sure are old and it Shows", "make Brettonia a faction again". 

I love me some dwarves, but I have no Fyreslayers because I didn't see any variety in the army. I do have Disposessed, Grombrindel, Kharadron and a few metal old dwarves.

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Just now, Gitzdee said:

Wrong game :P. 
Just curious now.  Are these lotr models the same scale as aos? They seem smaller.

No, they are a bit smaller, but still, you have what you want in another game. Kharadrons are really unique and nothing comes close to their desgin (not even Votann). I hope GW continue building them.

3 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

As much as I love new models, 'want' and 'need' are two very different things. And KO really doesn't need new models _as_much_ as they need better rules.

ALL armies can be "playable" with just 5-6 units and a good book. Even if you only have 2 kits...

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2 hours ago, Koala said:

I honestly do not get the constant complaint about "we deserve new models" from some fireslayers players here. 

Not only is it quite an entiteled statement to make in general and for any hobbyist, it is also not like GW tricked anyone into believing there were more models to come ( remember when Armybooks had rules for units that didnt exist?)

Some of the FS players i know actually started their project because of the small scope. "its just two Start Collecting and a few blisters". 

Now dont get me wrong: we are all in need of a new plastic fix. But at least give some pretend reason why your things are more releveant: "the army sure would look more interesting with an axthrower artillery", "those clanrats sure are old and it Shows", "make Brettonia a faction again". 

I hate how the word 'entitled' has become this dismissive buzzword people throw out when they want to imply something negative about people merely stating they'd like to see something. Thanks BioWare.

Anyway, the lack of visual diversity is something that's regularly brought up with regards to why people don't collect Fyreslayers. It's a lot like the Sisters of Battle were prior to their revamp - a lot of people liked the lore, they wanted to collect an army of them, but it had been about 15 years since Codex: Witch Hunters and the model line hadn't seen any additions, but what models they did have were extremely expensive. This meant you were collecting an army that was not only expensive, but also very samey, a double-whammy. Then the SoB revamp did finally arrive and it's fair to say their popularity probably skyrocketed about 1000% at least. 

The oft touted reaction to anything GW does is, "they're a business, they exist to make money" and it's no secret that 1) the lack of visual difference between FS units, 2) the lack of actual units and 3) the expense of the army are why people shy away from them. If GW want to make more money off Fyreslayers the obvious solution is to give them more options which are visually distinct.

Ironjawz are an interesting contrast to this, because they released about the same time and have a similarly somewhat limited range of the models. But why is it Ironjaws were a lot more popular even before Warclans? Because despite sharing the same general designs, there's a very clear distinction between the units; there's the Black Orc grunts, there's the Big Ironjawz, there's the Ironjawz Riding Boars, the Heroes are all distinct, there's a giant centrepiece. By contrast, the Fyreslayers have... Naked Dwarf Dude, Heroes which are Naked Dwarf Dude (with a axe or staff), and a centrepiece which is shared between 3 different Heroes.

It's well known Fyreslayers are the least popular AoS army. With that also comes some nervousness about what that lack of popularity means for the range. Remember this is an army which released months after GW took Fantasy out back and blew it's brains out, created at a time when they weren't shy of squatting (heh) whole armies they'd initially carried over. I suspect a lot of the demand for new Fyreslayer models is as much about hoping to feel relief that "oh good, new models means we're not going to get squatted" as it is just wanting them to paint. You see this with Wanderers/Dispossessed players with regards to the new CoS Battletome too.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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25 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

I don't care what Troggoths we get, as long as they are as good a kit as the current Rockguts.

It is a truly fantastic kit in all regards and if we do not recieve anything new in the trogg department I will be sculpting some armor on them to better tie into the gotmob theme. However if we do get a new one I'm hoping the artist behind the mirebrute is the designer. Its my fav gw trogg (troll) sculpt to date. Its the perfect blend of traditional Geedubs fantasy sprinkled with a bit more realism like the kruleboyz it accompanies. And first impressions to me suggest that is what they're trying to convey with the Snarlfangs as well. 

Aaagh, super excited. 

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Anyway, the lack of visual diversity is something that's regularly brought up with regards to why people don't collect Fyreslayers.

I heard way back it was because GW was experimenting with new 3d design processes for models when they made Fyreslayers, or maybe new 3d modeling software that they look so same-y.

You can definitely see it on their early heroes. The newest one from the Idoneth box is pretty distinct, but if you go back to the first batch they reuse assets everywhere, which makes them blend in among the chaff. When you can count the amount of clothes/armor they wear on one hand, any duplicates become very obvious. The Battlesmith shares a helmet and axe with the regular vulkite berserkers, his only unique thing being his banner. The Doomseeker is just a vulkite with a few more runes in his skin and a slightly different helmet. The Runemaster has the same helmet as a Hearthguard, but he shaved his mustache. The Runeson has a unique helmet, bur his weapon choice looks like a vulkite who pulled the throwing hatchets off his belt. Only the Runesmiter and Runefather really look very distinct. 

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2 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

I don't care what Troggoths we get, as long as they are as good a kit as the current Rockguts.

Mate I think the Rockgutt kit is one of if not the best kit in the entire GW range.

1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

It is a truly fantastic kit in all regards and if we do not recieve anything new in the trogg department I will be sculpting some armor on them to better tie into the gotmob theme. However if we do get a new one I'm hoping the artist behind the mirebrute is the designer. Its my fav gw trogg (troll) sculpt to date. Its the perfect blend of traditional Geedubs fantasy sprinkled with a bit more realism like the kruleboyz it accompanies. And first impressions to me suggest that is what they're trying to convey with the Snarlfangs as well. 

Aaagh, super excited. 

When I first saw the Mirebrute I lost my mind. Its the perfect looking 'AOS' Troll mixed with elements of how I imagined the Cave Troll from LOTR and The Hobbit.

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12 minutes ago, The Red King said:

I'm just noticing that warhammer fest next year doesn't have any AoS events. Killteam but not AoS? 

Can we infer some deep meaning from this other than "GW cant be bothered to host an AoS tournament at their largest event of the year"?


There is.

Perhaps you were looking at

which shows Warhammer Fest AND all remaining official 2022 events.

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14 minutes ago, The Red King said:

I'm just noticing that warhammer fest next year doesn't have any AoS events. Killteam but not AoS? 

Can we infer some deep meaning from this other than "GW cant be bothered to host an AoS tournament at their largest event of the year"?

There's a Grand Tournament, Youngbloods, Casual and Doubles tournaments on.

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Tzeentch and Chameleon warbands have warscrolls now.

Tzeentch with etheral, 4+ save, can heal themself and turn terrain to ruble. 1 warscroll.

Huanchi fanclub are skirmishers with teleports, can't be target if they are 12" away, have some mortals with their pipes and better save but limited range with their "balls". They have their dino friends too. 3 warscrolls in total

Edited by Beliman
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19 minutes ago, EntMan said:

When did chameleon skinks disappear from the webstore? (Realise I'm probably really out of date but only just noticed)

I expect this warband to substitute them when the next book drop. If you look at the warscrolls, they are practically the same.

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31 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Tzeentch and Chameleon warbands have warscrolls now.

Tzeentch with etheral, 4+ save, can heal themself and turn terrain to ruble. 1 warscroll.

Huanchi fanclub are skirmishers with teleports, can't be target if they are 12" away, have some mortals with their pipes and better save but limited range with their "balls". They have their dino friends too. 3 warscrolls in total

Very excited about the Huanchi warscrolls. All seem pretty great. Bolas are deep striking anti-charge hold the point lizards. Terrawings provide decent support and finally Chameleon skinks get a leader so they can issue themselves commands. 

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Yeah, I think Warcry warbands may start serving as specialist troop builds. (Lot of people assumed that was gonna be the case with them replacing Chaos Marauders but they kept them around since they’re a 20 model kit to fill out armies)

Hoping Nightmare Quest turns the UnderWorlds Loon Court into a Warcry unit. Armored Grot infantry on quests to take objectives for Da Bad Moon would be flavorful and offer a tankier build option than hordes.

9 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Work is slow today so came up with some ideas.


Dude I absolutely love this! Great desert theme for them.

A Grindworm* mount would work so well with Gitmob’s Ghur themes and tie into all the underground insect tunnels so they can have a super-heavy ambush option for their fast elite forces to fight around.

(*Grindworms were a common sight in the Realmgate Wars for those that are unfamiliar. They mostly inhabit the Bone Sea deserts and are big enough to swallow a Gore-grunta and it’s Ironjaw rider in one go((that’s like 4 horses)). The marble city of Jercho has soldiers use grindworm teeth as spear-points and arrow-heads as they make handy replacements for metal weapons, which Ghur lacks, being just as hard and sharp)

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53 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Tzeentch and Chameleon warbands have warscrolls now.

Tzeentch with etheral, 4+ save, can heal themself and turn terrain to ruble. 1 warscroll.

Huanchi fanclub are skirmishers with teleports, can't be target if they are 12" away, have some mortals with their pipes and better save but limited range with their "balls". They have their dino friends too. 3 warscrolls in total

Where did you find them ? 

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