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12 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I just have to say this: what a disappointment.

I'd say like 95% of Gitz players wanted new Spider Riders with a Boss on a Spider and GW publishes generic goblins on wolves that fit LotR rather than AoS...

Uhh...I think you have that reversed. All 5% of Gitz players who actually play spiders wanted new spider riders.

I for one think the wolf riders are sick, and that underworlds warband is hilarious.

New beefy beastlord. Tons of battletomes on the horizon. Great preview from my point of view.

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1 hour ago, novakai said:


Am i still asleep???? GITMOB HYPE ! ! ! I wonder how they are going to connect these to Gloomspite/ the Bad Moon. Although it isnt that hard to connect wolves to the moon i guess.

I think they will release a Snarlfang hero along with these at some point. The dream of a new Doomdiver and Pumpwagon isnt that far of a stretch anymore ! ! ! Might even get to use my grots and sneaky stabbas again some day.

The Underworlds warband looks like a lot of fun to paint but doesnt really fit my army. Might use them for Warcry, they look like a whole Warcry warband tbh.

A bit sad for BoC getting the hero + tome but the model looks awesome. 

Edited by Gitzdee
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55 minutes ago, novakai said:


Not a fan of the man-chest on this one, but its fine.

52 minutes ago, novakai said:


Love it! I'm gonna run a full army of these guys.

12 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I just have to say this: what a disappointment.

I'd say like 95% of Gitz players wanted new Spider Riders with a Boss on a Spider and GW publishes generic goblins on wolves that fit LotR rather than AoS...

I'd love new spiders, but I'm super hyped for gitmob. The snarlfangs look so good.

12 minutes ago, novakai said:

i dare say they maybe holding off on a Snarlfang hero (since it weird that there not at least one hero in the GSG release) but maybe breathing a little hopium on that front. the tome is not likely not coming until February or March at the latest

IMO they're definitely holding back, I'd be shocked if they got just the wolfriders. They're probably waiting for the next reveal show or something. IIRC they usually have some reveals around the holidays and it could be a good fit.

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Was alright. But weird not to see a Gloomspite hero but that may still come as Novakai said.

Snarlfang riders is a nice surprise as a unit, better than just a hero and niftly replace the UnderWorlds warband while fitting the savage Ghur aesthetic.(but yeah was hoping spiders)

the Warband is as zany as the magical mushroom maniacs should be so all good.(Moonclan should always be goofy and rely on shrooms, silly prodders, pets and jars compared to say Kruleboy grots using brutal spikey weapons and slave catchers)

And good for BoC but would’ve been nice to get a new god model of Morghur and continue Thondia’s storyline.

Looking at the Roadmap I imagine Kharadron are next followed by Seraphon with a possible overhaul and then 2024 for the big Cities of Sigmar reboot.


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2 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

I’m a bit confused by the roadmap; I thought the next edition was coming in the summer? But there don’t seem to be enough battletome slots in there to update everyone. Have I got my edition release cycles mixed up? 

The next edition of Warhammer 40K is in the summer, the next one for AoS shouldn't be until summer of 2024 if the cycle is kept

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5 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

I’m a bit confused by the roadmap; I thought the next edition was coming in the summer? But there don’t seem to be enough battletome slots in there to update everyone. Have I got my edition release cycles mixed up? 

40k will get new edition in summer. Aos is not going to get new edition until 2024 earliest.

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I'm glad Gitz and Beasts are getting books and model(s). I think it's natural to want more for every faction but until GWs production can match pace with what the community wants, I will hope for fun rules. 


I'm also hoping the first order tome in spring is Seraphon. I think it's a good bet but who knows and it might be KO. 

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Very disappointed that Beasts only seem to be getting one model. I'm pretty sure there are some more Gitz themed rumour engines that weren't solved today, so they could be inline for a Sylvaneth sized update. As a major arachnaphobe, I'm pretty happy to see the wolf riders. It's a great looking kit.

The Underworlds warband is another cracker. This year is looking very good on that front.

A LOT of books coming next year. Unless there are some new books there will only be two battletomes left by the end of summer. The summer Order book is almost certainly Cities as it has a whole season to itself. The other order book is probably KO. That leaves room for a big Seraphon update in Autumn or Winter and maybe something new in 2024. 

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1 hour ago, Bog_Goblin said:


So ignoring any new factions that may be coming, Destruction and Chaos will be finished after this roadmap and both Death and Order will only have one more book. 

I don't think any of the books in spring will get big updates so the Summer Order tome and the two other ones after that will have the biggest chance of an actual update to their range so it will be really interesting which books it will be. 

(Really hoping for Seraphon here)

Edited by Matrindur
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for a Rant, I think comparatively to what 40K have gotten in recent preview show, the AoS reveal have been disappointing and lacking.

like getting full-range releases for Eldar, CSM, Votann, Imperial Guard, and Worldeaters compare to a lot of small hero releases with only Sylvaneath, Nighthaunt, and Sons having anything worthwhile feel inequities and it is hard to not feel the limited resources where lopsidedly put into one system.

tomes are nice and all but I do feel the majority of people in the hobby don't play or don't play enough to find the game engaging enough in the end. it also feels like the community is too driven up by rules and book releases when it doesn't feel like it is the most important side of the hobby


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3 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

So ignoring any new factions that may be coming, Destruction and Chaos will be finished after this roadmap and both Death and Order will only have one more book. 

I don't think any of the books in spring will get big updates so the Summer Order tome and the two other ones after that will have the biggest chance of an actual update to their range so it will be really interesting which books it will be. 

(Really hoping for Seraphon here)

it really depends on when Dawnbringer is coming out as that is the one release, we know is big

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We know the winner of this year’s model competition. Stikk Squig:

Da good boi for Da Bad Moon. 🌝 


Also my prediction on Order tomes is:

Summer: Kharadron with a Sylvaneth style release. New ship(possibly Flynt’s) & bi-planes that match the Sylvaneth beetles. If also marines they’ll look surprisingly like Votann as if recycled molds.

Last Order tome: Seraphon with a big overhaul to their ancient range they’ve been slowly setting up.

2024: Cities of Sigmar reboot to kick off a new edition and Realm.

fingers crossed we all get what we want and AoS finally gets it’s Steam back to early 2021 levels. 🤞 

Edited by Baron Klatz
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9 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:



Yeah. That's what I thought. At least one more Gitz kit coming. My guesses for next year are somewhere between Nighthaunt and Sylvaneth sized release for Gitz. Bigger update for FEC in the spring, single minis for Khorne, Slaanesh, Soulblight and KO. Big Cities release in the summer. Big update for Seraphon and a mini update for OBR in the autumn or Winter. Chaos Duardin in 2024. New edition cities and Stormcast combined Vs Malerion Aelves. 

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So happy about the wolf riders. Loved the 3 from WHU and they take pride of place on my shelf alongside the gore-gruntas and boar Boyz. Will certainly be getting some more of these, hoping they can ally with my Orruks. 

Rest looks ok, but the wolf riders are the highlight for me. 

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57 minutes ago, novakai said:

for a Rant, I think comparatively to what 40K have gotten in recent preview show, the AoS reveal have been disappointing and lacking.

like getting full-range releases for Eldar, CSM, Votann, Imperial Guard, and Worldeaters compare to a lot of small hero releases with only Sylvaneath, Nighthaunt, and Sons having anything worthwhile feel inequities and it is hard to not feel the limited resources where lopsidedly put into one system.

tomes are nice and all but I do feel the majority of people in the hobby don't play or don't play enough to find the game engaging enough in the end. it also feels like the community is too driven up by rules and book releases when it doesn't feel like it is the most important side of the hobby


Don't forget Orks and Sisters in that too.


As for reveals I like that there's finally some good replacements for my ancient wolf riders. Those new ones are going straight onto squares for my oldhammer/KoW/T9A greenskin army.

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2 hours ago, madmac said:

I'm going to guess that lonely summer tome is Dawnbringers, which means you can fill in the rest pretty easily. Either KO or Seraphon in Spring, then a Khorne vs Slaanesh battlebox followed by a Death on Death box, likely FEC vs OBR.

could this not also be...

Order (KO/Seraphon) Vs Chaos

Chaos Vs Death (OBR)

Standalone death release? Maybe a bigger standalone refresh for FEC?

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9 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

Don't forget Orks and Sisters in that too.


As for reveals I like that there's finally some good replacements for my ancient wolf riders. Those new ones are going straight onto squares for my oldhammer/KoW/T9A greenskin army.

And Black Templars ❤️

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9 hours ago, Beliman said:

Maybe his a spider-rider? Whatever is in his back seems to be a bit "arachnid".

And the fur from the bottom of the picture maybe is a chittin texture from the spider's abdomen?

Everything about this post is wrong XD

Btw, really happy about AoS. I expected a lot less and we have 1 new unit for gobbos, 1 remake from boc, an awesome new warband for underworlds AND a new roadmap.

40k seems to be really good with all their stuff and I'm curious about Arks of Omens. 500p games specially made to play full battles seems to be really good for new and old players, maybe we could have something like that in a new "streets of death" campaign.

I need to view the whole twitch video to catch anything that is not on the community side!

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