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4 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Can someone bring me up to speed about what new CoS is all about?

Officially there isn't much. I think GW teased some design sketches a while back, but otherwise we've not seen any models nor heard any details of the update. So right now everything is rumours and wishlists and hopes and such. About the only thing we kind of know from GW is that its going to update the human line of models only. Which is an interesting take considering Cities was a catch-all faction of multiple races. 

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18 minutes ago, Overread said:

Officially there isn't much. I think GW teased some design sketches a while back, but otherwise we've not seen any models nor heard any details of the update. So right now everything is rumours and wishlists and hopes and such. About the only thing we kind of know from GW is that its going to update the human line of models only. Which is an interesting take considering Cities was a catch-all faction of multiple races. 

So are we expecting GW to give a Kruleboyz treatment to the Empire section of CoS? Imho its starting to look like that based on some of the artwork floating around. Could they gradually be removing some of the old to replace them with something new? 

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4 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

So are we expecting GW to give a Kruleboyz treatment to the Empire section of CoS? Imho its starting to look like that based on some of the artwork floating around. Could they gradually be removing some of the old to replace them with something new? 

We really don't know what's going to happen.

Cities was very much a rescue battletome that was also somewhat unplanned (a staffer did the work on their own time for the ground work). Right now its got a core of surviving human models, almost the entire dark elf line, a few bits of high and wood elves and a bunch of classic dwarf models. It's basically left over bits of Old World armies. 

What GW does with it is really hard to say. We know they are updating the human part of Cities  so it might be that moving forward Cities becomes a purely human or human dominated faction. It might be GW creates human, dwarf and elf "cities of sigmar" forces. Heck they've had the whole "Dwarves might come back with vengeance" element in Gotrek stories for a while and its never really come to anything.

GW has also teased merging the old dark elf army back together with the last expansion book which saw Daughters of Khaine basically take over a "not dark elf" city in the lore. I was half wondering if the 3.0 or now even a 4.0 battletome for DoK could end up just including all the old stuff for Dark Elves once more. Then again Dark Elves could just return as a force without the DoK models (cause they basically only lost the cauldron, witch aelves and morathi). 

Right now I'd expect to see most of the human models for Cities of Sigmar be replaced with either new concepts or upgraded ones. Even classic things like the Steam Tank are, lore wise, quite primitive. Cities are supposed to be almost steam punk levels of tech. So much closer to Khadorans in the level of tech on show. 

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4 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Maneaters are in it! Perhaps we will get a plastic kit for Warcry, after all.

Normally Warcry warbands have specific names. This does not appear to be the case in this list of warscrolls.

So I guess there would be no ogor warband for 2022/23 Warcry season.

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I don't know much about Ogors, but the Maneaters minis aren't on the market anymore no? there were only old finecast ones?

The Buccaneers/pirate from Underworld is one of them but he appears with his gang just under 

I do hope there will be new Maneaters that would be cool

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10 minutes ago, Draznak said:

Normally Warcry warbands have specific names. This does not appear to be the case in this list of warscrolls.

So I guess there would be no ogor warband for 2022/23 Warcry season.

Manteaters are sell-out and they upgrade the warscroll. It doesn't make sense unless they are going to release a new kit too.

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It depends. GW has started doing range rotation across most of their finecast model line. This means they pull models and bring them back for limited made to order print runs in the future. It seems to be a move to get finecast off their general sale rota whilst they can't replace everything with plastics super fast. 

A new maneater kit would make a LOT of sense; esp with multipart optional parts as that would let them replace multiple finecast with a single plastic kit. That said they might just have the maneaters on range rotation for a while. 

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7 minutes ago, Overread said:

It depends. GW has started doing range rotation across most of their finecast model line. This means they pull models and bring them back for limited made to order print runs in the future. It seems to be a move to get finecast off their general sale rota whilst they can't replace everything with plastics super fast. 

A new maneater kit would make a LOT of sense; esp with multipart optional parts as that would let them replace multiple finecast with a single plastic kit. That said they might just have the maneaters on range rotation for a while. 

Range Rotation usually gets some sort of mention though, and the Maneaters have been gone for months.

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I guess this confirms no new butcher and no new yhetees anyway. Fingers crossed about those maneaters though honestly I’m not holding my breath.

Perhaps more interesting is that the bloodpelt hunter isn’t a replacement for the icebrow hunter and in fact appears to be a Gutbusters version of the same. Seems… odd. Redundant and a weird roundabout way of doing things.

Also note that the cover shows a cool looking rhinox-rider on the right, though it doesn’t appear on the book. A shame.

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26 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

We now officially know more about the Ogor Battletome than we do about either the Tzeentch or Lumineth ones.

Indeed, what the actual flying Kharadron dwarf!

GW slowly but surely erects a monument to utter and complete failure when it comes to AoS. 😤 
Of course the one battletome that is lagging seriously behind is mine. Typical. Thankfully I can at least feel sorry for myself.
Oh, I'm gonna hire an army to write ANGRY nerd letters to GW HQ! That'll show them! 

And I'm not even starting about the single mini releases for AoS which are disappointing too. Make Sylvaneth waves for others but mostly for my army. 😤


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They can add warcry warband retroactively into battletomes like the rotmire in maggotkin but the big reason, I doubt there a maneater warband release in Warcry is simple they haven’t shown any intension of using that game system to update any old miniatures so far. I skeptical that even the seraphon warband is just all Chameleon Skinks and not a hodgepodge of different lizard types.

Edited by novakai
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I have been so swamped with work and have not been keeping up... decide to see what is happing on my favourite online community and BAM! 

Best news possible and I just completed my ogors bases last week in hopes of having my first game with them as soon as my work slows down! I am also happy to see them fighting chaos in a wintery setting it is like my army lore coming to life!


But between SCE, Slaves to Darkness and Ogors... my armies are going to get destroyed by powercreep by the end of the edition hahaha

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