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32 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

@Baron Klatz

The daddy daughter duo look small compared to the cursed city fella, had no idea. 

Well note he’s on some Cursed City terrain but yeah he’s a smidge taller than the old man and daughter.

Probably just because he’s a quest hero not lined up with main AoS exactly but it is kinda justified in the novel since he’s not a stranger to drinking Stardrake Blood vials in a tight spot. They supercharge a human enough to go toe-to-toe with a full powered vampire in speed and strength at the cost of their life expectancy. It probably warped his body a bit using that stuff.

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32 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Well note he’s on some Cursed City terrain but yeah he’s a smidge taller than the old man and daughter.

Probably just because he’s a quest hero not lined up with main AoS exactly but it is kinda justified in the novel since he’s not a stranger to drinking Stardrake Blood vials in a tight spot. They supercharge a human enough to go toe-to-toe with a full powered vampire in speed and strength at the cost of their life expectancy. It probably warped his body a bit using that stuff.

Hero characters are getting bigger, but rank n file troops not that much. 

I know that this one is super flexed, but it's not that much bigger. Next to the new zombies or skeletons flagellants are not much smaller.


Edited by Gotz
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27 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Well note he’s on some Cursed City terrain but yeah he’s a smidge taller than the old man and daughter.

Probably just because he’s a quest hero not lined up with main AoS exactly but it is kinda justified in the novel since he’s not a stranger to drinking Stardrake Blood vials in a tight spot. They supercharge a human enough to go toe-to-toe with a full powered vampire in speed and strength at the cost of their life expectancy. It probably warped his body a bit using that stuff.

He‘s a love-letter to Bloodborne indeed. Awesome model, a shame that they never released him on his own. Same goes for the Woodaelf, also an amazing rendition of the concept…


Anyways, if the human faction is as cool as those witch hunters and other first glimpses we got, then it will be an absolutely amazing faction and easily be among the top GW armies visually. 

Too bad we got lots tons of stuff before we get to the real juicy armies in AoS. 😇

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If they where going to put Ogors and Sons in the same battlebox, I could see them pull a forgebane (where they had Ad mech and the new knight armiger put on one side against the Necrons). One side of the box would be Ogors with a new hero and new Mancrushers versus another army with their new models who will get their tome sometime next early next year. Ogors In their new tome can use the mancrushers but they and Sons are still separate armies (like Ad mech and IK)

of course this hinges if there is another battle box coming this year as I am more inclined to believe that Ogors and Sons are both separate individual releases like maggotkin was.

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Beastclaw Start Collecting(!) has vanished.

Gloomspite one is still there, but just Temporarily Out Of Stock.

Apart from the soulblight gravelords, all the old start collecting boxes are temp out of stock, has been for over a week which is when the beastclaw one dissappeared. 

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Yeah it’s very unfortunate, especially with the speculation going around that they might have expected it to keep until early next year for a Ogor vanguard with the new tome. So we might not see a replacement for a long time while supply issues mean they’ll struggle to bring this back.

RIP to an amazing Start Collecting and the Beastclaw Raiders shining glory achievement as a awesome faction of monstrous Everwinter powerhouses. 😔❄️

For the future Vanguard I imagine it’ll be:


2 x glutton units


and the new Man-Eaters.

That’ll fit the infantry heavy Vanguards that justify the $130 price with a $200 force that comes out to an immediate 1000 points to get straight into battle.

Plus the infantry, mercs and firepower fit my theory of the start of next year seeing us get into the trenches of the Great Gutfort as all sides duke it out to control the mega-fortress while the Gutbusters make everyone pay for every bloody step with heavy artillery barrages and skilled monster infantry combatants filling the narrow trenches so numbers mean nothing to them.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah it’s very unfortunate, especially with the speculation going around that they might have expected it to keep until early next year for a Ogor vanguard with the new tome. So we might not see a replacement for a long time while supply issues mean they’ll struggle to bring this back.

RIP to an amazing Start Collecting and the Beastclaw Raiders shining glory achievement as a awesome faction of monstrous Everwinter powerhouses. 😔❄️

For the future Vanguard I imagine it’ll be:


2 x glutton units


and the new Man-Eaters.

That’ll fit the infantry heavy Vanguards that justify the $130 price with a $200 force that comes out to an immediate 1000 points to get straight into battle.

Plus the infantry, mercs and firepower fit my theory of the start of next year seeing us get into the trenches of the Great Gutfort as all sides duke it out to control the mega-fortress while the Gutbusters make everyone pay for every bloody step with heavy artillery barrages and skilled monster infantry combatants filling the narrow trenches so numbers mean nothing to them.

You are giving me visions of ecstacy mate!! If we get a Siege Narrative book with the Great Gutfort and the Meatfist defending it Ill lose my Gargantuan* mind.

Gluttons storming through trenches hacking and eating whilst Leadbelchers clear the way with cannons as Mournfang ride above knocking enemies below.

That sounds beyond epic.


*Gargants are not very bright.

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19 minutes ago, EntMan said:

How long is the GW stream at Nova likely to be?

Based on the time and what’s happened in the past, I’d say about 1 hour. The stream will be active before whilst they prep but the whole thing will be about 1 hour.

21 minutes ago, EntMan said:

And is it likely to be available to watch on Warhammer Twitch at a sensible time tomorrow morning when I get up?

(I'm excited, but not 1am excited)

I think it will be straight away but not sure. I might stay up and watch it as I’m quite excited.

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4 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

Based on the time and what’s happened in the past, I’d say about 1 hour. The stream will be active before whilst they prep but the whole thing will be about 1 hour.

I think it will be straight away but not sure. I might stay up and watch it as I’m quite excited.


No staying up for me, but I'd like to watch the whole thing rather than just the reveal videos on WarCom (which would spoiler what they are revealing anyway...)

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24 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

Based on the time and what’s happened in the past, I’d say about 1 hour. The stream will be active before whilst they prep but the whole thing will be about 1 hour.

I think it will be straight away but not sure. I might stay up and watch it as I’m quite excited.


46 minutes ago, EntMan said:

How long is the GW stream at Nova likely to be?

And is it likely to be available to watch on Warhammer Twitch at a sensible time tomorrow morning when I get up?

(I'm excited, but not 1am excited)

Im so hyped!! Unforunately (Not really Im loving it) Im overseas so itll be 2am for me so probably wont be able to catch it live. Cant wait to jump on here tomorrow with the potential of new Gargant chat!!

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2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah it’s very unfortunate, especially with the speculation going around that they might have expected it to keep until early next year for a Ogor vanguard with the new tome. So we might not see a replacement for a long time while supply issues mean they’ll struggle to bring this back.

RIP to an amazing Start Collecting and the Beastclaw Raiders shining glory achievement as a awesome faction of monstrous Everwinter powerhouses. 😔❄️

For the future Vanguard I imagine it’ll be:


2 x glutton units


and the new Man-Eaters.

That’ll fit the infantry heavy Vanguards that justify the $130 price with a $200 force that comes out to an immediate 1000 points to get straight into battle.

Plus the infantry, mercs and firepower fit my theory of the start of next year seeing us get into the trenches of the Great Gutfort as all sides duke it out to control the mega-fortress while the Gutbusters make everyone pay for every bloody step with heavy artillery barrages and skilled monster infantry combatants filling the narrow trenches so numbers mean nothing to them.

I keep telling myself my Ogor army is done, but that sounds like an instant purchase... although if the soup rumours are true a giant might find its way onto the team... also some yhetees would make a fine addition if they ever get plastics. 

I also just noticed that I will able to watch the nova reveals barring any last minute changes to my work schedule so the hype is finally real!!!

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39 minutes ago, EntMan said:


No staying up for me, but I'd like to watch the whole thing rather than just the reveal videos on WarCom (which would spoiler what they are revealing anyway...)

Looks like no staying up for me now as I need to go to another site tomorrow for work 😭

However I may do it just so I don’t get anything spoiled (plus I can see if the new AOS collector mag is out).

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Just now, Ogregut said:

Less than 11 hours to go! 

Finial predictions? 

Stuff? 🤣

Im expecting a full reveal of the Leagues of Votann in 40K along side some of the guard stuff. Heresy wise, I think we will see a matched play/tournament pack along side some new plastic sets (blurry new dreadnaught is already doing rounds).

Now for AOS…. 
I think it will be a casual reveal of the Realmlords and Tzeentch books and then the stuff around Sons and Ogors. No idea if they will be one book or not. No idea about underworlds

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5 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

Im expecting a full reveal of the Leagues of Votann

That's my hope! 😍 The sooner the release the shorter the wait until individual units are available and I can afford some!

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Would love to see new SOB sculpt and book. 

Would love to see like 3 ogre kits and a book.

Show off the rest of The S2D models that we have already seen. 

Announce the Winter Battletome roadmap. Doesn’t have to be what exact tomes but give us the alligence!! 

A personal thing I’ve wanted for a while is a new multiplayer supplement. Update to old triump and treachery. Having fun and exciting multiplayer/team battles seems like a great way to bring more people into the game!!

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For KingBrodds sake, I hope we get another triple gargant kit. One where you can make a melee character, a caster character, and another generic giant. 

With halloween coming up, I'd love to see some of the Cursed City releases announced. 

Lastly, I like Slaves to Darkness to get something special for their winter release. That faction is inundated with mortal followers of chaos, especially with all the warcry warbands. I want a modern centerpiece model, like a re-imagined Chaos Warshrine, or perhaps a big beastie from Ghur that's been captured and enslaved. Kind of like a modern twist on the old chaos mammoth, but with a more fantastic monster in place of the elephant. 


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8 minutes ago, El Syf said:

Soulblight Gravelords second wave lolz.

Won't lie, love to see it. But the army roster is pretty well filled out at this point,  so I'd rather see Cursed City expansions that can be used in a Soulblight  Army. Get twice the bang for my buck. If we're wish listing, perhaps a new Zombie dragon/terrorgheist kit, as I feel the sculptors nowadays could create a much more dynamic model. 

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