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39 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:




37 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

It looks like a Stormvermin Halberd but at the same time too clean looking to be Skaven.

Arch-Warlock perhaps? 

Oh man please let it be Skaven.


35 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Too well-made to be Skaven, too brutal to be Elven.

Yeah I'm thinking it's Chorf* time.

*All Rumour Engines are Chorf until proven otherwise.


1 minute ago, Nezzhil said:



It is a Catachan model.


personally we have to keep in mind that skaven use stolen weapons, especially those from clan verminus, some of which are often modified.

considering that and the fact that the new city of sigmar faction has been announced, I’m actually guessing that this will be from kind of a new human model range.

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Just now, Skreech Verminking said:





personally we have to keep in mind that skaven use stolen weapons, especially those from clan verminus, some of which are often modified.

considering that and the fact that the new city of sigmar faction has been announced, I’m actually guessing that this will be from kind of a new human model range.

I edited the post with another rumour engine with the pommel of the Catachan's weapon

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

"Due to the abundance of Skryre Acolytes in our warehouses, coupled with the rising cost of metals, we have decided to forestall the planned production of a new, plastic mould for this kit. Instead, we are pressing forward with new, exciting, Lumineth releases."

I think once the Lumineth range is finally in a healthy state, Stormcast and Slaves to Darkness could use a couple of kits, especially Chaos cultists are needed. After that: another wave of Space Marines, yeehaw! 😎

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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:



It is a Catachan model.


More specifically, it’s very similar to the old Gland Warrior mini for the Inquisitor game, which evolved out of that concept art. I think we might see a new version for Kill Team, though something new and Catachan specifically would be cool.image.jpeg.0aecff12bb45cb4c4b089373657377d3.jpeg

Edited by sandlemad
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27 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

This is mah swamp.


Anyone else love that all of Nurgle’s champions seem to have a Welsh/Scottish accent? It just helps sell the “jolly old man” feel they all inherently have deep within them. Also, I will once again state that I hope this dlc will pave the way for new models for the vast majority of these champs (except the curseling for obvious reasons).

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For those curious, this was what was said about AoS:Screenshot_20220726-155326_Drive.jpg.512e858eb6f502b29260d67616920eef.jpg

Seems fine enough. While I don't think there are any death knells for AoS any time soon, it's a shame that they never seem too excited about it in financial reports. Good to hear that the launch was good though, but as we expected, lack of momentum killed the AoS 3 hype for many. I'm hoping it continues to build and we get to read "AoS has experience a large growth in sales" in one of these reports. 

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18 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

And there I thought reducing the range might be more healthy for the stormcast.


 reducing I mean like having a profile for multiple units that all do the same thing

and literally look alike 

I think there was an /s implied at the end

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28 minutes ago, Enoby said:

For those curious, this was what was said about AoS:Screenshot_20220726-155326_Drive.jpg.512e858eb6f502b29260d67616920eef.jpg

Seems fine enough. While I don't think there are any death knells for AoS any time soon, it's a shame that they never seem too excited about it in financial reports. Good to hear that the launch was good though, but as we expected, lack of momentum killed the AoS 3 hype for many. I'm hoping it continues to build and we get to read "AoS has experience a large growth in sales" in one of these reports. 

To be fair when they're having to compare it to the absolute juggernaut that is 40k, it's hard to not sound deflated by comparison.

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55 minutes ago, Enoby said:

For those curious, this was what was said about AoS:Screenshot_20220726-155326_Drive.jpg.512e858eb6f502b29260d67616920eef.jpg

Seems fine enough. While I don't think there are any death knells for AoS any time soon, it's a shame that they never seem too excited about it in financial reports. Good to hear that the launch was good though, but as we expected, lack of momentum killed the AoS 3 hype for many. I'm hoping it continues to build and we get to read "AoS has experience a large growth in sales" in one of these reports. 

'We have an exciting roadmap of releases going forward'

Ok, then show it to us

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Im hoping they'll be making some announcements at GenCon time. Lines up with the Warcry releases at least but it would be great to see an updated roadmap then. I would ideally like 6 months out so we would get at least a hint of the Jan-Feb releases. 

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Yeah, GenCon's only a week out so unless somebody leaks something between now and then (entirely possible) I'd be surprised if we hear too much until then.

Autumn isn't far off, there's enough 40k and 30k releases to fill August and we've not heard anything about the next four Battletomes.

My guess is WarCom will show off Lumineth and DoTzeentch some time between now and the 3rd, and they'll reveal the two Destruction 'tomes at GenCon - maybe with a Battle Box since they seem to love those and they can play up the Small vs Big puns (Gits vs Ogres or Sons). Maybe a Cursed City expansion teaser since we're still three months out from Halloween.

30k, Leagues, World Eaters and Guard will probably clog up most of what's left of 2022, then we get the big StD release in Winter (or at least the Army Box).

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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8 hours ago, GrimDork said:

Part of the issue of Warcry for me is the warbands. I know you can use pretty much any AoS models but with the main box releases on the whole the warbands don’t do it for me.

I know 40k is meant to be more popular anyway but the KT releases seem much more appealing with much wider appeal. New plastic Ork commandos! New plastics DKoK! Corsairs! New Kroot! I’m not into 40k any more (for the last five years or so have only been collecting AoS stuff) but these were so tempting to me.

If they did similar with Warcry and updated usable AoS units for more varied grand alliances and factions I think it would do so much better. There are so many units that could be updated as others have mentioned. New maneaters, spider riders, fellwater troggoths, jezzails, acolytes, Seraphon etc etc. I think GW are missing a trick with the over abundance of chaos warbands that are not particularly usable in AoS. I know they have warscrolls but to my knowledge none of them are great picks for AoS and they mostly get used as counts as marauders. I know the necromunda gangs aren’t generally usable in 40k, but necromunda has a long established history and player base. I think GW are trying to make warcry like necromunda with random gangs that flesh out a smaller scale world, but I don’t think this approach is really working. The aesthetic for necromunda was strong in terms of gang identity that 25 years on there is a lot to draw on and develop. The way they are now able flesh out ideas that only appeared in the Gang War magazine like Squat prospectors and Ash Wastes is very cool. I converted a Squat gang back in the day and am very tempted to pick up a gang. I could be wrong but I doubt that in 25 years time we will be saying, “Oh, wow they’re bringing out an updated Cypher Lords or Iron Golems kit! I’m so hyped!” To be honest I think the Warcry warbands are quite forgettable and I’m not sure they will stand the test of time. Just adding more and more of the same seems weird especially when these releases take up design/production space that could be used for truly awesome releases that people are really wanting.

Wishlist time…. if they did an “homage to Mordheim” Warcry box with new Eshin/gutter runners and Cities/Crusades updated mercenaries or freeguild sculpts along with generic ruined fantasy building terrain I feel pretty certain that it would sell like crazy.

Mate I couldnt agree more on the saturation of Chaos models and that the sales for more unique updated sculpts like Kill Team would sell so much more.

4 hours ago, Nezzhil said:



It is a Catachan model.


Sweet Behemat mate nice catch!!..achan.

1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Yeah, GenCon's only a week out so unless somebody leaks something between now and then (entirely possible) I'd be surprised if we hear too much until then.

Autumn isn't far off, there's enough 40k and 30k releases to fill August and we've not heard anything about the next four Battletomes.

My guess is WarCom will show off Lumineth and DoTzeentch some time between now and the 3rd, and they'll reveal the two Destruction 'tomes at GenCon - maybe with a Battle Box since they seem to love those and they can play up the Small vs Big puns (Gits vs Ogres or Sons). Maybe a Cursed City expansion teaser since we're still three months out from Halloween.

30k, Leagues, World Eaters and Guard will probably clog up most of what's left of 2022, then we get the big StD release in Winter (or at least the Army Box).

Aww mate I really hope youre right!!

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3 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

And there I thought reducing the range might be more healthy for the stormcast.


 reducing I mean like having a profile for multiple units that all do the same thing

and literally look alike 

O M G, you're just a hater! I hope we will get another chamber with new Stormcast minis, ideally with close combat weapons that look just like all the others. Seeing how every new release looked better slimmer than the one before, the fourth big wave (the Chamber Anorexis) will be harder to hit and have a projectile/vomit attack. Personally I can't wait. This chamber will help me wait for the upcoming update of the Primaris range - it's so lame how little they've released for them. 

I've been told that they've downsized the upcoming Old World range/scope (by removing overrepresented factions such as Skaven and Lizardmen, thank God, who needs those) so that we can get more Stormcast and Marines. Perhaps a small Lumineth wave will fit in too. 😎

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57 minutes ago, MitGas said:

O M G, you're just a hater! I hope we will get another chamber with new Stormcast minis, ideally with close combat weapons that look just like all the others. Seeing how every new release looked better slimmer than the one before, the fourth big wave (the Chamber Anorexis) will be harder to hit and have a projectile/vomit attack. Personally I can't wait. This chamber will help me wait for the upcoming update of the Primaris range - it's so lame how little they've released for them. 

I've been told that they've downsized the upcoming Old World range/scope (by removing overrepresented factions such as Skaven and Lizardmen, thank God, who needs those) so that we can get more Stormcast and Marines. Perhaps a small Lumineth wave will fit in too. 😎

You’re tight let’s start an aos horus heresy world.

But only stormcast are allowed.😂

jokes aside.

I think at this point many players (including myself) can get pretty upset/satly at points when they a frustratingly stuck with models that haven’t seen an update for more then a decade, while other faction seem to have no pause, when it comes down to updates.

As for stormcast.

Do you really want to see another battleline unit, where Vindicators are basically sequitors but better, while sequitors having been the better version of liberators.

do you really want that repeated?


ps: just wondering are you really interested in seeing the old range more or less removed from the system.

actually that would be kinda funny.

what would be left is the question.

Fish-things , the storm-things and maybe cruelboyz?

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When it comes to Stormcasts GW have few options as long as they are included in the startbox for a new edition:

*No new model = everyone accuse them of moneygrab.

*New units = even more units that are pretty much the same.

*New units and retire old units = people complain that they can't use their old units.

Their only option is pretty much to never produce a new SCE-unit (not gonna happen) or as someone else suggested have different SCE models have the same rules.



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25 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

You’re tight let’s start an aos horus heresy world.

But only stormcast are allowed.😂

jokes aside.

I think at this point many players (including myself) can get pretty upset/satly at points when they a frustratingly stuck with models that haven’t seen an update for more then a decade, while other faction seem to have no pause, when it comes down to updates.

As for stormcast.

Do you really want to see another battleline unit, where Vindicators are basically sequitors but better, while sequitors having been the better version of liberators.

do you really want that repeated?


ps: just wondering are you really interested in seeing the old range more or less removed from the system.

actually that would be kinda funny.

what would be left is the question.

Fish-things , the storm-things and maybe cruelboyz?

Stormcast vs Stormcast sounds like an excellent idea but hopefully without throwing Chaos or something else (Death? There is another faction but they're so ignored I also forgot who they are) into the mix this time! Stormcast are enough, we don't need anything else to dilute the theme. 😎  Perhaps we could have a cross-over, Primaris Stormcast, that sounds like the best idea ever!!! 😎😎

PS: Obviously I'm just joking around.... I'm really interested in seeing Skaven, Lizardmen, Beastmen and Cities of Sigmar (or whatever they'll be called) - instead we get 100 different Chaos cultists. I'm looking forward to those 4 since ages (or the start of AoS).

I'm kinda interested in Malerion's stuff but I hope they'll be part of DoK as we got enough Aelf factions. I'm also interested in new stuff for the "boring"/smaller armies (FS, IDK, Ghouls, etc.) that didn't get enough kits to make them really cool or feel complete IMO. 

For my own guys all I want (doesn't have to be soon but maybe somewhere down the line in the next years) are Tzeentch Chosen - armored, big Sorcerer-Warriors, think purely human Curselings. Maybe as a dual kit where you could build new Forsaken too, that are pure CC fighters and on their way to spawndom - could make for a cool and "scary" looking unit. Oh and no chicken legs and discs. We got enough of those. Maybe a cool hero like Aekold or Egrimm (a chaos dragon would be cool, could be a double kit)

I understand that you feel annoyed at this point. The slow releases didn't help. It feels like all we got was Lumineth, Giants, more Lumineth, Stormcast and Kruleboyz. I was happy to see a bigger release for Sylvaneth at least but I'm just as unhappy as you and many others are. It feels like AoS concentrates on the same 4 factions all the time. That's better than 40k but ultimately not ideal either. All I can say is that I feel blessed that Tzeentch is pretty complete. It might miss my favorite unit (the Tzeentch-aligned Chosen equivalent) but I got no room to complain. 

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19 minutes ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

When it comes to Stormcasts GW have few options as long as they are included in the startbox for a new edition:

*No new model = everyone accuse them of moneygrab.

*New units = even more units that are pretty much the same.

*New units and retire old units = people complain that they can't use their old units.

Their only option is pretty much to never produce a new SCE-unit (not gonna happen) or as someone else suggested have different SCE models have the same rules.



I like the idea of different models with the "same" rules.
Like vindictors could've just been liberators with spears for example.

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