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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

Warcry box:


I think I REALLY need to love a box set to pay that much money for it. This set doesn't quite cut it. Didn't the original warcry box cost £95? A 50% increase in three years is quite something. 

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Kill-Team: Octarius was £125 and you don't really get anymore than Heart of Ghur, so I don't know where the £140 is entering their heads beyond "because we can lol." The resale value of Octarius was also great, because people were chomping at the bits for the Krieg and Kommandos, whereas you're probably only going to be flipping these warbands on Ebay if their rules are hilariously OP, since AoS stuff doesn't resale nearly as well. The terrain might go for around £50-60 but even that's less than half, even if you buy it from a discounter.

What killed my local KT scene was the sheer cost of entry of KT'21. Warcry already struggled to gain any traction here back in first edition, whereas KT '18 was pretty popular, so if a 40k spin-off can't survive at £125ish, I might as well hold a funeral for Warcry at £140 (especially in this economy).



Edited by Clan's Cynic
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45 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Yes and this one doesn’t even have any new skaven models.

That's how they get you though. If this was Seraphon Vs Skaven the scenery depicting the inside of a Searphon temple, I'd find it very difficult to resist even at this asking price. 

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At around £100 for a box I can normally justify a box on the strength of the models alone, however at £140 that won't do, I need to pretty damn sure I'm going to get value not just out of the models but out of the game/rules as well.

For a game that I don't currently play, that none of my friends play, that's way too much of an ask for me personally.

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15 minutes ago, mojojojo101 said:

At around £100 for a box I can normally justify a box on the strength of the models alone, however at £140 that won't do, I need to pretty damn sure I'm going to get value not just out of the models but out of the game/rules as well.

For a game that I don't currently play, that none of my friends play, that's way too much of an ask for me personally.

The thing about warcry is that it genuinely is a very fun game. For me it is probably the most enjoyable game that GW makes.  There's a small part of my brain that thinks I should buy the box simply because I really want this game to succeed and have continued support for years to come. 

On the other hand,  I have a couple of the official warbands and enough AoS minis to make 9 or 10 more. I will watch the reviews with interest and if the changes are minimal as seems to be the case, I might just make do with the compendium. 

If the game is meaningfully improved, I might pick up the rulebook too. 

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Yeah, 140 is over the limit where you go from instabuy into "maybe I'll wait for a while and see". For me, the warbands are ok but not superintersting and the terrain is a 7 out of 10 (=I like it but don't have to have it).

A friend of mine really like the nurgle warband so might be able to sell that to him and keep the rest. Then I might get the pricetag down by 20-25 euro which could be ok.

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Cool that the monthly minis are now new, though from the look of the rotmire dude GW is still trying to navigate that narrow path of having a nice mini that isn’t so distinctive that folks who can’t get it are very upset or at a game disadvantage. Still a nice mini.

Loving that frog lady though, especially the round lil guy on her shoulder.

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On another topic, S2D leaks, there is a recent picture showing Archaon and many many warriors (2-page spread). Sorry I can't post this picture as I believe it would violate forum rules (correct me otherwise). Upper left corner of this picture, near Archaon's wings, we see a Chimera-type creature with a model on it. The beast seems to have 2 heads (third would be hidden perhaps), and I don't recognize that model from the old "Lord/sorceror on chimera. Would a keen eye who knows what picture I am referring to tell me if this is a new, unseen model, or some old model I just could not find on the webstore?

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10 minutes ago, Silphid said:

On another topic, S2D leaks, there is a recent picture showing Archaon and many many warriors (2-page spread). Sorry I can't post this picture as I believe it would violate forum rules (correct me otherwise). Upper left corner of this picture, near Archaon's wings, we see a Chimera-type creature with a model on it. The beast seems to have 2 heads (third would be hidden perhaps), and I don't recognize that model from the old "Lord/sorceror on chimera. Would a keen eye who knows what picture I am referring to tell me if this is a new, unseen model, or some old model I just could not find on the webstore?

Maybe I'm wrong but I think it's just the basic purple chimera. It has the same tusks of the furry head, and the "rider" seems to be the snake-like head.


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1 minute ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

Which was basically one if you don't play campaign...

Seems like a good change at least. Tanky models with high wounds/toughness and low damage had almost no purpose in the old game, this at least gives them something more like an actual role. Also makes crit fishing with a bunch of low strength attacks potentially more dangerous.

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23 minutes ago, madmac said:

Seems like a good change at least. Tanky models with high wounds/toughness and low damage had almost no purpose in the old game, this at least gives them something more like an actual role. Also makes crit fishing with a bunch of low strength attacks potentially more dangerous.

Jepp, my son play with Stormcast and unless he take a lot of birds and gryphounds he is easily outnumbered so this will hopefully be a boat for elite low number warbands which currently have a hard time.

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On 7/20/2022 at 4:56 PM, KingBrodd said:

We've been teased by Ole Whitefang that the expansions will contain no new minis.


So i'm wondering then if the expansions will have minis, but theyll repackage the various named Vrykos heroes we saw in the Soulblight release. Kile Lord Kritza and a bunch of additional rats. Or dip into the existing nighthaunt line for the haunted gardens etc. 

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