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I hope they expand on existing armies as much as possible. The sheer amount of tomes waiting in line always seems to be a point of frustration. GW are already struggling to properly support all their factions.

DBC is effectively a CoS replacement, perhaps not immediately but I imagine they'll take the centre stage for the human/mortal Sigmarite factions. CoS is, after all, made up of ageing moulds and outdated rules. Had there been long-term plans for them then there wouldn't be a need for DBC. There might be some long-long term plans for them but it just seems weird to helicopter lift the human part out of CoS into a new faction and ALSO release CoS. That said, DBC could work like SCE as coalition forces for CoS. 

Anyways, Orruks deserve to be a SCE/SBGL/S2D battletome. Give 'em a big green sandbox and unleash a big whoopin' WAAAGH! Then for good measure have the gitz contain all the tricksy elements and build a solid foundation from that with the suggestions from @Gothmaug. Also, who wouldn't want a pirate gobbo army? 🥰

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1 hour ago, Jetlife said:

Destruction doesn’t really have a beast faction…. I could see them taking trolls, and possibly roll them into a larger beast faction. Remade yehtis, gorgers, and whatever else they wanted to come up with.  Could be a really nice army to pair with Kragnos 

Giant beasts would be fun, but Id rather seen them added as a centerpiece to Bonesplitters. Destruction as a faction concept is terrible, as it pigeonholes the armies inside towards mindless rampaging destruction. Where's the finesse? A faction needs room to expand to new ideas. Something like Sky Grots would give the faction a breath of fresh air. Anything would be preferable to another stompy smashy melee army. Heck give me a nomadic human civilization from Ghur, with a Mad Max scavengers vibe. Large wagons made of beast bones, big mean beasties as herd animals, archers or spear throwers in howdahs, and have them as a nomadic destructive force that terrorizes and sweeps over small villages. 


Anything but another big dumb brute army. 



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11 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I don't think Cities of Sigmar will see an upgrade sprue. They already announced their intent to completely redo the humans of the realms after all. We have some rumour engines that hint at human pioneers, so I suspect that will be it for CoS Warcry.

It is interesting as they both emphasized the focus on humans going forward with cities but if I remember they were pretty quick to imply that the Aelves and Duardin were still likely to be present without committing to it. It makes me think they might be the side getting an upgrade sprue... although if I had to guess I would say that the Aelves will get paired down to a single subfaction... my guess would be the remenants of the high elves namely the Phoniex Guard and Shadow Warriors but maybe with an upgrade sprue to make them feel less like part of WHFB. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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2 minutes ago, EntMan said:

I don't remember this bit, but I really hope that you are remembering right.

I might have made that up in my head but I have this vague recollection of them responding to the chat in the live feed saying something along the lines of the upcoming release focusing on humans but that does not mean you wouldn't be able to use the other units? But I might be misremembering.


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Just remember that GW really do not seem to tell the presenters anything outside whatever script they get, and I think one of them even mentioned he knew nothing about AOS? So we can barely rely on Warcom presentations for breadcrumbs or winks :/ 

@Neverchosen I'd have to rewatch the stream, it was kind of a hand-wave answer to a question that dozens of us were asking immediately after the "regular human rework" was dropped.

Edited by CommissarRotke
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23 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Just remember that GW really do not seem to tell the presenters anything outside whatever script they get, and I think one of them even mentioned he knew nothing about AOS? So we can barely rely on Warcom presentations for breadcrumbs or winks :/ 

@Neverchosen I'd have to rewatch the stream, it was kind of a hand-wave answer to a question that dozens of us were asking immediately after the "regular human rework" was dropped.

As the The "mortals redesign" Discussion talked about several times the presenters do not really know much more then what was given to them. All we really have to go by is the article which does not give much and it has been around two months without any word. 

So we really have no idea what it is going to be right now. At best Cities get some love with the crusaders being their own sub faction or full faction on their own. At worse the crusades is the replacement for cities and all the other races get removed from the game. Or they could do something in between lol.

Edited by RyantheFett
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2 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

I also would love to see troggoths expanded on, though I think they should become an ally to all other destruction forces instead of thier own faction. As thier own faction, we'd end up with another large brute style faction simmilar to Ogors and Ironjawz. 


I want something totally new and different for destruction, something aesthetically differnt than  "big dumb things smash you" or "small dumb things stab you"


I want Sky Grots. With blackpowder guns. And Squig weaponry, and doom divers making a return. GW, please bring back the Gitmob in an all new glorious faction with their own airships. DOn't leave the dwarves with a monopoly on sky powered armies!

Id like Troggoths to stay with Gloomspite, they complement the smaller, sneakier ladz with strength and size. Just add a plastic Hag and a dual kit Sourbreath and Sulphurbreath Troggoth and your set!!

50 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

Giant beasts would be fun, but Id rather seen them added as a centerpiece to Bonesplitters. Destruction as a faction concept is terrible, as it pigeonholes the armies inside towards mindless rampaging destruction. Where's the finesse? A faction needs room to expand to new ideas. Something like Sky Grots would give the faction a breath of fresh air. Anything would be preferable to another stompy smashy melee army. Heck give me a nomadic human civilization from Ghur, with a Mad Max scavengers vibe. Large wagons made of beast bones, big mean beasties as herd animals, archers or spear throwers in howdahs, and have them as a nomadic destructive force that terrorizes and sweeps over small villages. 


Anything but another big dumb brute army. 



I love the idea of a Human Destruction Faction, like Vikings meet Mad Max!!

Altenatively give us a very alien looking race such as the Thark from John Carter. Multi limbed bipedals with access to flintlock firearms. A Destruction Faction thats tech savvy and adds range to the Alliance!!



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1 hour ago, EccentricCircle said:

If I were doing troggs, I'd build on the mollog's mob idea. Have lumbering trolls, but as beast masters with manageries of weird squigs, rabid wolves, hulking swamp monsters, killer sand worm riders, and basically the most weird and wonderful monsters of destruction they can think of.

You know when you hear something and absolutely fall in love with the idea and begin to realise you may have to come to terms with it not being a reality? Yeah thats me right now.

That is such an epic idea mate, one of my favourites Ive read on this site.

A Hill Troggoth lumbering through the forest with Squig Hounds on chains...mate Im in love.

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5 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

Giant beasts would be fun, but Id rather seen them added as a centerpiece to Bonesplitters. Destruction as a faction concept is terrible, as it pigeonholes the armies inside towards mindless rampaging destruction. Where's the finesse? A faction needs room to expand to new ideas. Something like Sky Grots would give the faction a breath of fresh air. Anything would be preferable to another stompy smashy melee army. Heck give me a nomadic human civilization from Ghur, with a Mad Max scavengers vibe. Large wagons made of beast bones, big mean beasties as herd animals, archers or spear throwers in howdahs, and have them as a nomadic destructive force that terrorizes and sweeps over small villages. 


Anything but another big dumb brute army. 



I’d like to see some deviation from Gorkamorka as well as what you’re saying.

Have Ogors steer into the Everwinter and/or some hungry god beast as their religion and further develop the mawpaths and their culture as sellswords.

Sons try to resurrect Behemat. They’re taking vengeance on the forces of Chaos and Order that killed him, and fighting death because they know Nagash won’t let him go. They’re convinced if they can raise a big enough stomp he’ll wake up.

i honestly don’t know about gitz. More Bad Moon? Troggoth religion cult?

I’d also not be opposed to a new faction so long as the existing ones get their needed updates, and it’s thematically distinct.  

reading the ghur wiki entry I could see some of the human cultures becoming a destruction army, or maybe the reptile people.

centaur-type horde with a steppes theme could be cool too. Maybe distant relatives of Kragnos’s species. Mobile archers and spear/shield wielders. One of the heroes has wings and a named/generic option.

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28 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

I’d like to see some deviation from Gorkamorka as well as what you’re saying.

Have Ogors steer into the Everwinter and/or some hungry god beast as their religion and further develop the mawpaths and their culture as sellswords.

Sons try to resurrect Behemat. They’re taking vengeance on the forces of Chaos and Order that killed him, and fighting death because they know Nagash won’t let him go. They’re convinced if they can raise a big enough stomp he’ll wake up.

i honestly don’t know about gitz. More Bad Moon? Troggoth religion cult?

I’d also not be opposed to a new faction so long as the existing ones get their needed updates, and it’s thematically distinct.  

reading the ghur wiki entry I could see some of the human cultures becoming a destruction army, or maybe the reptile people.

centaur-type horde with a steppes theme could be cool too. Maybe distant relatives of Kragnos’s species. Mobile archers and spear/shield wielders. One of the heroes has wings and a named/generic option.

I feel like that Kragnos was the beginning of diversifying the Destruction faiths. Gorka Morka is the supreme god of the pantheon and the other gods will represent other forms of disaster. I can see a blizzard, volcano and famine god for the Mawtribes. A calamity god for Orruks. Maybe a god of drought and a god of storms?

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I really enjoy the simplicity of the "god" theme going on in destro. You had Gorkamorka and most things were derivatives of this. Spiderfang branched off a bit but still tied into Gorkamorka. Chaos and order were filled to the brim with god x and god y, death not so much but thats another topic, so it was, dare I say, more casual of a grand alliance. And this was the allure for me. No god squables, just might makes right. 

I was hoping it would stay this way and instead of Kraggy we saw existing champions of Gorkamorka rise up even more in favor. 

A really cool story arch I wanted to see when death had the spotlight and all those stormvaults were being opened was Gordrakk finding Azog the Slaughters crown of Nagash but this time being in more control. But instead we got... a centaur... 

We did get Kruleboyz however and they are awesome so still excited for the future of my favorite grand alliance. 

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9 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

You know when you hear something and absolutely fall in love with the idea and begin to realise you may have to come to terms with it not being a reality? Yeah thats me right now.

That is such an epic idea mate, one of my favourites Ive read on this site.

A Hill Troggoth lumbering through the forest with Squig Hounds on chains...mate Im in love.

Glad you approve! I think, even if it doesn't come to pass it would be easy enough to convert and proxy. There are so many sources of cool monster out there that kitbashing them with trolls, and doing a coherent base and colour might be the simplest way to realise the idea. I really don't need a new army project at the moment... But maybe one day!

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3 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

I really enjoy the simplicity of the "god" theme going on in destro. You had Gorkamorka and most things were derivatives of this. Spiderfang branched off a bit but still tied into Gorkamorka. Chaos and order were filled to the brim with god x and god y, death not so much but thats another topic, so it was, dare I say, more casual of a grand alliance. And this was the allure for me. No god squables, just might makes right. 

I was hoping it would stay this way and instead of Kraggy we saw existing champions of Gorkamorka rise up even more in favor. 

A really cool story arch I wanted to see when death had the spotlight and all those stormvaults were being opened was Gordrakk finding Azog the Slaughters crown of Nagash but this time being in more control. But instead we got... a centaur... 

We did get Kruleboyz however and they are awesome so still excited for the future of my favorite grand alliance. 

I do like the dynamic of destruction in some sense. It is one god, but none of them agree on what that god is or what they want.

Death also is a single god, but much more structured.

Chaos has a reasonably short list of gods, or just the pursuit of chaos as a whole as a higher cause.

Order is thust the unstructured mess that's left (which is ironic considering the name) including a faction that refuses gods are neccessary.

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1 hour ago, EccentricCircle said:

Glad you approve! I think, even if it doesn't come to pass it would be easy enough to convert and proxy. There are so many sources of cool monster out there that kitbashing them with trolls, and doing a coherent base and colour might be the simplest way to realise the idea. I really don't need a new army project at the moment... But maybe one day!

I may just have to borrow your idea if thats ok mate?

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28 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I may just have to borrow your idea if thats ok mate?

Go for it! Trolls are a long way down my list of army projects (right after, actually finishing painting a hundred or so goblins who need my love more...) An army of big, lumbering monster trainers is much more your shtick than mine in any event! I look forward to seeing the results.

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4 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

"During the first year of the new edition, there will be a new box every three months, each including new scenery and a unique pair of warbands"


In my mind that pretty much confirms one set of terrain will be 'The Wrydlights/Tzeentch' themed then, given the Rumour Engine we've seen.

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2 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

Go for it! Trolls are a long way down my list of army projects (right after, actually finishing painting a hundred or so goblins who need my love more...) An army of big, lumbering monster trainers is much more your shtick than mine in any event! I look forward to seeing the results.

Cheers mate!! Ill have to get around to it once we find out when this rumoured new Mega Gargant is released!!

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6 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

"During the first year of the new edition, there will be a new box every three months, each including new scenery and a unique pair of warbands"


So 8 unique warbands over the next 12 months?

As long as the stuff is sold separately at some point, as I can't see me buying all 4 boxed sets just to get the terrain bits. 

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7 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

"During the first year of the new edition, there will be a new box every three months, each including new scenery and a unique pair of warbands"


Every 3 months!? New scenery and Warbands!? Since when did the boxed games side of AOS be more exciting than Mainline? Im so hyped!!

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It's pretty much just following the Kill-Team pattern. They've been doing the same for the last year, although other than Octarius (and Into The Dark) it's been Unique Team + Upgrade Sprue Team rather than both being unique, so Warcry is an improvement in that respect. 

5 minutes ago, SunStorm said:

So 8 unique warbands over the next 12 months?

As long as the stuff is sold separately at some point, as I can't see me buying all 4 boxed sets just to get the terrain bits. 

The Kill-Team: Moroch terrain was actually sold separately before the Moroch box was announced. They naturally upset a lot of people who'd bought said terrain immediately, only for it to be a good bit cheaper in the KT box a few weeks later.

The Kill-Teams themselves usually get released separately at some point on, or shortly after, the next boxset lands, but a lot of people are only interested in the models so it's easy to find the terrain for about half the price of the boxset on Ebay.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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I'm torn. I love the warcry terrain so far, and the new set looks amazing too. Its definitely my favorite game on the fantasy side, and so far I've been collecting it quite religiously. This is probably a good format for Warcry, as it gives you a lot to play with out of the box. But I kind of wish they'd stop with the big box releases. There is basically a £100 plus set every few weeks these days, for one system or another, and while I love the ones that I've picked up this year, I can't keep buying them. Still I guess that's just telling me to focus on the systems I care most about rather than trying to split my resources across too many games.

I kind of wish you could go into games workshop and buy a blister pack of metal orcs for a fiver still though. I didn't know that pocket money priced warhammer was the good old days until they were gone!

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