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That spear definitely looks seraphon to me. The dangling tags are a classic lizardmen design cue, as are the macahuitl spikes on the sides and the geometric patterns. I know we've just spent pages getting our hopes up about ogre s and skaven, only to have that crushed, so I'm not even going to speculate on range refreshes. That said, wr did get Kroak durung broken realms, so that has to mean something!

Edited by EccentricCircle
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14 hours ago, Garrac said:

If lizzies get a rerange befores ratties I won't know what to do

They’re both in similar states I think. Some cool plastic stuff that’s fine, some old plastic core kits that need redoing, and a fair bit of finecast. It sucks that skaven didn’t get a redo but Seraphon are just as deserving of one. 

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Not sure if it's a leak or rumor:

Hag nar +1 blood rites 
Khelt Nar retreat charge 
Khalibron command ability to teleport one unit at end of movement
Draci +1 rend WE and SoS 
Cobra Kai snakes attack when they die 
Krath is 4+ SoS can fight again

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2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah, the 40k vibes match up pretty well with the meteoric javelin crystal-head and clean magi-tech armor from Direchasm.


They’re leaning really hard on the space alien/star daemon premise with the recent Space Battles, Lord Kroak’s “Stargate” glow-up and the white dwarf update revealing many of the stars(and a number of moons & planets) in Azyr are actually magi-tech mecha-planetoids they inhabit and control


”The stars are not distant suns but rather distant orbs of pure celestium, devices of stone and gold made by the Old Ones, and other "cosmological bodies".

“Also since many of the stars are celestium, they are prophetic in nature. So Astrology is a real, founded, and sensible science in the Mortal Realms. Rather than the invention of scammers”


The magazine also noted that several temple ships have crashed due to either the new Ghur magic flood Kragnos unleashed which has caused coalesced pilots to go fully feral or those flying too close to areas infected by the Cursed Skies. To counter this the Seraphon have began sending down increased sorties of Starborne on missions(as they’re less affected by Ghur) to re-establish the Astro Matrix and fix the Geomantric ley-lines to both calm Ghur down and repel the Cursed Skies which are drawn towards the ley-lines.

(a nice subtle detail that went kinda unnoticed was the 2019 Seraphon could ally with Sylvaneth but not in 2021 after Broken Realms. The life flood Alarielle caused may have done mostly good but in their eyes it’s just as disruptive to the Astral Matrix balance of the Realms as Kragnos beast flood is that’s turning animals, greenskins and Seraphon feral or making vampires spontaneously mutate into new Vengorian Lords)

So it Could be a Warband as Dinojon speculated since there’s plenty of reasons a Seraphon space ship can crash in the Realm of Beasts between the bewildering magic radiation and shifting cursed skies but the sci-fi aesthetic has me wondering if it’s another big push to reboot Seraphon towards their new star daemon glory that AoS gave the badass constellations of space dinos.


Pretty much just dried up. 🤷

Fyreslayers did get a new commander trait that let allied duardin use Fyreslayer runes as part of the Duardrazhal though as the half of the Fyreslayers that see Grungni as Grimnir’s kin, with the other half saying he still can’t be forgiven for abandoning his people.(the Kharadron are way worse about it with all the Sky-ports putting listening to Grungni to a vote. Only Barak Thryng voted yes. The rest the Kharadron stick to progress or will even work with the Lumineth when they need a magic-focused solution instead)


Not by the Sylvaneth themselves, they still see them all as weak traitors. That’s why they either hang out in the Living City where Alarielle’s pardon protects them or in Greywater with the industrial powers aiding them against the hostile forests.

So far Sylvaneth(usually the more wild ones) will slaughter Wanderers and their villages if they get the chance. There’s a reason Sylvaneth have better relations and can ally with the duardin instead of the “traitor marked” aelves that hide in cities.

Absolutely loved your Lore drop on Seraphon!! 

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Hidden Killer is now more resteicted. Other then that it's abilities seems to either stary the same or are improved. But Deathmaster went up 70 points, so I don't think it's worth it.

Skaven leaks are actualy making me worry about our cute rats. I hope that battletome will be solid, but I sadly doubt it.

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20 minutes ago, The Damascus said:

Hidden Killer is now more resteicted. Other then that it's abilities seems to either stary the same or are improved. But Deathmaster went up 70 points, so I don't think it's worth it.

Skaven leaks are actualy making me worry about our cute rats. I hope that battletome will be solid, but I sadly doubt it.

Ouch, for that I would have expected some sort of "Elusive killer" rule which would give it a 5+ Ward or something, or at least a 6+.

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35 minutes ago, The Damascus said:

Skaven leaks are actualy making me worry about our cute rats. I hope that battletome will be solid, but I sadly doubt it.

Not for nothing, but a lot of folks felt the same way about Nurgle and Fyreslayers at first too until they hit the table. Thus far 3.0 has less exciting rules for units, but a more stable and robust foundation overall. I wouldn't count out the sneaky rat-men just yet.

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40 minutes ago, The Damascus said:

Skaven leaks are actualy making me worry about our cute rats. I hope that battletome will be solid, but I sadly doubt it.

But why? It seems to me that the Skaven leaks follow the same pattern as all other battletomes up to now, with the warscrolls being simplified. For all other tomes, the power of the units has been moved from the warscrolls to the allegiance abilities. I really don't see a reason to suspect it will be different in the case of Skaven. Also, so far all 3rd edition tomes we have seen have been pretty good.

I think Skaven are almost guaranteed to get a boost with their new tome. Partially because their current tome is just not doing so hot, so it's more likely their power will go up than down (unlike DoK, who really need to be a bit worried since they are one of the stronger tomes). It's also very likely that the Skaven tome will see their whole subfaction situation cleaned up like the other modern tomes have and there is a fairly good chance that they will get access to the free reinforcement mechanic we have seen as part of the DoK book. Both of those changes should do a lot to increase the viability of a Skaven army.

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19 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

I'm kinda late to the party on this one, but it's good to see that the GW writers have finally unlocked the tech of "This unit is not a MONSTER, but can rampage like a monster." Let's hope they apply it to other units that should really be able to smash things to rubble or deal mortals in the future, like the Ironclad or the Steam Tank.

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But why can't it just actually be a monster? Like it looks like a monster. Seems like needless rule complication to me.

These types of things usually create confusion with 'counts as doing x/counts as x'. For example at some point they will print setting that says 'whenever a monster uses a monsterous rampage' and then we will be left confused about whether it affects this guy that isn't a monster but counts as one for some purposes.

seems silly.

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16 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

But why? It seems to me that the Skaven leaks follow the same pattern as all other battletomes up to now, with the warscrolls being simplified. For all other tomes, the power of the units has been moved from the warscrolls to the allegiance abilities. I really don't see a reason to suspect it will be different in the case of Skaven. Also, so far all 3rd edition tomes we have seen have been pretty good.

I have 2 friends who play Skaven and their opinion on the leaks is highly pessimistic, you could say it kinda passed to me too. Just for their sake (and the sake of having fun games with them) I hope Skaven will have amazing battletome.

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6 minutes ago, Frowny said:

But why can't it just actually be a monster? Like it looks like a monster. Seems like needless rule complication to me.

These types of things usually create confusion with 'counts as doing x/counts as x'. For example at some point they will print setting that says 'whenever a monster uses a monsterous rampage' and then we will be left confused about whether it affects this guy that isn't a monster but counts as one for some purposes.

seems silly.

Only thing I can think about is to make it not give extra VP's if killed, or doing BT's


idk tho, i also think is weird

Edited by Rakkzul
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3 minutes ago, Rakkzul said:

Only thing I can think about is to make it not give extra VP's if killed, or doing BT's


idk tho, i also think is weird

I mean, its a special rule for the Avatar.  It also grants it immunity to Monstrous Rampages, making it suited to put near GUO's and MBMK's and not just getting super-stomped.  It feels special at this point.

I think its a pretty neat way for the Avatar to add some of the utility of a monster to DoK (at least, the core, non-GHB utility) without completely altering the relative access to monsters within the faction.

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12 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I'm kinda late to the party on this one, but it's good to see that the GW writers have finally unlocked the tech of "This unit is not a MONSTER, but can rampage like a monster." Let's hope they apply it to other units that should really be able to smash things to rubble or deal mortals in the future, like the Ironclad or the Steam Tank.

I would like this for Troggoths please. At least the Dankhold and Mirebrute.

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30 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

But why? It seems to me that the Skaven leaks follow the same pattern as all other battletomes up to now, with the warscrolls being simplified. For all other tomes, the power of the units has been moved from the warscrolls to the allegiance abilities.

*Cough* Stormcast *cough* Minimal impact from allegiance abilities there 😛

Although it might be more true to a degree for the rest. I'd say orruks are about the same as before in that regard, Maggotkin and what we have seen from nighthaunt for sure got everything baked into allegiance abilities, although IDK and Fyreslayers seem about the same as before, but just more streamlined, if anything they took the deeper sub allegiance and battalion rules and baked some essentials into the overall allegiance or respective warscrolls, while generally purging rerolls all over the place.

I think skaven will be the same, and at least with so many warscrolls they should have something decent in there, like Stormcast with 1 S tier warscroll out of every 10 useless ones ;)

The new warscrolls we have seen seem cool enough on their own, like the screaming bell having a verminlord summon risk/reward rule seem very skaven like and any warscroll with a built in ward better than 6 up is by default clear of the garbage pile these days (almost always).

Sylvaneth looking very hot so far, got a feeling we will be seeing them a lot in the near future kicking tail in events.

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50 minutes ago, Enoby said:

+ Mod hat +

Please don't post leaked warscrolls :)



  • Throwing star: 5 attacks at 12" with  4+/4+/-/1D3
  • Daggers: 5 attacks at 1" with 3+/3+/-1/1D3

Hidden Killer: Same description as Secret Weapon Teams but is reavealed in the Combat Phase. Can be set-up engaged and if the unit is destroyed, the Deatmaster is still set-up on the table and only suffers 1mw.

Venom: 6s to hit (melee and ranged attacks) = 1D3 mortal wounds




Edited by Beliman
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16 hours ago, ChemyWords said:

Kragnos has a lot of connection to the Kruleboyz, both in the lore and model wise. His base has a Kruleboyz idol, and multiple Kruleboyz models have effigies and banners depicting him.

I mean the kragnos base decoration that looks completely divorced from the rest of the model matches KB shields and stuff but the KB banners otherwise depict a monster with huge TUSKS not horns and doesnt really look like Kragnos to me at all.

4 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Not by the Sylvaneth themselves, they still see them all as weak traitors. That’s why they either hang out in the Living City where Alarielle’s pardon protects them or in Greywater with the industrial powers aiding them against the hostile forests.

So far Sylvaneth(usually the more wild ones) will slaughter Wanderers and their villages if they get the chance. There’s a reason Sylvaneth have better relations and can ally with the duardin instead of the “traitor marked” aelves that hide in cities.

Ah yes my vote for some of the most egregious "marketing said we arent pushing these guys so make up some reason why not" writing of early AoS. "The elves uhhh fled to azyr because they were actively unable to survive nurgle diseases so they are hated. What? Oh I mean yeah Alarielle herself did also eventually give in to despair and retreat in ways they couldn't but that's different... and I suppose that yes Sigmar is famously described in every intro as having abandoned the mortal realms for safety just like the wood elves but of course the Sylvaneth like them. They're on the cover!"


I mean the living city specifically calls out how wood elves arent allowed in the city proper because they ran away but also Stormcast have seats on the city council I'm sure and according to the lore the living cities armies are often led by a wanderer so I guess they just have their meetings at the edge of the city so the general of their entire army can you know... come.

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22 hours ago, Draznak said:



On another note regarding upcoming Battletomes, for the Chaos one, don't you think it could be Tzeentch? With the classic "battle tome + one character" scheme, I thought back to this rumor engine:




If we take into account the White Dwarf's celestial tomes, they and Khorne remain as potential candidates (if I remember correctly) for coming out this fall.

Khorne recently got a celestial tome but it s been quickly forgotten since it didn t help the faction

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I do have a soft spot for the T-pose avatar, but I don't know if it makes it better or worse that it's on such a comically teeny tiny base.

I'm willing to be the designers were discussing whether or not just give it the monster keyword wholesale, only to decide on this mini-monster version cos you can't have a monster on a 40mm base, it'd be embarrassing!

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