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I'm just hoping that they did a poor job of revealing the Dawnbringers. Besides that everything else is really cool!

That they were super excited about all these new human units that will be added and that was the focus. Instead it came off as a new human focused faction with maybe other stuff in there.

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Really not a fan of their non-committal answer on what is happening to the non-human Cities units. It was easy to anticipate that the #1 question when you say "we're doing a new human-focused Cities revamp" would be "what happens to my old models" and the fact that they didn't have an answer they were willing to give out is troubling. 

Edited by yukishiro1
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1 minute ago, RyantheFett said:

I'm just hoping that they did a poor job of revealing the Dawnbringers. Besides that everything else is really cool!

That they were super excited about all these new human units that will be added and that was the focus. Instead it came off as a new human focused faction with maybe other stuff in there.

I wouldn’t be completely surprised if dawnbringer mentioned at all was thrown together last minute because they cut something due to last week’s leaks. It had the least substance to the trailer, just a voiceover on the coin.

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I will always love the old Empire faction but this is definitely long overdue. Can't wait to see what they come up with!

Would love to see a unit and a monster or warmachine for every realm. Some witch Hunters, new cogfort/ironweld troops. 

Happy for most of the human stuff to be replaced (I'll just proxy what I have!) but really want to see it as multi racial still with dwarves and elves not going anywhere!

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10 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

I wouldn’t be completely surprised if dawnbringer mentioned at all was thrown together last minute because they cut something due to last week’s leaks. It had the least substance to the trailer, just a voiceover on the coin.

Judging by World Eaters getting a similar, "we're announcing them now and will follow their development" announcement in the 40k reveals I think it's more likely this was always planned and GW are trying something new; testing the waters of having a more open and drawn out process of reveals rather than trying to spring The New Thing and rely on impulse-hype.

Maybe it's in response to how leaky their pipes have been recently, or they genuinely wanted to try it after how well the Sisters design previews went down.

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Just now, RyantheFett said:

The focus of the humans also seems wierd since a big draw to cities is having all that diversity.

My guess would be these units will go really well with Old World. Would explain a lot. 

But it would not makes sense talkjing about new "mortal realms free people" and the just making kits straight out of the old world....i really hope they'll  make some design differences..

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Wow, so much cool stuff that I don’t want. Thats not me trying to be funny, I genuinely think everything seen and previewed was cool, well sculpted, cool poses the whole package. The only one on my to buy list is the Death master for a conversion idea. The rest are superb models. Just nothing I wanna buy.


The Vampire and Dwarf are very cool, but as expected, just another big box to buy, as soon as I see that now I zone out and my mind protects my wallet by pretending the miniatures aren't there.  

Top stuff, my only quarm is that some stuff was slightly different to what In my head I wanted, instead of Ogroids - plastic bull centaurs. Instead of Just one assassin, a whole bunch of Eshin, not just an underworld warband. But Thats how Gloomspite started right? And they ended up getting more love than most Ironjawz before them.

I just wanted Malerion, Angron, Chaos Dwarfs, Kunrothi and  Hunter God/Avatar, a Mega Gargant Expansion,  New ogres, more undead, human Knights, Valaya and Grungni Dwarfs with Grombrindal, Plastic Sauron (still Hope), Morghur and new beastmen, Plastic Shaggoth, MOAR Dragons for every Faction, and lastly and never least Sigmar. Not Grombrindal dressed as Sigmar, and surely Not a Stormcast That calls himself Sigmar, not a Griffhound called Sigmar. An actual Ghal Maraz wielding, Primarch Sized, Over priced Sigmar….and Frankly I don’t think I’m asking for too much. 


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That was a great Preview. Lets start with the good!!

2 new Heroes.

3 new Units. 

2 new Characters.

2 new Books. 

And a Dawnbringer teaser!! 

I personally love the new Sylvaneth models and that Deathmaster is perfection. Loving that we are getting more AOS BL novels and 2 new series at that!! The Dawnbringer/Cities update has me incredibly excited to see Human Mortals updated. Its the thing I feel is missing most from AOS in terms of models and I cannot wait to see what comes from them!!


The Bad.

Only a single mini for Skaven is terrible. A new unit was sorely needed. We can only hope that there is a Warcry Warband revealed tomorrow.

REPEATED Battletome covers. That makes 4 repeated Tome covers this Edition. 40K hasnt had a single one. I hate being negative but honestly its ridiculous that there isnt one new piece of art they could slap on the cover. 


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59 minutes ago, edmc78 said:

I wonder if DawnBringer Crusade moulds will also be the basis for The Old World releases. I can see generic fantasy human, elf and dwarf troops with AOS and TOW themed upgrade spruces or resin add on kits. Similar to the plastic mk 3 & 4 marines and shoulderpads. 

The fact that it seems a few years away gave me the same impression. Having a range that works in two different systems would be appealing.

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25 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

The follow up article for Dawnbringers https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/05/05/revealed-the-massive-project-to-put-mortals-back-into-mortal-realms/

Again they say this is "new concepts and miniatures grounded in the lore… but also quite unlike anything you’ve seen before" ...and yet the description on the CAD renders is "These are some of the insignia, emblems, and symbols that will come with your models to demonstrate their rather macabre dedication to the God-King" which sounds EXACTLY like things we've seen before in both WHFB and 40k...

If they wanted to put mortal back into the mortal realms they should have brought back brets - just sayin.

Anyhoo, I'm hoping that the biggest thing in the GHB is the size so I got half a chance at reading it, otherwise it's no Daark banana in the till this year either.

Ogroids look good, my hope is that they'll be as big and bulky as a bullgor, so I can transplant the heads from the bulls onto them and have some less derpy looking minotaurs.  Anyway, I'm still waiting for my big khorne marked doombull that allws me to make bullgors blades of khorne battle line - just saying GW.

Pointy ears seem to be the biggest winners so far, and I do feel sorry for rats - I don't play them but I'd really hoped for more for them, especially as they're such a pivotal GW race.

Anyway, two more days to go, I wonder what 40k and heresy stuff we'll see get dropped by the ton which we can take advantage of and convert to our needs?

Do stormcast have a beakycast chamber?

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Vampire & dwarf were amazing and something I‘d very much love to have more of. 

Aaaand… I couldn’t care less for the rest. 
Okay, that’s not true. I do care for the StD stuff, but it was leaked beforehand. 
I would care for the skaven but they got only one new model.

And I just don’t like the bug elves - even though I do appreciate the poses and stuff. They’re just not for me.

So, in that sense it‘s all in all pretty underwhelming. But, *but* Nighthaunt got leaked a few days before, so I couldn’t care less about today! 
Now my only hope is, that the DoK get an equally cool book.

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3 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

But it would not makes sense talkjing about new "mortal realms free people" and the just making kits straight out of the old world....i really hope they'll  make some design differences..


4 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

The focus of the humans also seems wierd since a big draw to cities is having all that diversity.

My guess would be these units will go really well with Old World. Would explain a lot. 

I honestly think they'll really go all out with the "macabre, zealous devotion to Sigmar", and make Empire but really over the top decorated and gribbly and cool and AoS-y with Greatgreatsword Wieldanetors and Ironweld Enginseerians and Freeguild Repentant Greathalberds and Cogforts.

And what if they bring back that Excelsior Warpriest? Will we get new Devoted? A Cogfort the size of a Baneblade? Combat Steam-Mechs? Actual modular, good city terrain? By Sigmarrrrrr! The possiblities are endless, and even most all the things I listed are already in the lore! Which they said will have a good impact on the development of the faction. Oh my, could we actually get a Cogfort? Freeguild Land-Trains (also in the lore)?


Did I mention the Cogfort?

I'm sorry, I'm literally drowning in my own hype. Sigmar end me if it's JUST Empire but updated.

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35 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Btw, if revealing only one skaven was a marketing strategy for more announcements to come, it's totally backfiring on them. All skavendom is kinda raging at the internet, and some have even started to criticize the new model (in my opinion, a bit unfair given that it's a cool model and removes a finecast one, even if it wasn't that needed) which I'm sure it's not very good for GW's business atm

Finecast aside, I do like the old one more. The new one's nice, but I prefer the current one's 3 weapon stance.

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4 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

That was a great Preview. Lets start with the good!!

2 new Heroes.

3 new Units. 

2 new Characters.

2 new Books. 

And a Dawnbringer teaser!! 

I personally love the new Sylvaneth models and that Deathmaster is perfection. Loving that we are getting more AOS BL novels and 2 new series at that!! The Dawnbringer/Cities update has me incredibly excited to see Human Mortals updated. Its the thing I feel is missing most from AOS in terms of models and I cannot wait to see what comes from them!!


The Bad.

Only a single mini for Skaven is terrible. A new unit was sorely needed. We can only hope that there is a Warcry Warband revealed tomorrow.

REPEATED Battletome covers. That makes 4 repeated Tome covers this Edition. 40K hasnt had a single one. I hate being negative but honestly its ridiculous that there isnt one new piece of art they could slap on the cover. 


mate it was a mediocre release.

We got some scraps from the table - only eco terrorist elves got a birthday.

It was alright, but not magnificent and in truth it was some bits to just say we weren't left out.

I get it, 40k/heresy is the biggy this year and sure we're getting some new slaves at the end of the year, but all in all it was a "mmm...(long pause)... nice cup of tea..." set of reveals.

For the rats I was hoping that they'd see the end of their finecast / metal lines at the very least, that would have been nice for them. Instead the poor flea ridden stinky backstabbing budget chaos god blighters got here's your book, here's your rat model, now off you go.

Sorry to say but in the words of my aussie mate, it was alright, but overall yea/nah.

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What we know so far: 

- Sylvaneth: receiving a new calvary with a dual unit choice, a new named hero, a new archer unit that can fly, and a new battletome

- Skaven: a new Eshin assassin/hero, and a battletome 

- Slaves to Darkness: Legionaries, Horns of Hashut, a centaur creature rumored to lead the Legionaries (spotted in background pictures of the leaked photos), a redone Chaos Lord on a Daemonic Mount, a new and named undivided character that’s dedicated to Belakor, a new unit of Ogroids with the option for sword/board or two-handed axes (warscroll leaked), new Daemon Prince (warscroll leaked as well), and a new battletome

- a new dwarf and vampire model, based on black library models, 

- a new general handbook that will be moving away from monsters and placing an emphasis towards infantry; will include new new battle plans and core battalions, and very likely updated point adjustments. 

What we don’t know: 

- which order battletome, chaos battletome, and two destruction battletomes will be released in Fall via the roadmap

- the rest of the Slaves to Darkness release (if there is anything left to leak); whether there will be a repackaging of old (ex: chaos warriors), or something completely new (the centaur in the background photos)

- other theories or models that we’ve yet to receive rumors about that may catch us off guard

My predictions: 

- the easiest to predict are the two destruction battletomes because of how small the allegiance is. We’ve already received Orruks at the beginning of the edition (they’re likely out), and despite Gloomspite being in desperate need of a revamp, they’ve not received a WD update. My guess is to expect a Gloomspite release this Fall. 

- As for the other destruction release, it’s hard to say. I guess it would be Ogre Mawtribes, and not SoB b/c Mawtribes is older and more on need of an update. But, this edition is all about monsters, and SoB is a monster-based army. Even then, I’m still leaning towards Mawtribes.

- The chaos battletome is tricky. StD, Nurgle, and Skaven are obviously out of the picture. I really want to say Khorne or Beasts of Chaos because of how outdated and underperforming they are; but I can see there being a Tzeentch update because of how relatively old their book is. Personally, I’m hoping it’s either Khorne or BoC; between the two of them they’re in most need of an update. 

- The order battletome is anyone’s guess. Sylvaneth we’re in most need of an update for Order, and now they’ll be (hopefully) revamped this coming summer 


My takeaway: 

- I feel bad for Skaven. Out of all of the miniatures GW offers, Skaven are easily without contest the most outdated range. Personally, I feel Skaven are the new “Sisters of Battle” at GW; referring to how it took over a decade for GW to update their range. It’s a shame because Skaven are legitimately popular within the fandom, especially when you consider the success of Vermintide and the Total War games. It would make economic sense to update Skaven along with their rising popularity, but as many hobbyists know, GW isn’t know for its logical business decisions. 

- However, Slaves to Darkness are getting a ton of upcoming love. Without the StD leaks, today would have felt lackluster and somewhat bothersome; it’s good to know that there’s a decently large release waiting for us towards the end of the year. 

- And if you’re Sylvaneth you’ll have something to look forward to as well. The new calvary look cool, and the archer-fairies are interesting; Sylvaneth players may have the ability to build a predominantly-ranged army with calvary support. 

Edited by AngryPanda
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1 hour ago, Lavieth said:

Yes, but those are both new AoS armies. I feel like GW would know it's a massive missed opportunity to not update the globaliers and night/gutter runners. Not giving fairly new armies new units isn't as big of a missed opportunity in my opinion. Its unfortunate for those armies, but at least those rantes all have a unified look. The skaven are currently have multiple units that don't even blend in with the existing faction.

Unless I missed it, has this whitefang fellow even suggested there won't be anything beyond a new plastic character?

By that same logic, they could have added more units into the new faction when it was launched, or at 2.0.

Again, without being too doom and gloom (I actually am glad people got more stuff, and the stuff released is top tier), GW seems to be dropping the ball for what seem like absolute slam dunks. Considering the reception to it. Even in the stream they said 'A lot of turn out for Skaven in the stream...soooo...what about those Sylvaneth???' (again, the presenters did a great job with what they had)

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17 minutes ago, AngryPanda said:

- The order battletome is anyone’s guess. Sylvaneth we’re in most need of an update for Order, and now they’ll be (hopefully) revamped this coming summer 

The Summer 'tome is almost certainly Sylvaneth since they said they're closer than we might think.

Autumn's won't be CoS for obvious reasons.

That leaves... Kharadron, Lumineth or Lizardmen. 

None of them are especially old books, all of them have been criticised for NPP. There's been rumours about another Lumineth wave but it's entirely possible those were just meme-posting, plus theirs is the newest Battletome of the three (not that it stopped DoK getting another). 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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My reaction is that I am Whelmed, and I’m disappointed because this was the third reveal show in a row that has made me feel this way.

I’m predicting more Skaven models on Monday, which is just gonna make me angry at this stupid marketing team for making me waste my lunch hour.

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1 minute ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The Summer 'tome is almost certainly Sylvaneth since they said they're closer than we might think.

Autumn's won't be CoS for obvious reasons.

That leaves... Kharadron, Lumineth or Lizardmen. 

Well they did say sylvaneth was the summer tome, along with skaven, didn’t they? I was hoping the closer than we think comment might mean earlier in summer rather than end of the quarter, but like

it is GW

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