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4 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:


Yeah, some rumor mongers put “Sylvaneth coming and will make controversy 👀” which can be interpreted in an endless number of ways or just blatant click bait.

I hope it’s controversial though on the level of Ossiarch noses, Alarith cow aelves and vampire-drake-centaurs.

Everytime an oldhammer grognard pulls out their hair an Stormcast Prosecutor gets their wings. 👼👼👼

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21 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

My uncle who used to work for nintendo has started working for GW, and he told me that the next rumor engine will be a picture of a skaven and chorf holding hands while they write battletome: silent people.

I believe him.  He has a good track record.

1 hour ago, Garrac said:

Anyway, I still have my hopes. I'm just crossing fingers for the rat-release to be something more than a starterbox. Not everything on 2022 for AoS can be only starterboxes! But don't worry, just in case, I have my clown nose prepared

I have a feeling there won't be much if anything for Skaven based on their near-absence in the Rumour Engines, but if I'm wrong I'll be quite happy.  They definitely need some updated models!

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2 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah, some rumor mongers put “Sylvaneth coming and will make controversy 👀” which can be interpreted in an endless number of ways or just blatant click bait.

I hope it’s controversial though on the level of Ossiarch noses, Alarith cow aelves and vampire-drake-centaurs.

Everytime an oldhammer grognard pulls out their hair an Stormcast Prosecutor gets their wings. 👼👼👼

Well I guess I count as an oldhammer grognard but by-and-large I like seeing the weird stuff AoS comes up with.  I can hardly wait for the reveals this week!

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1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah, some rumor mongers put “Sylvaneth coming and will make controversy 👀” which can be interpreted in an endless number of ways or just blatant click bait.

I hope it’s controversial though on the level of Ossiarch noses, Alarith cow aelves and vampire-drake-centaurs.

Everytime an oldhammer grognard pulls out their hair an Stormcast Prosecutor gets their wings. 👼👼👼

I thought controversy is because they will get more then skaven 😅

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The pessimist in me says a lot of that prize money is tied up in start collecting boxes and army boxes with a single new character. 

“Here have £500 worth of Dryads” 



* Disclaimer, I’d actually love Boat worth of dryads for endless conversions and bits. 


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52 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Squat wise I think the only thing revealed will be a single character, unit or vehicle. 40k will mostly be a bunch of new Chaos stuff and likely a campaign book.

I'm super excited to see the new Sylvaneth though

I could see more revealing for Votann Leagues though...considering GW will pull out months before the actual release a "limited edition box" i could see them previewing more than 1 unit.
They usually do 1 video for each "army" previewed so i could see them putting at least the few units of the limited edizition box for the Leagues.

For the Sylvaneth "controversy" i could hypothesize:
-Adding Kurnothi and\or Wanderers (but i really doubt it will be controversial)
-Forsaking entirely the elvish aspect (i really doubt)
-Adding many new and "not-associated" beast\units\whoknows like the Lumineth Temples "....i'd say things like "real" Centaurs and Satyrs but those are already represented in the little Kurnothi concept we got.
-Adding them some sort of "purged" beastmen but it would be literally a wrecking ball in the beastmen concept and lore that i could see the most infuriating things for many people playing them(and as a "grognard" i'd also hate that).
But let's see....

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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1 hour ago, Aleser said:

I thought controversy is because they will get more then skaven 😅

This honestly could be it. Lore-wise they are in ascendancy and causing most of the setting changes with the Life flood so could be a bit of the “golden child” over the other updates.

19 minutes ago, willange said:

Which is really too bad since most stormcast seem to do far better than Prosecutors... :(

True, though Tempest Lords with them as fast battleline screens & flying kamikazes can be fun, ‘Tis sadly not their time in this age of monsters and monster hunters with draconiths taking the spotlight.

Hopefully their time will come in the future like in an edition focused on the Realm of Metal or Light where flyers are kings in the Aether Wars. :) 

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I wonder if the Sylvaneth controversy will be Wanderers units being part of their Battletome and later taken out of CoS?

2 hours ago, EonChao said:

Squat wise I think the only thing revealed will be a single character, unit or vehicle. 40k will mostly be a bunch of new Chaos stuff and likely a campaign book.

I'm super excited to see the new Sylvaneth though

We know there's a very large Chaos Space Marine wave coming as per the Big Leak and they've shown the cover art today, so there's at least going to be a lot shown on that front. 

My guess is we'll either see what will be in the pre-launch Army Box for the League (although they might not specifically say that's what's going to be in it) and maybe their Kill-Team on Friday, but the focus will be CSM.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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What's all this about Chaos Dwarfs? Have I followed the thread religiously for months only for the thing I'm most excited about to be confirmed on the one weekend I wasn't online? Or is it just speculating based on a contents page? Its hard to tell without reading more than ten pages by the looks of things?

Edited by EccentricCircle
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