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14 hours ago, Mutton said:

I'm going to make a bold call. I think this silhouette is Morghur.


I think it looks like a new chimaera or some kind of chaos spawn. It looks like it has different animal parts or mutations.

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4 hours ago, Mutton said:

I'm going to make a bold call. I think this silhouette is Morghur.


It would be awesome but that model obviously got wings. That seems really weird considering how Morghur previously looked? 

The tongue is also not the same as the rumor engine. The rumor engine got way different horns. 

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2 minutes ago, Kasper said:

It would be awesome but that model obviously got wings. That seems really weird considering how Morghur previously looked? 

The tongue is also not the same as the rumor engine. The rumor engine got way different horns. 

Doesn’t look that different to me, just a different angle. 


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2 hours ago, boyadventurer said:

Weren't there rumours of a new Jabberslythe before? I could see this being it. You've got similar wings, small undeveloped arms, big burly arms, and the back legs still end in one big spike (though they look a little more tyranid-y here). The thing undearneath the smaller wing looks like an arm with a shackle on it, but it might be the clubbed tail (with a shackle on it) or maybe the tongue? Whatever it is, it's body is twisting around. The orientation of the legs makes it look like its facing towards the left of our screens, but the wings make it seem like the upper body is facing towards the text. 


Ignore me, it's absolutely something CSM from that teaser (maybe Daemon Prince?)


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From Dakka Dakka:


Plenty of new kits for 9th Edition.
Regular Possessed,
Cultists (BSF-style),
Renegade Guard (BSF-style),
human mutants,
possessed humans (the latter two are monstrously horrible. Think of the Greater Possessed but cranked up to 11),

cultist standard bearer (character),
cultist character with bodyguards.

I can see something that horrible being part of the new Chaos miniatures. 

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4 minutes ago, Beliman said:

From Dakka Dakka:

I can see something that horrible being part of the new Chaos miniatures. 

Noice! With CSM, with both Knight Factions being around the corner, there's only Guard and Daemons left without a proper 9th codex. By then almost every faction will be suitably killy and over the top. Looking forward to toy around fresh CSM rules too as the faction really hasn't been a lot of fun to use for a long while now. Being able to tap more into the cultist/possessed aspect is something I've missed in particular.

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2 hours ago, SirSalabean said:

I really hope we are getting new Sylvaneth models. I’d love more kurnoth hunter style tree dudes. Not too kean on the wild hunt I just want trees and bugs 

Warcom does specifically call out new UNITS for AOS, and since there's two Sylvaneth banners I do hope that means some weird (weirder?) units for Sylvaneth. Alarielle is riding a giant beetle, so where are the other cool bugs?? Either way I think new Sylvaneth units are confirmed

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Hyped about Leagues if Votann making an appearance! Hoping they tell us when and what os coming!

Very interested to see what the Sylvaneth get - exciting that they said units for the Sylvaneth, although I'm exepecting them to be of the Bugs/trees variety not the kurnothi variety.

Is it Warcry or is it underworlds? Warcry reappearing seems likely and I'm wondering what form it will take- still focused on Chaos or will it be KT type boxes for different factions? Hoping for the later...


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3 hours ago, SirSalabean said:

I really hope we are getting new Sylvaneth models. I’d love more kurnoth hunter style tree dudes. Not too kean on the wild hunt I just want trees and bugs 

That would certainly be nice. Personally I'm still waiting for Tree-Revenants with bows like Ahnslaine. It's like come on, Alarielle, you have these woof elf souls and you're not gonna give them bows?

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2 hours ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

That would certainly be nice. Personally I'm still waiting for Tree-Revenants with bows like Ahnslaine. It's like come on, Alarielle, you have these woof elf souls and you're not gonna give them bows?

God right. Gib more shooot. Make kurnoth a greatbows terrifying snipers.

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11 hours ago, Kasper said:

Yeah thats the model 100% and sadly no chance of it being Morghur :( Would have been sick though.

Yeah, I also think this is one of the new CSM models - either new Possessed or those mutants that were mentioned (and I play CSM so I am really interested in how those models are going to look like). However, I am really looking forward to the new Sylvaneth stuff (they are my main army, anyway) - but I would be pleasantly surprised if there's something for Beasts of Chaos as well.

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