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5 minutes ago, Matrindur said:



Start Collecting sets for Fyreslayers, Idoneth and DoK are sold out online so we should be seeing their Vanguard sets soon

(Nighthaunt too but they didn't have a SC before)

Interesting! I wonder if thy will drop all four of them together with the tomes, or maybe later. They could use those to fill some weeks without new releases as well.

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6 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Interesting! I wonder if thy will drop all four of them together with the tomes, or maybe later. They could use those to fill some weeks without new releases as well.

Based on 40k they only go sold out if the new box is coming soon so they should be up in the next weeks

Edited by Matrindur
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3 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Based on 40k they only go sold out if the new box is coming soon so they should be up in the next weeks

Would be strange to release the DoK and Nighthaunt ones before their tome, wouldn't? Maybe they will release the Idoneth and Fyreslayer in the upcoming weeks and release the DoK and Nighthaunt ones with the new tome at the end of the month/start of the next.

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2 hours ago, Greyshadow said:

My initial thoughts of the Incarnate was that it was just okay but the more I look at it the more I like it. I would love to paint one up but I have heaps of ruined buildings and two Ghurish Heartland game boards already. Hopefully, the Incarnate will get an individual release later. I am very tempted to get the scenery pack but I think it will be just the book for now.

I'm the same way, starting to come round to it now and thinking about ways to paint it up. Maybe removing the central chunk of realmstone and replace with an Orruk shamen, along the lines of:


(Taken from amazing army seen here https://www.doublemisfire.com/2019/11/city-spotlight-lawrences-sunz-of-rust.html)

Sometimes with GW stuff it's only once you see some different paint schemes or minor changes that a new mini clicks. 


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4 hours ago, Greyshadow said:

My initial thoughts of the Incarnate was that it was just okay but the more I look at it the more I like it. I would love to paint one up but I have heaps of ruined buildings and two Ghurish Heartland game boards already. Hopefully, the Incarnate will get an individual release later. I am very tempted to get the scenery pack but I think it will be just the book for now.

Yeah, me and my group are already big fans of how “monstrous shamanistic” it looks that matches the bone strewn wastes of Ghur(certainly Bonesplitterz approve) but another big thing that clicks is that it’s very close to how Josh Reynolds described possible horrors in the Realm of Beasts back in 2017:


"There are all sorts of non-Chaos horrors in the Mortal Realms. Here are possibly a few:

In Ghyran, it's possibly the Gardynals - predatory plants that resemble caves, houses, or even citadels, and devour those who seek shelter within them. They travel with the monsoons, and nestle in areas near the largest concentrations of prey, allowing as many as possible to enter before snapping shut their jaws and prowling away.

In Hysh, it could be the Sun Dogs, which stalk and devour the shadows of the unwary. The effects of this are unpleasant, for nature abhors a vacuum and if one's shadow is missing, something may grow to replace it.

In Ulgu, there are similar beasts, called Shirkers, which eat the light from their victims's eyes, and blind them. Their howls lead their prey deeper into the umbral maze of the Realm of Shadows, before the packs descend to nip at their victim's sight, until they are lost, alone and blind, in the shadow-lands.

In Aqshy, it might be the Fire Clown - a jovial, unsettling wanderer who fills the unlucky with heated emotions of all sorts, leading to unfortunate, inevitable consequences, or else makes them spontaneously combust with mirth.

In Ghur, there's the Hungry Wind, a maelstrom of cannibal spirits that strips the flesh from those caught outdoors when it blows through. These spirits are not of Shyish, or of Chaos...some whisper that they might be the manifestation of Ghur itself.

In Chamon are the shattered, maddened remains of Cypria's clockwork legions, many of which have degenerated into a feral state, seeking any jot of metal, wood or even bone to repair their faltering frames. They gather in the wild places, building and growing.

In Shyish, there are the Forgotten, the ancient Ur-Deaths which ruled in the ages before Nagash, and before even the paltry godlings he overthrew. They stir now, in the depths of Stygxx, scenting the death of gods on the charnel wind.

And in Azyr, there are the ravenous things which stalk the star-fields around Sigmaron. Shapeless, nameless and ever-hungry, they are kept in check only by Sigmar's lightning, and the efforts of his huntsmen."


Plus the article lore backs it up that it’s born that way as a hungry skeletal spirit but fattens up by eating Endless Spells which very much reflects a realm known to eat it’s own moons:


These sentient whirlwinds of ethereal power roam the lands, growing fat by feasting on endless spells.* Some remarkable individuals are even able to bind and command them, albeit only temporarily.

Each realm has its own form of incarnate. While no two are the same, they draw their titles from the place they were first encountered. For example, the primal spirits of Ghur that manifest near titanic boneyards and slaughter grounds were first encountered in the Krondspine Range on the continent of Thondia.”

Also good “ur dudes” reason if you want to have it fatten up into something more bestial or the spirits form somewhere away from the boneyards to give the option for stuff like Ragest using a Wendigo Sevireth realm spirit or the like.

It and the new Aqualith look like enough for me and my brother to split the costs of the Strongpoint box to grab them.👍

Edited by Baron Klatz
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1 hour ago, Garrac said:

Still hoping and waiting for a big skaven release this summer. Will grab my reserves of hopium...


47 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:


the only reason why I’m not jumping onto the chaos knight hype train 

Fingers crossed it's more than just a Hero. Even the Nighthaunt treatment of a new Hero, Character and Unit would be much appreciated.

Seeing as the Rumours that AOS wont get much this year had absolutely Zero mention of Seasons of War Thondia and the Krondspine Incarnate there is still hope that Skaven get a substantial release. And that rumour only stems from once source as of now.

Of all Chaos Factions and indeed AOS as a whole they deserve it most. 

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1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:


Fingers crossed it's more than just a Hero. Even the Nighthaunt treatment of a new Hero, Character and Unit would be much appreciated.

Seeing as the Rumours that AOS wont get much this year had absolutely Zero mention of Seasons of War Thondia and the Krondspine Incarnate there is still hope that Skaven get a substantial release. And that rumour only stems from once source as of now.

Of all Chaos Factions and indeed AOS as a whole they deserve it most. 

I'm a bit hopeful also for Sylvaneth...as someone pointed out the rumors talks about "a controversial release" so i think it would not ben a single hero.
IMHO we could expect after those 2 another medium or big sized release at the end of the year (not Malerion but i could see something for destruction).

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1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

The rumors mentioned the controversial aspect about the Sylvaneth release though...so skaven in Sylvaneth should definitivly be controversial? XD

Haha, well in Broken Realms Alarielle she did respond to Skaven assassins pleading for their lives “you can’t-can’t kill us, you’re the goddess of life and we’re just 3 years alive!” by agreeing and turning them into trees instead so could unleash a Skaveneth tree-kin force by total surprise. xD 

But yeah, pretty sure it’ll be connected to Silent People since that smooth bug leg rumor engine wasn’t touched by the 40k flea riders.

It’s been a pretty big argument in the communities where that insect race should go(mostly by Destruction and Death players wanting a new race to expand their Grand Alliances) so Order not only getting more races under it’s banner but making them a sub-faction at that….I can see that stirring up some big salt on the horizon.

(and there was some cool ideas like Death roaches because they abandoned Beastgrave by migrating into Shadespire where they were overwhelmed by Death energies and now infest the Underworlds spreading to other realms while Destruction had them seek protection under Kragnos as Chaos,Ossiarchs & Deepkin have all hunted after them all ready and venerating Kragnos can make more earthquakes and create safe underground lairs for their larvae in the faults)

Edited by Baron Klatz
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13 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

I'm a bit hopeful also for Sylvaneth...as someone pointed out the rumors talks about "a controversial release" so i think it would not ben a single hero.
IMHO we could expect after those 2 another medium or big sized release at the end of the year (not Malerion but i could see something for destruction).

Controversial could very well mean a massive Sylvaneth update instead of Skaven. I'd be very happy for Sylvaneth and aesthetically they are one of my favourite Order Factions but it would be a bit of a slap in the face to the Rat men Yes-Yes!!

12 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

What are Beastmen?

(Not even gonna pretend Chaos Dwarfs are a thing)

Beasts of Chaos are definitely deserving and are in second place tied with Seraphon but Skaven have so many ancient minis that were around before BOC/Beastmen had its update in WHFB. There are a tonne of metal minis in Skaven and very expensive at that.

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3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Beasts of Chaos are definitely deserving and are in second place tied with Seraphon but Skaven Skaven so many ancient minis that were around before BOC/Beastmen had its update in WHFB. There are a tonne of metal minis in Skaven and very expensive at that.

Eff me, I forget about the Globadiers and Warpfire Thrower. Now that Eldar Warlocks have finally been retired (😢) I think they're probably GW's longest serving minis!

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4 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Haha, well in Broken Realms Alarielle she did respond to Skaven assassins pleading for their lives “you can’t-can’t kill us, you’re the goddess of life and we’re just 3 years alive!” by agreeing and turning them into trees instead so could unleash a Skaveneth tree-kin force by total surprise. xD 

But yeah, pretty sure it’ll be connected to Silent People since that smooth bug leg rumor engine wasn’t touched by the 40k flea riders.

It’s been a pretty big argument in the communities where that insect race should go(mostly by Destruction and Death players wanting a new race to expand their Grand Alliances) so Order not only getting more races under it’s banner but making them a sub-faction at that….I can see that stirring up some big salt on the horizon.

(and there was some cool ideas like Death roaches because they abandoned Beastgrave by migrating into Shadespire where they were overwhelmed by Death energies and now infest the Underworlds spreading to other realms while Destruction had them seek protection under Kragnos as Chaos,Ossiarchs & Deepkin have all hunted after them all ready and venerating Kragnos can make more earthquakes and create safe underground lairs for their larvae in the faults)

I want a Death army made out of living husks, shells and shed skin now. That would be awesome.

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i think Sylvaneath are more likely to get stuff since they like Nighthaunt got a new model during Broken realm and i don't think they were made in isolation while Skaven got rules but nothing else in that series.

i hedge that both are not going to be big releases either way, so I doubt that this is the Skaven refresh or the Kurnoth expansion that people been wanting, just given the current 40K/30K release timeline.

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11 hours ago, Skjold said:

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for Skaven players, but be prepared for a tzeentch battletome along with the sylvaneth book. I think Slyvaneth might be releasing with a couple new units too (not 100% on that though).

Are we talking a Tzeentchian style Tome for Skaven or just straight up Tzeentch instead of Skaven?

7 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

Eff me, I forget about the Globadiers and Warpfire Thrower. Now that Eldar Warlocks have finally been retired (😢) I think they're probably GW's longest serving minis!

So so so long ago!! 

7 hours ago, Ratboy genius said:

acolytes are 93, warpfire thrower should be 95 or 96 if memory serves

So if the Acolytes aren't updated this year that mini will be 30 years old next year...

5 hours ago, novakai said:

i think Sylvaneath are more likely to get stuff since they like Nighthaunt got a new model during Broken realm and i don't think they were made in isolation while Skaven got rules but nothing else in that series.

i hedge that both are not going to be big releases either way, so I doubt that this is the Skaven refresh or the Kurnoth expansion that people been wanting, just given the current 40K/30K release timeline.

I'm guessing a similar release to Nighthaunt as well. New Hero in a duel box and a new Cavlary unit to go with the insect leg.

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5 hours ago, novakai said:

i think Sylvaneath are more likely to get stuff since they like Nighthaunt got a new model during Broken realm and i don't think they were made in isolation while Skaven got rules but nothing else in that series.

i hedge that both are not going to be big releases either way, so I doubt that this is the Skaven refresh or the Kurnoth expansion that people been wanting, just given the current 40K/30K release timeline.

Yeah I'm not expecting Kurnothi with Syvaneth now -I think they are sticking with the trees/insect spite type, which I'm sure will be interesting.

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Whenever I read skaven or chaos dwarves I immediately leave the forum. XD

We all get you really want those factions guys and I‘ll be happy for you when that comes to pass.

however, can you please stop mentioning them in every second post? It has started to wear me down months ago. Thx :)

Edited by JackStreicher
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10 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Whenever I read skaven or chaos dwarves I immediately leave the forum. XD

We all get you really want those factions guys and I‘ll be happy for you when that comes to pass.

however, can you please stop mentioning them in every second post? It has started to wear me down months ago. Thx :)

Skaven is actually a legit rumour at the moment with Whitefang posting a picture of a rat. 

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