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22 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Considering that the box of aelves vs duardin is the next week in preorder maybe the "timeframe" is slighlty before than we thought?
I remember people talking about the box in february so maybe they intended the battletomes?

That'd be interesting. Hopefully we still get at least a new unit or two for IDK and FS.

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13 minutes ago, novakai said:

I don’t remember but the rumour timeline was like IDK tome in February, Fyreslayer was March, in between where the big 40K release and May/June was a Death tome but OP said he wasn’t sure which Death army

If that's the case must be Nighthaunt!!

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54 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Considering that the box of aelves vs duardin is the next week in preorder maybe the "timeframe" is slighlty before than we thought?
I remember people talking about the box in february so maybe they intended the battletomes?

I think that this can only mean one thing that all the rumours are lies and we are getting a massive wave of Fyerslayers and Idonth! Say hello to Magmaqueens, Vulkite Chariots, Grimnir Golems and Magma Canons on the Fyreslayer side and Carcinclaw Cavalry, Namarti Hunters with Harpoons, Embailors on Deeprays and Isharann Tru'heas on the Idoneth side.

The cycle of Denial begins anew!

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8 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I think that this can only mean one thing that all the rumours are lies and we are getting a massive wave of Fyerslayers and Idonth! Say hello to Magmaqueens, Vulkite Chariots, Grimnir Golems and Magma Canons on the Fyreslayer side and Carcinclaw Cavalry, Namarti Hunters with Harpoons, Embailors on Deeprays and Isharann Tru'heas on the Idoneth side.

The cycle of Denial begins anew!

No but considering the whole deal with battleboxes they don't wait too much between the box and linked battletomes\codicies so maybe we're getting them soon.


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I like that the Cinderfall Gaming rumours stated ossiarch was getting a battletome in January but instead just got a white dwarf update. I’m glad the rumours are wrong, that means we can expect the fyreslayers and idk tomes in february now, and whatever comes next in April, which tbh will probably be nighthaunt because the cinderfall rumours said it would be on halloween, so it cant be halloween.

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Or there could be a bottleneck in the book release and they are just prioritising 40K  books, since it looks like they have a lot to chew through this year with Tau, CSM, Eldar, Tyranids, Traitor Knights, the things they promise with Killteam and somehow get to IG and IK. God know if they going into 11th edition with Worldeater instead of maybe delaying edition change by a year lol

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21 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

I personally believe the most exciting thing we can hope for are some really kick-ass battletome front cover artworks!

And yes, I don't know why but I do think that's worth something. 😅

Yeah that one where the Rotbringer was murderizing that Lumenith Aelves was a really a piece of Art

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On 1/8/2022 at 8:13 PM, Neverchosen said:

I am confused, is Blade Born releasing this week? It says we can get it already in Canada, but I have never once seen it here and it also claims to be at Barnes and Noble, which I believe is just an American store. I have tried Indigo/Chapters to no avail and I think that I will likely never get my grubby mitts on this set.


I didn't notice this get answered so apologies but Blade Born is available through the Barnes and Noble webstore which does ship to Canada according to Canadian friends.

As someone who got a copy of it when it released here in the UK it's a pretty neat little game. I love the fact it comes with cards for Garrek's Reavers, Eyes of the Nine, Grashrak's Despoilers and The Dread Pageant so I can use my Warhammer Underworlds collection to expand it quite nicely.

Makes me wish for an expansion or sequel so we can get cards for Magore's Fiends, Spiteclaw's Swarm and The Wurmspat along with a few other warbands.

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15 minutes ago, novakai said:

Yeah that one where the Rotbringer was murderizing that Lumenith Aelves was a really a piece of Art

That one, for example, was unfortunately a real step back compared to the previous Maggotkin art. And it's not just that it's a Lumineth Warden being murdered, but that his colour scheme in the lower right of the art kind of break the piece's composition. It also lacks the threatening, foreboding atmosphere of its predecessor in favour of a frantic, aggressive surge that, in my opinion, doesn't quite fit the army. 

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2 hours ago, Maogrim said:

I personally believe the most exciting thing we can hope for are some really kick-ass battletome front cover artworks!

And yes, I don't know why but I do think that's worth something. 😅

Mate I absolutely agree. I love checking out the Tomes new covers. I cannot wait to see what they do with Mawtribes this Edition.

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So next week's release brings us fully up to for officially previewed AoS releases. Surely that means we should have some kind of preview soon.

The last proper preview was on October 30th and the last models to come out from that are the Underworlds warband. 

I could see a preview show at the end of January to cover the February and March releases before the big Adepticon show which will hopefully feature Malerion.

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5 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

I am getting Blackpowder's Buccaneers and using him as a Tyrant for my Ogor army and I am proxying him as Gotrek for my Stormcast!

If I get the IDK/Fyreslayers box with a friend then he will be the captain of my IDK Soul Pirates. But the friend I have who is interested said he is only going in if Fyreslayers get Souped or Expanded... so it looks like we are going to invest in Star Wars Legions instead 😰 (I will be going CW era in that case because I am more open to non-OT eras of SW)

Sadly I too will be sitting out on buying anything for some time, as my pile of shame has reached epic proportions. Fortunately this will allow me to buckle down on my dark mechanicus army and add some lore to my Soul Vine Bayou project(which has plenty of room for some pirates).

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Btw i didnt know if have been said allready but the article said:


The box contains 43 miniatures, a token sheet, and nine warscroll cards,


so.....9 warscrolls?idoneths have 4(hero,shark,balds melle and rangued) and fyreslayers 4(hero,vulkites,berzerker melle and zerker rangued)

so 8 scrolls in total,i guess fyreslayers are getting any getting scroll for diferent options of weapons of vulkites?

something as one scroll for dual axes and other for shields that have many diferents habilitys?

so we could have some extra scroll even if we dont get any new model

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

So next week's release brings us fully up to for officially previewed AoS releases. Surely that means we should have some kind of preview soon.

The last proper preview was on October 30th and the last models to come out from that are the Underworlds warband. 

I could see a preview show at the end of January to cover the February and March releases before the big Adepticon show which will hopefully feature Malerion.

maybe there is a LVO preview this year?

it is happening the on the last weekend of this month but there hasn't been word of a reveal show at the event.

an online show could happen around the same time though.

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5 hours ago, EonChao said:

I didn't notice this get answered so apologies but Blade Born is available through the Barnes and Noble webstore which does ship to Canada according to Canadian friends.

As someone who got a copy of it when it released here in the UK it's a pretty neat little game. I love the fact it comes with cards for Garrek's Reavers, Eyes of the Nine, Grashrak's Despoilers and The Dread Pageant so I can use my Warhammer Underworlds collection to expand it quite nicely.

Makes me wish for an expansion or sequel so we can get cards for Magore's Fiends, Spiteclaw's Swarm and The Wurmspat along with a few other warbands.

Thanks for the head's up, I will look into it and hopefully get my hands on it. It is one of those purchases that is a total impulse purchase for me as I do not need the extra units/models but they look great and getting the extra rules make it even more appealing. 

5 hours ago, Maogrim said:

I personally believe the most exciting thing we can hope for are some really kick-ass battletome front cover artworks!

And yes, I don't know why but I do think that's worth something. 😅

I can't wait for the new artwork. For the lack of imagination in the sculpts of Fyreslayers they happen to have some of the coolest artwork and concepts associated with them. Also I sincerely doubt the books will be able to match the awesomeness of the artwork used for the boxset but if it is half as good we are in for a treat.  

2 hours ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

Sadly I too will be sitting out on buying anything for some time, as my pile of shame has reached epic proportions. Fortunately this will allow me to buckle down on my dark mechanicus army and add some lore to my Soul Vine Bayou project(which has plenty of room for some pirates).

Every narrative has room for Pirates. Even Shakespeare jammed a nonsensical pirate plot into Hamlet and it worked!

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4 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

Every narrative has room for Pirates. Even Shakespeare jammed a nonsensical pirate plot into Hamlet and it worked!

Darn right it does! I mean how can you expect a story to be taken seriously without pirates? As soon as AoS gets a dedicated pirate faction it'll overtake 40k and probably be popular enough to run for government or be shown on a side of a bus or something!

4 hours ago, Indecisive said:

hinted NH mini + NH battletome is a quick enough endeavor for this quarter, maybe February

I would really like to see NH get their update earlier this year rather than later, they desperately need a power boost. Their models are way too nice to just be languishing without any real impactful allegiance abilities.

Beasts of Chaos also I'm hoping will be on the cards for an update this year.

5 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

It could also be a typo. Warhammer Community aren't known for being meticulous. 

What? Are you trying to imply that the proof checking on warhammer community articles is... flawed? This is outrageous!

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6 hours ago, novakai said:

maybe there is a LVO preview this year?

it is happening the on the last weekend of this month but there hasn't been word of a reveal show at the event.

an online show could happen around the same time though.

Fingers crossed for something at LVO!! 

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Good price on the box. Not sure if I will buy it as I've already got a lot of sharks and reavers. Be interesting to see how many halves of each people are selling on the fb groups.

I think part of it will come down to how good the warscroll is on the thrallmaster. If he gives my reavers +1 attack or something silly then he's a must buy!

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