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The Rumour Thread

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10 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

Those were armies that were actually worked on though, which isn't the case for Fyreslayers.

Not sure what you mean by 'worked on'. I don't believe they revealed any of the new Genestealer Cults stuff until after Tooth and Claw had come out. To be clear, I don't think we're getting more FS, just trying to recount how things have been in the past (as that was the question).

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55 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

All the fake rumourmongers are now going to be like,

"A source told me aquatic-themed Skaven with submarines will be coming in 3.0 along with Chaos Dwarfs, Malerion's Elves and Dawnbringer Crusaders!"

Dont forget Silent People. They are an important part of the rumour business.

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24 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I think if we were going to see more Fyreslayers/Idoneth in the next six months they'd have been included in the New Year teaser, particularly when it was otherwise so 40k heavy. 

True. Although to be fair that teaser left me with nothing but despair that AoS wouldn't see anything meaningful in the next six months and not much else.

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

All the fake rumourmongers are now going to be like,

"A source told me aquatic-themed Skaven with submarines will be coming in 3.0 along with Chaos Dwarfs, Malerion's Elves and Dawnbringer Crusaders!"

*satirical statement incoming* Breaking news :0 rumour is submarine skaven are to be added to idoneth deepkin book as a soup faction!!!!!!!

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4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

It is extremely funny to me that they attached a map that is too small to actually see anything. The reasoning feels more contrived than usual; if this lodge was defending everyone in the vicinity since the Age of Chaos, would the Deepkin not know and respect this? And if the Deepkin live too far to know this history, how would they know the Lodge was weakened? Not a *huge* deal but, y'know, kinda lazier than expected. At least they didn't do the "Elves HATE dwarves so they're FIGHTING now"

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13 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

It is extremely funny to me that they attached a map that is too small to actually see anything. The reasoning feels more contrived than usual; if this lodge was defending everyone in the vicinity since the Age of Chaos, would the Deepkin not know and respect this? And if the Deepkin live too far to know this history, how would they know the Lodge was weakened? Not a *huge* deal but, y'know, kinda lazier than expected. At least they didn't do the "Elves HATE dwarves so they're FIGHTING now"

In the words of the late, great Grand Marshal Garithos:

Never trust an elf. 

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It says the box includes warscrolls and tokens. So either they're new for 3rd edition and the books are coming out with it, or they're the 2.0 versions which, whilst not as valuable as the miniatures, I think would be off to invalidate them soon after by releasing the 3rd ed books later. Including the tokens and warscrolls sounds like a way to make a print run for a standalone warscrolls/token product a la SCE and Warclans to me. So sticking with the books are coming alongside it and just aren't announced yet.

Can see myself doing IDK if there's a book, though I do wish Namarti had eyes.

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1 hour ago, Maogrim said:

Fun fact: GW has released one (in numerals: 1) unconditional battleline unit for non-Stormcast armies in over half a year. And there's none (in numerals: 0) on the horizon for the next few months. 

To be fair, even if you count the new Stormcast unconditional Battleline, we're only up to 3 . . .

Edited by OkayestDM
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32 minutes ago, Starfyre said:

It says the box includes warscrolls and tokens. So either they're new for 3rd edition and the books are coming out with it, or they're the 2.0 versions which, whilst not as valuable as the miniatures, I think would be off to invalidate them soon after by releasing the 3rd ed books later. Including the tokens and warscrolls sounds like a way to make a print run for a standalone warscrolls/token product a la SCE and Warclans to me. So sticking with the books are coming alongside it and just aren't announced yet.

Can see myself doing IDK if there's a book, though I do wish Namarti had eyes.

Keep in mind, this was also true for Shadow and Pain. New Warscrolls for the old models that came in the box on both sides, books came months later. Ditto for the old Sylvaneth/Gits box, it had updated warscrolls for the Sylvaneth side even though the battletome was extremely delayed.

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2 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:


never trust an elf.

they nick your soul

as theirs is stuck in a prisoner’s hole.

elfs.. nothing but trouble.

Not quite accurate. Our souls are pretty fine. Better than others' in fact. Better than those of our so-called cousins from the seaside. True Aelves have no use for those shabby things you might call a soul. 

Oh, and it's Aelves. Will you ever learn? 

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1 hour ago, madmac said:

Keep in mind, this was also true for Shadow and Pain. New Warscrolls for the old models that came in the box on both sides, books came months later. Ditto for the old Sylvaneth/Gits box, it had updated warscrolls for the Sylvaneth side even though the battletome was extremely delayed.

Ah, fair enough, thanks.

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3 hours ago, KingGatorboy said:

*satirical statement incoming* Breaking news :0 rumour is submarine skaven are to be added to idoneth deepkin book as a soup faction!!!!!!!

Well everyone was asking for more cool aquatic beasts, they forgot that rats in a submarine fits the description!

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38 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

Not quite accurate. Our souls are pretty fine. Better than others' in fact. Better than those of our so-called cousins from the seaside. True Aelves have no use for those shabby things you might call a soul. 

Oh, and it's Aelves. Will you ever learn? 

Elf schmelf

your soul comes

from a chaos god’s bottom.

your spiritual leige had to go up said bottom to retrieve the fodder to make you lot.

call yoursaelves whaet you will (see what I did there) but the truth of the maetter is that you all come from a chaos god’s lower intestine.

that makes you technically chaos sausages with pointy aers.

minotaurs and ogors also report that as sausages you taste rubbish and only fit for rats. Although I’m sure @Skreech Verminking might have something to say about that, as your pointy ears are like fishbones, getting stuck in your throat trying to choke you.

see, even in death and cooked you’re still trying to choke and kill your diner.

aelfs… nothing but trouble. God sausage trouble at that.. god sausages I tell thee.

chaos, dine in peace with no hint of a cheeky god’s crease.

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5 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

All the fake rumourmongers are now going to be like,

"A source told me aquatic-themed Skaven with submarines will be coming in 3.0 along with Chaos Dwarfs, Malerion's Elves and Dawnbringer Crusaders!"

Not the first time they have done it and probably not the last... At least it wasn't large hollowed out dead Sea creatures this time... 

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14 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

So, to prevent another War of the Beard...

Do you think we have hit the maximum faction limit? If not, which will be the next 'full' faction (i.e, not Lumineth 3rd wave lol!) and when will we see one? Q3-Q4 2022? Malerion? Chaos Duardin?

We still have armies with 20+ year old  metal and finecast models. I think its save to say we have hit the maximum faction limit. 

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36 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

So, to prevent another War of the Beard...

Do you think we have hit the maximum faction limit? If not, which will be the next 'full' faction (i.e, not Lumineth 3rd wave lol!) and when will we see one? Q3-Q4 2022? Malerion? Chaos Duardin?

Oh, don't worry, friend. See, my distant relative @Kaleb Daark and I just hide deep, mutual appreciation behind him calling us non-smiling, troublesome, untrustworthy sausages for beasts ... and me wanting him to finally spell that race correctly. :)

Interesting question though! I personally would believe Malerion to be the most likely. Dark Elves were always an iconic and beloved part of Warhammer, and each Aelven god has the potential be a money-printing machine, if their rules are halfway decent. So I believe him to be safer bet than something like Chaos Duardin (though I would LOVE to see an AOS take on them) or Silent People (whom I believe will never be a faction in Age of Sigmar).

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