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The Rumour Thread

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10 hours ago, SeanMaguire1991 said:

I find it hard to care for the plight of the Chaos Worshipping marauders when faced with Sigmar's crusade.

Imagine living in a region and when faced with an outside threat your liege shuts the door and leaves you to die. You watch your family, friends, people die or worse. Desperation and anger sets in and you do what you have to survive. After awhile, you manage not just to survive but you're thriving again. Once the storm is over he opens the doors again, expecting you to fall in line or face judgement as if he never left. How could you show anything but contempt and, dare I say it, righteous fury towards such a ruler? Where was this joker at your time of need?

Logically, Sigmar's reasoning was sound (it was that or be overrun and lose completely) but when you're on the wrong side of his equation it would be hard to remain pragmatic about these things. I also think this extend to the points on Crusades as, much like 40k, the battle is about choosing the lesser evil and ruthless pragmatism. Sprinkled with humanity with all its flaws and aspirations.


32 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

So you are saying Colonialism is fine when used against subhuman heathens? Sounds familiar...

I dont think these things were laughed out by the writers, because i dont think the writers are actually arseholes (Because generally they arent) they just didnt have the outside perspective to see where it was all going, and seeing as if im right its cost the company time and money that only reinforces the importance of it.

Its not about hope either, repeatedly going over just how grimderp suicidal the whole thing is is wasting word count that could be used for literally anything else like talking about how the different Order factions organise or support their crusades which is sorely lacking imho.

Hell, a two page spread describing different ways of moving the floaty rocks instead of just raw manpower? Wind spirits, clanking steam wagons, harnessed hydras, Ironclads etc etc the potential is pretty limitless.

Never underestimate the power of short-sighted self-interest. The various factions have different goals and to expect them to unite around each other might seem like a great idea from someone, like us, with a bird's eyes view of the entire setting. The people within the setting are not able to 'meta game' and somehow just know what happened in X or Y battle or what took place in key events.

I would also add 'limitless' in theory but everything you suggest cost resources and what if the failure rate is similar? Add in the politics of who gets what, who pays for it, who stands to gain, and the inflated egos who refuse to act on their political rivals idea just in case it might work. Then add the additional intrigue of the gods and got a situation were it is also important for them who gets the glory and emerge at the top.

"We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever", as Carl Sagan so eloquently put it. My point is perspective, from mortals to gods who each have a mortal and immortal view on the passing of time while leads to contradiction goals and mindsets.

TL;DR for both: Perspective and context matter to those stuck in it. Everyone think their idea is the best and no one is the villain in their own story.

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50 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

So you are saying Colonialism is fine when used against subhuman heathens? 

Its not about hope either, repeatedly going over just how grimderp suicidal the whole thing is is wasting word count that could be used for literally anything else like talking about how the different Order factions organise or support their crusades which is sorely lacking imho.

Hell, a two page spread describing different ways of moving the floaty rocks instead of just raw manpower? Wind spirits, clanking steam wagons, harnessed hydras, Ironclads etc etc the potential is pretty limitless.

it's a holy war, not colonialism, and gw isn't interested in detailing logistics in their wargame, every time they've attempted it's always sounded goofy 

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I wish I had a modicum of a singing voice so I could record--to the tune of 'What's the Use of Feeling (blue)--the certified TGA classic 'Return Back to Rumours (Please)'.

Why would you want to argue sirs
Topics that flamewar stirs
Do you want geedubs
sue? Mod hat on
Return back to rumours, please

I don’t care squat
Of duardin phenotypes
Leaks of 4chan’s rot
Or Sigmarites in tights
Words like colonise
I fully try to ignore
Where’s the rumours
When the mods need it, please?
We need them rumours, please!

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1 minute ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

I wish I had a modicum of a singing voice so I could record--to the tune of 'What's the Use of Feeling (blue)--the certified TGA classic 'Return Back to Rumours (Please)'.

I think the problem is that the Rumour Thread is really more of a 'General Discussion' thread. When there's rarely any actual rumours of news, there's nothing to really bring things back around to anything but the current discussion.

Kids these days don't even make new Topics. In my day, forums would have pages of different threads...

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3 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I think the problem is that the Rumour Thread is really more of a 'General Discussion' thread. When there's rarely any actual rumours of news, there's nothing to really bring things back around to anything but the current discussion.

Kids these days don't even make new Topics. In my day, forums would have pages of different threads...

I'm fully aware, after all, I infiltrate the hobby post my MS Paint pepes here instead of reddit and ramble on like Abe Simpson. But as the court jester of this forum I am clowning on everyone here (including myself).

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59 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

I wish I had a modicum of a singing voice so I could record--to the tune of 'What's the Use of Feeling (blue)--the certified TGA classic 'Return Back to Rumours (Please)'.

Why would you want to argue sirs
Topics that flamewar stirs
Do you want geedubs
sue? Mod hat on
Return back to rumours, please

I don’t care squat
Of duardin phenotypes
Leaks of 4chan’s rot
Or Sigmarites in tights
Words like colonise
I fully try to ignore
Where’s the rumours
When the mods need it, please?
We need them rumours, please!

I read that in what I feel is a darker, gloomier, more emo version of Edgar Allen Poe.

57 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I think the problem is that the Rumour Thread is really more of a 'General Discussion' thread. When there's rarely any actual rumours of news, there's nothing to really bring things back around to anything but the current discussion.

Kids these days don't even make new Topics. In my day, forums would have pages of different threads...

The issue with making more topics is those topics clutter up the pages and get lost, which results in even more of the same topics popping up. 

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31 minutes ago, Starfyre said:

Voted for Be’lakor and then got him for xmas. Dark magic at play.

Teacher says, 

That's right, that's right. Attaboy, Duinclaw.

Hopefully we now get a unit of Ogor Sized Crustaceans and a unit of Namarti Hopolites in Heavy Crab Armour with razor sharp claws on their forearms to be used like push daggers! Also lets not forget Spinefin who probably helped some people vote for the unit as well, lets get a swarm of them! Then we need someone to lead them and my vote goes for an Isharann Embailor riding on a large ray, I imagine it being like riding a disc of Tzeentch! This little subfaction will need a centre piece and as much as I want a kraken, I would prefer a sea serpent that is a mix of a dragon and an oar fish.

Edited by Neverchosen
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3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


Check back in tomorrow for a glimpse of what's to come in the next 12 months.

Let's Go!!

Expecting to see some glimpses of Eldar, Chaos Space Marines, Cursed City Expansions, Warcry models and a hint at the next hero model after the Fyreslayer/IDK box! With a big reveal of a cool Eldar model 😁

What I want to see is some new Idoneth and Fyreslayer units 😭

Edited by Neverchosen
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18 hours ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

Malerion has been being "rumored" since 1st edition, any mention of him in any rumor schedule needs a heavy pinch of salt. And I don't see how Silent People would somehow be Death unless its a bunch of zombie bug carcasses.

I heard one YouTuber (cinderfall gaming?) saying that Silent People would be death worshippers who live under Beast Grave. 

I could definitely see having a death faction that wasn’t undead, but consisted of worshippers of death. Makes some sense for a big race that probably consumes the dead to worship death.  

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  • Quite pleased that the first one is a shared model
  • Then we get a rather subdued small mini from an AoS related specialist game. Even though it was memey.
  • Space marine exists, 40k
  • Then we have the glorious Sigvald, AoS
  • Rather nice looking 40k Ork
  • Nundam (the prettier version) 40k
  • Kroak AoS
  • Daddy Dragon AoS

That's not looking too bad for AoS, a nice 40/50

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