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3 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Tangentially rumor related: I am now dreaming of CA doing an AOS Total War after 3 comes out 😭 if they can put the literal Realm of Chaos on a map, they can make the Mortal Realms.



This is the dream and in my opinion the next step for Total War Warhammer!! 

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

I'm gunna grab the double when Blackpowder drops and get Hrothgorn as well!! Those Gnoblars will make perfect additions to the bases of Stonehorns or Mega Gargants...

Gnoblars are officially the number one basing material in all of GW's backlog! I am getting Hrothgorn and running him as a Tyrant in my currently all BCR army... maybe he can lead the Gnoblars? I also am thinking of going 3rd party and adding a Gargant as I just want some more varied lists.

44 minutes ago, GenericEdgyName said:

Goddamnit TGA, your collective level of sanity is so low and of humour so high that I've run out of laughing reactions to give

Come for the rumours stay for the top quality discussion.

23 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Tangentially rumor related: I am now dreaming of CA doing an AOS Total War after 3 comes out 😭 if they can put the literal Realm of Chaos on a map, they can make the Mortal Realms.



Eight Realms plus the Eightpoints with the freedom to carve their own slice out of the realms or use pre-established maps from AOS and Soulbound... sounds like a pretty good idea to me! Now lets seem them add Vampirates into AOS before GW gets the memo.

Edited by Neverchosen
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That said, it’s been rumor that CA going to do the Horus Hersey next after the Seige of Terra novels ends. They  hire someone from the age of darkness team just last year and the fiction like historical setting seems more up their alley.

Doing a sci if setting just seems like something CA would like to explore more too.

Edited by novakai
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5 hours ago, silverstu said:

Man I love that artwork! I really hope GW release dwarfs that reflect it! Although the current Iron breakers and Hammerers are pretty close the previous warriors didn't quite get there. 

Well obviously Old World will at some point cover the dwarves, but it makes me wonder... Will we actually be getting new sculpts for old races in Old World?  I would imagine the answer will be some variant of "sometimes".  It would be cool to see Old World dwarves with the current gyros and ironbreakers/hammerers/etc. that we have today but reinforced by brand new quarrelers and thunderers and warriors and so forth.

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2 hours ago, Ratboy genius said:

its a lord of the rings quote, kids these days smh

There is only a very short line about it in the book that could be explained in a different way. Tolkien didn't write that much about women, and wouldn't be able to raid the Voluspa for female dwarven names.

2 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

But, what if...


That must be your gift from Hashut then :)

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21 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

There is only a very short line about it in the book that could be explained in a different way. Tolkien didn't write that much about women, and wouldn't be able to raid the Voluspa for female dwarven names.

That must be your gift from Hashut then :)

Well he did better with Female character in the Silmarilion

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8 hours ago, novakai said:

I mean they didn’t even make slaangor useable in BoC when they came out and then in the new edition they break your allegiance now, you can only go up from here.

I'm holding some hope they did specifically say that the balance would address units that don't see the board enough. I literally couldn't think of a better candidate.. but then, I have box tunnel vision

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2 hours ago, Iksdee said:

I would actually buy a snotling basing kit. Pimp my greenskinz with more greenskinz.

This is actually a brilliant idea like the skull box but for additional critters, familiars and pets for each of the grand alliances! They could be sold together as a box and if they were on dedicated sprues they could be added to boxes like upgrade sprues in 40k. For example, when buying a Gloomspite battleforce maybe some extra mushrooms could become more of an incentive to purchase. 

Here are five ideas per alliance off the top of my head: 
Destruction - Gnoblars, Snotlings, Mushrooms, Spiders, Squigly Things
Order - Gryph Hound pups, Jungle Lizards, Sylvaneth Spites, Plants, Treasure Chests
Chaos - Familliars, Mutated Creatures, Giant Rats, Chaos Iconography, Pieces of Ruins
Death - Grave Stones, Rodents, Skulls, Piles of Bones, Carrion Birds

Not a very comprehensive and all off the top of my head, but I would likely purchase all of these even though I would not make use of all the sprues... It is funny I am tempted by the skull box but I genuinely can not justify that many skulls. And this is from someone that loves and plays Chaos. It sometimes feels like people in this hobby assume that battlefields are just inextricably covered in skulls, like if an opponent were to lose their head it would magically become a skull. At least in AOS it is justified by skeletons being common unit types but in 40k it is even more bizarre. In other words less skulls more animal buddies, little greenskin pals and of course tactical rocks for everyone!

Edited by Neverchosen
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50 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

This is actually a brilliant idea like the skull box but for additional critters, familiars and pets for each of the grand alliances! They could be sold together as a box and if they were on dedicated sprues they could be added to boxes like upgrade sprues in 40k. For example, when buying a Gloomspite battleforce maybe some extra mushrooms could become more of an incentive to purchase. 

Here are five ideas per alliance off the top of my head: 
Destruction - Gnoblars, Snotlings, Mushrooms, Spiders, Squigly Things
Order - Gryph Hound pups, Jungle Lizards, Sylvaneth Spites, Plants, Treasure Chests
Chaos - Familliars, Mutated Creatures, Giant Rats, Chaos Iconography, Pieces of Ruins
Death - Grave Stones, Rodents, Skulls, Piles of Bones, Carrion Birds

Not a very comprehensive and all off the top of my head, but I would likely purchase all of these even though I would not make use of all the sprues... It is funny I am tempted by the skull box but I genuinely can not justify that many skulls. And this is from someone that loves and plays Chaos. It sometimes feels like people in this hobby assume that battlefields are just inextricably covered in skulls, like if an opponent were to lose their head it would magically become a skull. At least in AOS it is justified by skeletons being common unit types but in 40k it is even more bizarre. In other words less skulls more animal buddies, little greenskin pals and of course tactical rocks for everyone!

I love this idea. You could do so much with a kit like that. The big box of skulls looks great, but as a long time tomb kings player I have enough skulls in my bits box to last for years. 

Gw do seem overly fond of them for basing, and the old realm of battle boards contain fissures in tje ground, revealing an entire archaeological stratum of skulls. Where the rest of the bones went remains a mystery!

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46 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

I love this idea. You could do so much with a kit like that. The big box of skulls looks great, but as a long time tomb kings player I have enough skulls in my bits box to last for years. 

Gw do seem overly fond of them for basing, and the old realm of battle boards contain fissures in tje ground, revealing an entire archaeological stratum of skulls. Where the rest of the bones went remains a mystery!

Now I want to write a Black Library tale about a family doing their Bonereaper Tax Return and getting their loved ones skull back, and then cut to Katakross patting himself on the back for his magnanimity on the new tax reforms, while everyone else in the realms looks at him as a monster and also explaining the surplus of skulls.

Edited by Neverchosen
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21 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

Gobbapolooza is an awesome set, though it is priced way too high.

I just use the 2 mages as Fungoid Cave Shamans that makes it actually cheaper than buying 2 Snazzgar models. As a bonus i got 3 leftover models that are awesome to paint and look great on the shelf.

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52 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

I just use the 2 mages as Fungoid Cave Shamans that makes it actually cheaper than buying 2 Snazzgar models. As a bonus i got 3 leftover models that are awesome to paint and look great on the shelf.

Well a friend of mine, was thinking of using those cheap non heroic characters as a kind of meatshields unit, protecting the bigger hordes in the end.

which is kind of funny,

considering that the meta has shifted towards actual heroes or elite units using as a meat-shield to protect the actual meat-shield units in the game.


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1 hour ago, Iksdee said:

I just use the 2 mages as Fungoid Cave Shamans that makes it actually cheaper than buying 2 Snazzgar models. As a bonus i got 3 leftover models that are awesome to paint and look great on the shelf.

Replacing hero characters it makes more sense. I have no goblin army so that doesn't work for me.

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6 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

This is actually a brilliant idea like the skull box but for additional critters, familiars and pets for each of the grand alliances! They could be sold together as a box and if they were on dedicated sprues they could be added to boxes like upgrade sprues in 40k. For example, when buying a Gloomspite battleforce maybe some extra mushrooms could become more of an incentive to purchase. 

Here are five ideas per alliance off the top of my head: 
Destruction - Gnoblars, Snotlings, Mushrooms, Spiders, Squigly Things
Order - Gryph Hound pups, Jungle Lizards, Sylvaneth Spites, Plants, Treasure Chests
Chaos - Familliars, Mutated Creatures, Giant Rats, Chaos Iconography, Pieces of Ruins
Death - Grave Stones, Rodents, Skulls, Piles of Bones, Carrion Birds

Not a very comprehensive and all off the top of my head, but I would likely purchase all of these even though I would not make use of all the sprues... It is funny I am tempted by the skull box but I genuinely can not justify that many skulls. And this is from someone that loves and plays Chaos. It sometimes feels like people in this hobby assume that battlefields are just inextricably covered in skulls, like if an opponent were to lose their head it would magically become a skull. At least in AOS it is justified by skeletons being common unit types but in 40k it is even more bizarre. In other words less skulls more animal buddies, little greenskin pals and of course tactical rocks for everyone!

Oh, I love that!

I'd pay good money for dead Aelfs, especially Lumineth! I'd have a whole army of those. Maybe two. 😎

Casualties in general would be awesome (there were like 3 models for 40k ages ago) and I'd love some grim stuff for scenery. Like mutilated corpses from some chaotic rituals, body parts, skewered people, etc. Or even better, I've always loved the stories about Praag, when people got fused with the walls... I'd totally pay for something like that.

Too bad GW themselves will never venture into such a gruesome direction.... and 3rd party stuff usually has a very different style that wouldn't mix well... or gigantic ****** or something. 😄

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