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18 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

We can all agree that it's a little rough on the AoS front right now, particularly since all or most of us were expecting to be basking in the glory of the new edition and all it had to offer. 

I'm legitimately wondering (and I suppose somewhat hoping) if GW is going to course correct the AoS releases a bit, focusing in on Nurgle-esque 1-model Battletome releases for a few factions until they get themselves caught up.

I'm not surprised that they've been prioritizing the 40k releases. It's always been their cash-cow, and despite the fact that AoS is rapidly growing in popularity, we're still a long way from matching 40k's following. It's not fun for us, but it is good business sense, and in the long run will help GW get the resources it needs to get back on track.

I'm keeping my own enthusiasm alive with my backlog and Battlereports (so glad that RR1's is back!).

The longer I wait for new models, the more time I find myself browsing Etsy and other model manufacturers. And the more I do that, the more wonderful non-GW models I keep finding out there. I'm not a tournament player, and I like to build conversions,  so if my army isnt 100% GW models, it doesn't matter. Considering the high cost of GW models, the competition is looking better and better each day. 

I know there's always been the "high quality" argument, and that GW charges a fortune for high end product and supporting a business, but frankly, with 3D printing tech on the rise, they are no longer the epitome of quality they once were. I find myself buying character models and unique heroes from GW, but for generic stuff (60+ zombies im looking at you), i find myself turning to the 3rd party guys more and more. I can buy 60 GW zombies for $160 bucks, or I can buy 60 zombies for $60, and still have $100 left to drop on zombie dragon, and then go grab some lunch with the rest of the cash.  

And GW's feeling the pressure, or I assume so, looking at how they cracked down on 3rd party operations this past year. I don't fault them for this, people shouldn't copy GW's models for resale. But I do fully support those artists who design their own models from the ground up (creature caster I love you), or produce generic monsters (skellies, orks, zombies, etc) that GW cant copyright.


Amyhow, just some lunchtime ramblings, as I sit here and peruse the Warhammer community articles for the day, looking for AOS stuff. 😁

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Well like a few people have said, Nurgle could have been the only AoS release plan post dominion for the rest 2021 and they already are back on schedule. Just like BoC was the only post Soul War release of 2018. It just that this year they decided to give 40K the Christmas slot where in the past 5 year or so (maybe 4) it has traditionally been an AoS release slot.

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I really don't think there is anything to worry about. The first half the year was amazing for AoS releases, then a new edition came out. Ok, so its the 40K season at the moment, but the wheel will turn and fantasy will come around again.

The two people who have finished painting all their models, have everything they are ever going to want for the armies they collect, and hate all other factions they might play, can moan about there being no new releases for a while. For the rest of us, lets be patient and paint our models!

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I don't think it's out of line to say that a lot of the ""salt"" is because 3.0's launch feels so botched. It is inarguable that GW is mind-bogglingly obtuse and opaque when it comes to community communication. If this was not a new edition year, we wouldn't be complaining because most people in the GW pool understand the focus switches between game systems. Again, most of us aren't even asking for releases. We're asking for small updates on the plan for "THE BEST RULESET EVER" that GW itself named 3.0 as. So I think the discontent is much higher because of how different the game is now, that waiting on your own proper 3.0 tome feels even worse.

Is the sky falling? Nope. Especially not with an influx of minis-agnostic systems popping up. But don't tell people they shouldn't be complaining when GW whiffed handling the hype-train they themselves created.

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@Gothmaug I agree with so much of the sentiment. Hell I reckon I spend more time on Third party manufacturers, etsy and Instagram looking at upcoming cool non gw kits to see what cool miniatures are out there to use for Warhammer and AoS. And that makes me a little sad. I’m also wracked with conflicting emotions when I see companies do blatant versions (different designs not recasts) of GW’S IP. Where partly I think “ How dare they” followed by “cool I’ll get one”.


As for yall complaining about tumour engines being posted. Maybe we  should say “could be a Chaos Dwarf Chainsword or an Umbraneth boot”. It may turn your disapproval. We post the rumour engine regardless of content weekly. If mods aren't happy with it cool. But I personally don’t agree with ignoring a whole side of the hobby just because we aren’t personally interested in it.

Again, I’ll leave it to the Mods to decide for us. 




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4 minutes ago, Kronos said:

@Gothmaug I agree with so much of the sentiment. Hell I reckon I spend more time on Third party manufacturers, etsy and Instagram looking at upcoming cool non gw kits to see what cool miniatures are out there to use for Warhammer and AoS. And that makes me a little sad. I’m also wracked with conflicting emotions when I see companies do blatant versions (different designs not recasts) of GW’S IP. Where partly I think “ How dare they” followed by “cool I’ll get one”.


As for yall complaining about tumour engines being posted. Maybe we  should say “could be a Chaos Dwarf Chainsword or an Umbraneth boot”. It may turn your disapproval. We post the rumour engine regardless of content weekly. If mods aren't happy with it cool. But I personally don’t agree with ignoring a whole side of the hobby just because we aren’t personally interested in it.

Again, I’ll leave it to the Mods to decide for us. 




this is age of sigmar discussions - rumor thread not games workshop discussions- rumor thread, it's beyond obvious that none of the rumor engines so far involve age of sigmar at all so why take up the space on the page 


I could go full hopium and say ah it's clearly some advanced tech for something interesting in aos but we all know that's not going to be true 

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8 hours ago, KingBrodd said:


James Workshop is back!! And with special Terrain rules!!

Considering that my Slaves to Darkness are in Santa colours (red armour, with white cloaks and black leather gloves and boots) and I play Beast Claw Raiders and have a narrative set in a frigid landscape, I may actually use some of those rules! 

Soon my Chaos Lord the Fallen Saint, Nicholas of the Claws can fight against Rudolph the Red drenched Stonehorn, with proper rules! 

Edited by Neverchosen
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3 hours ago, Ogregut said:

Antidotal evidence (and I'm the first to admit antidotal evidence isn't worth the paper it's printed on), a online store held a competition on twitter to win vouchers if you guessed their biggest selling GW item this year. Dominion was the clear winner. 


there wasn't anything big for 40k. Lot's of stock limited duel boxes and some kill teams. Meanwhile dominion was unlimited. Also absolutely 0 new space marine releases. (BT but you cannot use those models in other armies) 

I would love to see how well did the second LRL wave sell. 

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3 hours ago, Feii said:

there wasn't anything big for 40k. Lot's of stock limited duel boxes and some kill teams. Meanwhile dominion was unlimited. Also absolutely 0 new space marine releases. (BT but you cannot use those models in other armies) 

I would love to see how well did the second LRL wave sell. 

I know the beast Snagga Ork box sold out on the spot but that about it ( they clearly didn’t make that many of them as Dominon). Arguable the Ork release was the biggest release that 40K had this year and probably did pretty well

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sadness about how the nurgle preview was a blip between gsc/custodes and tau previews despite being the same hero+book release aside, the tau preview was insightful
they've really tried to lean into heavier flavour with rules this edition, blandness was common feedback early 8th edition or so

maggotkin seems to follow the above trio and goes against the sce/owc design weirdly enough

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9 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

The longer I wait for new models, the more time I find myself browsing Etsy and other model manufacturers. And the more I do that, the more wonderful non-GW models I keep finding out there. I'm not a tournament player, and I like to build conversions,  so if my army isnt 100% GW models, it doesn't matter. Considering the high cost of GW models, the competition is looking better and better each day. 

I know there's always been the "high quality" argument, and that GW charges a fortune for high end product and supporting a business, but frankly, with 3D printing tech on the rise, they are no longer the epitome of quality they once were. I find myself buying character models and unique heroes from GW, but for generic stuff (60+ zombies im looking at you), i find myself turning to the 3rd party guys more and more. I can buy 60 GW zombies for $160 bucks, or I can buy 60 zombies for $60, and still have $100 left to drop on zombie dragon, and then go grab some lunch with the rest of the cash.  

And GW's feeling the pressure, or I assume so, looking at how they cracked down on 3rd party operations this past year. I don't fault them for this, people shouldn't copy GW's models for resale. But I do fully support those artists who design their own models from the ground up (creature caster I love you), or produce generic monsters (skellies, orks, zombies, etc) that GW cant copyright.


Amyhow, just some lunchtime ramblings, as I sit here and peruse the Warhammer community articles for the day, looking for AOS stuff. 😁

I agree with GW feeling the pressure, but I think the pressure that they are feeling isn’t because of the growing competition from 3D printers or 3rd Party sellers, but rather it’s the encroaching/looming threat that they potentially pose. It’s like they know or having a feeling that a storm is coming, and even though they’re doing good right now, there’s an underlining fear that it could completely turn upside down on them. 

I’m not a business person nor do I have specific training in business-related decisions, but something that I do know is a well-understood fact is that businesses absolutely need to adapt (technologically, methodology of running the business, image/morals, etc.) in order to continue as a success. GW is riding the high wave at the moment, but that can change quickly if they don’t continue to grow and adopt to modern needs. 

There’s a lot of people online that are saying because of Henry Cavill and Tom Holland, GW has gone mainstream; I disagree because it’s still unknown to a number of people, and is only starting to potentially catch on with some audiences. Instead, this is showing that it has the potential to become more mainstream, and I think of GW wants to continue succeeding, they’ll need to expand their business model and IP to a somewhat broader audience (video games, TV shows, etc.)

I guess my main point is that making the majority of their profits on miniatures may not be smart in the long run because of how it’s getting much easier each year to print one’s own miniatures, and GW knows this is the case and has tried damage control by limiting what models you can bring to tournaments, official events, or stores based on whether they are converted or purchased from third parties. But this may not last very long, and they’ll probably need to expand early on to other means of making revenue, otherwise they may be in trouble. 

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3 hours ago, AngryPanda said:

I agree with GW feeling the pressure, but I think the pressure that they are feeling isn’t because of the growing competition from 3D printers or 3rd Party sellers, but rather it’s the encroaching/looming threat that they potentially pose. It’s like they know or having a feeling that a storm is coming, and even though they’re doing good right now, there’s an underlining fear that it could completely turn upside down on them. 

I’m not a business person nor do I have specific training in business-related decisions, but something that I do know is a well-understood fact is that businesses absolutely need to adapt (technologically, methodology of running the business, image/morals, etc.) in order to continue as a success. GW is riding the high wave at the moment, but that can change quickly if they don’t continue to grow and adopt to modern needs. 

There’s a lot of people online that are saying because of Henry Cavill and Tom Holland, GW has gone mainstream; I disagree because it’s still unknown to a number of people, and is only starting to potentially catch on with some audiences. Instead, this is showing that it has the potential to become more mainstream, and I think of GW wants to continue succeeding, they’ll need to expand their business model and IP to a somewhat broader audience (video games, TV shows, etc.)

I guess my main point is that making the majority of their profits on miniatures may not be smart in the long run because of how it’s getting much easier each year to print one’s own miniatures, and GW knows this is the case and has tried damage control by limiting what models you can bring to tournaments, official events, or stores based on whether they are converted or purchased from third parties. But this may not last very long, and they’ll probably need to expand early on to other means of making revenue, otherwise they may be in trouble. 

GW strength lies in their IP and they know this, its why their licencing of the IP has grown so much in the few years. 

I do think something else they are good at is being at the forefront of new technology and leading the way in the industry. Look at companies now like scale 75 and army painter just bringing their versions of contrast paint out, 2-3 years after GW. 

Im sure they are well aware of the 3D printing situation and I look forward to what they will come up with. 

In regards to 3d printing I don't think it poses as massive a threat as everyone makes out right now (not to say it won't in the future). 

I to browse esty and have bought a few cool looking models to paint but I've always been slightly disappointed with the actual model as the quality still isn't quite up there with plastic models or traditional resin. 

I've watched YouTubers wax lyrical about being able to print and paint an army in a day  but the end results always leave me a bit cold. 

Has anyone seen a fully painted 3d bretonnian, tomb Kings or chaos dwarf army full painted to a high standard? I genuinely want to see them to see if they can change my mind. 

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32 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

GW strength lies in their IP and they know this, its why their licencing of the IP has grown so much in the few years. 

I do think something else they are good at is being at the forefront of new technology and leading the way in the industry. Look at companies now like scale 75 and army painter just bringing their versions of contrast paint out, 2-3 years after GW. 

Im sure they are well aware of the 3D printing situation and I look forward to what they will come up with. 

In regards to 3d printing I don't think it poses as massive a threat as everyone makes out right now (not to say it won't in the future). 

I to browse esty and have bought a few cool looking models to paint but I've always been slightly disappointed with the actual model as the quality still isn't quite up there with plastic models or traditional resin. 

I've watched YouTubers wax lyrical about being able to print and paint an army in a day  but the end results always leave me a bit cold. 

Has anyone seen a fully painted 3d bretonnian, tomb Kings or chaos dwarf army full painted to a high standard? I genuinely want to see them to see if they can change my mind. 

I've been looking into 3d printing a bit but for the average casual gamer this just isnt worth it. The printers cost a lot and that isnt including the resin u have to buy. Then there is the trial and error of getting all the settings just right and the massive amount of time u need to print and clean all the models. This also doesnt include the actual model designs u need to print. These also cost a lot and many dont even have bases included or the needed supports. Unless u plan to sell models or print massive amounts of models it just isnt worth it imo with all the cost and effort compared to just buying models. This also doesnt include the fact that i have absolutely no time to paint all the minis. One more thing is that i like building large kits with 100+ parts, 3d printing doesnt really work that way.

I do think its a good thing GW has some kind of competition. Some studios make some awesome looking models and terrain. I think it is good for the hobby overall.

Tldr: Dont think GW needs to be scared of 3d printing for a long time. 

Edited by Iksdee
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So, we've had this debate around 40K, right-wing extremist fans and GW's statement that the Imperium are not the good guys but a xenophobic fascist warmachine under perpetual martial law and Gestapo-like surveillance...and then here comes the Space Marine 2 trailer and the Ubermensch ****** super soldiers are the glorious heroes again. Because nothing matters anymore.

That Ultramarines protagonist should have shot the guardsman. 

(I guess I do come across as salty sometimes. I'm sorry. Winter sucks.)

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36 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

I've been looking into 3d printing a bit but for the average casual gamer this just isnt worth it. The printers cost a lot and that isnt including the resin u have to buy. Then there is the trial and error of getting all the settings just right and the massive amount of time u need to print and clean all the models. This also doesnt include the actual model designs u need to print. These also cost a lot and many dont even have bases included or the needed supports. Unless u plan to sell models or print massive amounts of models it just isnt worth it imo with all the cost and effort compared to just buying models. This also doesnt include the fact that i have absolutely no time to paint all the minis. One more thing is that i like building large kits with 100+ parts, 3d printing doesnt really work that way.

I do think its a good thing GW has some kind of competition. Some studios make some awesome looking models and terrain. I think it is good for the hobby overall.

Tldr: Dont think GW needs to be scared of 3d printing for a long time. 

Absolutely, competition is healthy and needed for every big company to bring innovation and progress. 

As I said, I'm excited to see what comes next for GW and the hobby in general. 

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39 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

So, we've had this debate around 40K, right-wing extremist fans and GW's statement that the Imperium are not the good guys but a xenophobic fascist warmachine under perpetual martial law and Gestapo-like surveillance...and then here comes the Space Marine 2 trailer and the Ubermensch ****** super soldiers are the glorious heroes again. Because nothing matters anymore.

That Ultramarines protagonist should have shot the guardsman. 

(I guess I do come across as salty sometimes. I'm sorry. Winter sucks.)

To play devil's advocate, while I don't think it does so as effectively as Dawn of War for example, the first Space Marine game does a decent job at showing the dystopian side of the Imperium of Mankind, both in the hypocrisy of some of its members in authority and the tough life of imperial citizens even when you exclude the threat of invasion.

I've also seen people speculate that Titus (the main guy in the trailer) passing through and not acknowledging the guardsman might hint that he's more war-weary and emotionally disconnected than in the first game (where he was pretty nice guy for a space marine... stern and mission-focused, but appreciative if the guard's efforts). Overall I absolutely agree that GW could display the darker side of the Imperium more often in marketing and social media, but I don't think the Space Marine 2 trailer is that bad. Keep in mind the trailer announced a game that many people thought dead and that probably played its role in the "heroic" feel of it, like a "look who's back!" kind of deal, plus it does kinda suit Titus despite the nature of the empire he fights for.

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