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People need to think logically about this stuff.  Clearly the Sylvaneth battletome was intended to go up for preorder the weekend after warhammer fest. That would make 7 battletomes in 5 months, already equalling the most books released in a year for a Gw fantasy  game. That record was set last year. Forbidden power was probably  intended to go up for preorder this weekend, which is why this week has nothing. Forbidden power and ghb would make up the June releases. Warcry and some more terrain would be July, which means the next scheduled battletome will come in August. With three or four more battletomes scheduled this year, I would expect about one a month for August- November and probably nothing except bundles in December. 

As for what we have seen today, someone earlier was lamenting the lack of wood elves. Gw literally just showed off some very nice sculpts which would make excellent conversion fodder for a wanderers army and noone has batted an eyelid.

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46 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

I would love to see some Wanderers conversions based on the Blood bowl team, like their style quite a bit too.

I will definitely be doing this! Stick some Ranger Draichs in their hands and boom - Wildwood Rangers.

As a pretty one-note Warhammer collector of all things wood aelves (that's the actual aelves, not those trees pretending to be aelves - meh), I'm more excited about these new models than I would be for almost anything else they could possibly announce - short of an actual Wanderers release of any kind or announced rules support for Wanderers in Warcry.

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6 minutes ago, Chikout said:

People need to think logically about this stuff.  Clearly the Sylvaneth battletome was intended to go up for preorder the weekend after warhammer fest. That would make 7 battletomes in 5 months, already equalling the most books released in a year for a Gw fantasy  game. That record was set last year. Forbidden power was probably  intended to go up for preorder this weekend, which is why this week has nothing. Forbidden power and ghb would make up the June releases. Warcry and some more terrain would be July, which means the next scheduled battletome will come in August. With three or four more battletomes scheduled this year, I would expect about one a month for August- November and probably nothing except bundles in December. 

As for what we have seen today, someone earlier was lamenting the lack of wood elves. Gw literally just showed off some very nice sculpts which would make excellent conversion fodder for a wanderers army and noone has batted an eyelid.

that sounds about right, but unless they announce another reveal event (like AOS weekender) the next Battletome probably won't be announced until Nova which is at the end of August. 

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10 minutes ago, Chikout said:

As for what we have seen today, someone earlier was lamenting the lack of wood elves. Gw literally just showed off some very nice sculpts which would make excellent conversion fodder for a wanderers army and noone has batted an eyelid.

It wasn't me lamenting earlier, but consider my eyelids thoroughly batted, sir.

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26 minutes ago, RexHavoc said:

After the disappointment of both Kill team



Kill Team has been a total shot of hobby enthusiasm for our group. We've bought and painted a dozen kill teams plus loads of scenery. It's been a massive hit.

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I know for me personally it's not that the warband models themselves are disappointing (I love them all, actually), but models don't mean much to me without some context as to how I'll be using them in a game.  A bunch of Warma/Hordes stuff went on steep discount recently and there were some awesome models, but I didn't purchase any because I don't play that game and couldn't think of things I wanted to proxy them in for in any of my other games.  Maybe I just wasn't thinking creatively enough :\.  

I know that for me, any reveal of Warcry will be disappointing compared to a new battletome or Underworlds squad until they do some rules previews or a play-through video.  Essentially, I'm no closer to deciding whether or not to buy Warcry now than I was before because they didn't address any actual questions I have concerning the game itself.

Also, I'm sorta over the drawn-out teases of Forbidden Power and Warcry.  Part of the reason I've liked GW in the last year (I started playing AoS in September 2018) has been how they announce stuff and then it's out within a month or so.  I got real sick of FFG's 6-month notice for expansions (and took most of my money elsewhere), so I'm hoping not to get burned out in the same way with GW marketing things for too long.  But maybe this is normal and I just haven't been around long enough to know.

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2 minutes ago, willange said:

so I'm hoping not to get burned out in the same way with GW marketing things for too long.  But maybe this is normal and I just haven't been around long enough to know.

As everyone already said - that's probably because of shipping problems. There are some things GW have no control over.

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1 minute ago, michu said:

As everyone already said - that's probably because of shipping problems. There are some things GW have no control over.

I'm aware of that issue for the Battletomes.  But Warcry (as far as my crystal ball tells me) has always been marketed as a Summer thing and they started teasing that I don't even remember how long ago.  I suppose the shipping thing may have been the issue for Forbidden Power though since I don't remember there being a long announced time-frame for that release.

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5 minutes ago, michu said:

As everyone already said - that's probably because of shipping problems. There are some things GW have no control over.

They said only sylvaneath  tome had problems,   Since the GHB looks like it be release on time, it quite possible they weren’t planning to  release anything other then warcry for the summer to begin with.

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36 minutes ago, Sleboda said:



Kill Team has been a total shot of hobby enthusiasm for our group. We've bought and painted a dozen kill teams plus loads of scenery. It's been a massive hit.


35 minutes ago, michu said:

Yeah @Sleboda I don't understand how KT could be a failure too.

I didn't say it wasn't a hit and definitely didn't say it had been a failure.

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24 minutes ago, michu said:


Still don't see the word failure and can't see anything about it not being a hit.

15 minutes ago, novakai said:

Failure and disappointment are two different word I feel

Careful! Who knows what happens if you use both words together! 🤣

10 minutes ago, Kirjava13 said:

That just means it was a disappointment. @RexHavoc didn't say who to, and presumably meant himself or people he knows.

The fact he only quoted the first half of the sentence kind of leaves out the bit where I said 'I' (myself) right afterwards. Which would imply (I hope) I am only speaking for myself (though I'd love to be allowed to speak for others, I've not managed to persuade everyone to go along with this yet!😀)



4 minutes ago, JPjr said:

I suggest that this message board unilaterally adopts E-Prime

Ain't happening 🤣:)

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 Loving that crow warband. It reminds me of a group of ninja around the 1400s in Japan. They were known for disguising as crow tengu, looking like crow monsters in order to strike fear into bushi waging war. (Samurai were very superstitious)

The historical ninja were fully clothed and even kept a caged crow hidden in their gi which would be loudly caw-ing to strengthen the illusion they were tengu. When they wanted to escape a battle, they would release the crow at their chest to create the illusion of transforming into one while they escaped. (Usually after using a smoke bomb)

I tried finding the references on google about this group, but it seems the internet is overflown with random anime and videogame ninja stuff xD. I can't find any historical info about them anymore.

I think adding some gi and tabis on these miniatures would be great for a ninja-themed conversion. Even the scythes would be cool as kama.

If only these were eshin skaven instead. Missed opportunity.

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When Warcry was announced I thought the narrative concept was cool, but I was not terribly interested because I wanted a broader skirmish game for AoS than just chaos.  I have been a chaos player in 40k since the 90s and have dipped my toe into Warhammer Fantasy Chaos a bit - but WFB never really delivered the sort of chaos that I wanted.  AoS really did not either from the beginning, but the early DarkOath models easily caught my eye since I am a huge fan of Frank Frazetta's Fantasy artwork (especially Conan) and this stuff really screams that look.  But as a general fan of skirmish games on the whole, and as someone who really likes the faction diversity in AoS, I was disappointed at the initial announcement of it being focused on Chaos.  I also did not really care for the first warband models they showed off with the weird helmets.

And then they announced it will incorporate rules for other races, even if they don't make new warband modes for those races in wave 1,  and I was MUCH more on board.  And since then they have been showcasing new warbands that I really like.  I like the models shown for each of the warbands with the exception of the first one revealed.  I love the barbarian group from the realm of beasts.  The snake crew with Retiarii gladiator weapons (net & trident) are great.  And this new tengu crew with the crow skull masks also look really neat to me.  And the more that I look at the original crew the more I think a different paint job and head-swaps would improve them a lot for me.  The only thing I really don't like about them are the helmets and I can easily replace those.

I understand and sympathize that some people are not interested in this game and don't like how they have advertised it - but there are others of us who do.  I started out with this game pretty low on my radar and each new teaser has really bumped up my desire for it.  At this point I will definitely buy the box set with the rules on day-1, and I am likely to buy all of the factions they have shown so far.  If the next few teasers look as neat to me as these have then I will get those also.  This is probably the GW product that will kill my wallet more than anything else they do all year since I don't purchase every army they release.

Edited by Skabnoze
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