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2 hours ago, novakai said:

It look too ornate and neat to be Slaaneshi though, their stuff are usually made out of weirdass organic bones and not really metal.

This is true for Slaaneshi daemons, but the few mortal models we have (Hellstriders and a few character models) all have very ornate gear. Much more ornate than this, actually, the shape of the "blade" is quite crude I would say. Makes me think more of grots than Slaanesh or elves. I don't think it's a harp, either, the strings are slightly slanted rather than parallel.

Regarding the Slaanesh narrative, I think the best option might be to keep Slaanesh imprisoned ("the chained god" is a nice trope), but the secret getting out. This would put his followers up against all the elven factions keeping him captive, trying to set their god free.

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Well I don't think it a harp since those string have to be strung tightly on the frame and not hanging on the metal circular braces like in the picture or else it not going to make sounds.

But then again magic fantasy realm may triumphs how instruments would work in real life

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5 hours ago, Sleboda said:

I am super wanting it to be some sort of bondage rack with restrained and tormented elves stretched out on it, paying for having taken souls from Big Sexy.

Or a weapon that has skin hooks sunk into the bearer so that they too get the rush of the pain they're causing?

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The strings/rope look like they all meet at a single point, looks like a fancy flail, maybe like @Lobeau said actually attached to the bearer, i think it makes music as it glides through the air while it slashes. Im getting a slaanesh vibe. Slaanesh warriors, like kairics or blightkings? War 

Edited by Kronos
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It's the strings of a guitar (photographed sideways and thus likely being held in the air high in great exaltation by its player). This is the beginning of the re-metal-ifiction of Warhammer! Getting back to its 80s roots when everything came with a metal/rock music tracks! 

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1 hour ago, RuneBrush said:

Interesting snippet from the new 40k Kill Team FAQs


So far(granted we only have GW PR at this point) is sounds like Kill Team is going to be a game that's mostly designed from the ground up to be skirmish and just happens to use existing models rather that taking the army rules and saying "here use the current rules in units of one" like AoS Skirmish and I the previous Kill Team to an extent(maybe SW:A, but I didn't play that one). My biggest wish list item is a well thought out skimish level system for AoS since Skirmish in its current form is broken in lots of places without heavy house rules. 

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5 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

So far(granted we only have GW PR at this point) is sounds like Kill Team is going to be a game that's mostly designed from the ground up to be skirmish and just happens to use existing models rather that taking the army rules and saying "here use the current rules in units of one" like AoS Skirmish and I the previous Kill Team to an extent(maybe SW:A, but I didn't play that one). My biggest wish list item is a well thought out skimish level system for AoS since Skirmish in its current form is broken in lots of places without heavy house rules. 

I'm currently sat in the "quite optimistic" camp on this.  I think most people agree that Skirmish sized games ideally need their own rule set rather than trying to shoe-horn off the main rules, so if GW are trialling a skirmish ruleset on 40k and then potentially porting it over (with a few changes) to AoS, that could be really good news for us!  It sounds like it's being created with quite a few restrictions in place so that games should be pretty balanced.  Plus the new scenery is amazing - just imagine if we get something similar :o  Duardin halls, Walls of Nagashizzar, Gingerbread City of Ghur - the options are endless!

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32 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

I'm currently sat in the "quite optimistic" camp on this.  I think most people agree that Skirmish sized games ideally need their own rule set rather than trying to shoe-horn off the main rules, so if GW are trialling a skirmish ruleset on 40k and then potentially porting it over (with a few changes) to AoS, that could be really good news for us!  It sounds like it's being created with quite a few restrictions in place so that games should be pretty balanced.  Plus the new scenery is amazing - just imagine if we get something similar :o  Duardin halls, Walls of Nagashizzar, Gingerbread City of Ghur - the options are endless!

Yeah skirmish games definitely need their own rules, of course the trade off is that then we're even more tied to what GW wants to support for the game. Even though they left metal and resin miniatures out of skirmish, the adjustments to the main rules and points were so light, it was easy to add them back in. Assuming we get an "AoS Kill Team" that has it's own rules, I suspect a lot of the non-battletome armies are going to get left out in the cold whether plastic, resin or metal minis. It won't be as easy to bring them back in, probably requiring full homebrew rules, which can be hit or miss, and definitely hard to use outside of a single small static group(i.e. no pick up games).  That being said, I'll take the trade off for a good well designed skirmish game.

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Being a Stormcast fan, I really liked reading the 'Eavy Metal article about their grim background and the cool paint jobs the guys created. I'm curious though looking at the markings on their armour, what are the odds the new Sequitor multipart kit comes with a new transfeersheet containing these markings? They all looked so similar and smooth, I had the impression these might be transfers? What do you guys think?

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27 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

Any idea of when the new Nighthaunt (and stormcast) miniatures will be out? especially the heros & black coach ?

I would expect them to be up for pre-orders this and next weekend and out for general sale over next few weeks. We know Kill Team is up for Preorder on 21st.

12 hours ago, Overread said:

I thought Shadspire was the Sigmar equivalent? Certainly they've been making models for it for specific factions and I'd assume they will keep making more factions in Shadspire versions? 

I think Shadespire was a toedip into the boardgames market and my understanding is that it's been very successful. I think if there is enough demand for a Age of Sigmar version of Kill Team they will do it but there is nothing stopping anybody taking some of the Kill Team rules and adding them to AOS. ;) 

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40 minutes ago, Netrixx said:

Being a Stormcast fan, I really liked reading the 'Eavy Metal article about their grim background and the cool paint jobs the guys created. I'm curious though looking at the markings on their armour, what are the odds the new Sequitor multipart kit comes with a new transfeersheet containing these markings? They all looked so similar and smooth, I had the impression these might be transfers? What do you guys think?

I believe it was confirmed on the Twitch feed that there will be new transfers.

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Ahh Shadspire is different again. I hope it keeps going, I'd like to see more factions get a little squad of hero units to use in there! 


Though I'm reminded that Sigmar already had Skirmish rules and many of the battletomes also have skirmish components to them. So surely GW can just put out a brand new 2018 2.0 skirmish rule book to reinforce that; couple that to a couple of starting kit boxes and away it goes. 


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21 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

Any idea of when the new Nighthaunt (and stormcast) miniatures will be out? especially the heros & black coach ?

No they havnt even shown up on gw New Zealand yet. Still showing todays releases as pre order which is weird as I always like to check the New Zealand store before bed on a Friday night

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