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2 hours ago, Dragobeth said:

If they show Stormmages I will have a new army

If they show flying pirate goblins I will have a new army

If they show Slaanesh maybe I will have a new army

In any case my wallet is in danger.

Im in the same boat except a yes for Slaanesh not a maybe.


Can you imagine if all 3 were announced? :/

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9 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

With Warhammer Fest mere days away, I thought we could all play the Prediction Game. So basically lets all predict what we will see at Warhammer Fest and see if we are right (usually when I do a post like this, somebody on the Warhammer Community Team releases something which makes me wrong! :D )

So predictions....

  1. We will see a teaser of the next battletomes (Stormcast and Nighthaunts). If we are lucky we will see models. This may also be the boxed set that has been rumoured for a while
  2. We will get a funky new video highlighting the next phase in Malign Portents Story
  3. More info about the "Storm of Magic" supplement
  4. It's expected but I think we will get confirmation about the next Generals Handbook and we will be asked for input for the next one
  5. More Warhammer Legends

I think some of the big juicy stuff will be kept for the Open Day in June but I'm hoping they will put an end to these AOS 2nd Ed rumours (I'm in the Phase Two of a master plan rather than literally interpreting that as a 2nd edition).

Also I'm hoping for lots of 40K stuff but more importantly Adeptus Titanticus but we won't talk about that here (but I am seriously excited!!!)

new abbadon and black legion

new ork buggies and bikes

magic book supplement for aos ( phase 2 imv)

slaanesh hints for xmas period



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5 minutes ago, Arkiham said:

its 40k. 


but its still nurgle. 


new nurgle units? the 2 wound variety like Tzaangor

image (2).jpg

They look awesome; I wonder if any of it will be imported to AoS. Seems unlikely as we already have our full Nurgle battletome, but you never know. 


Kind of strange it didn't come with the rest of the Nurgle stuff this year. 

Edit: where abouts did you see this by the way? Was there any context to the army? 

Edited by Enoby
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White Dwarf leaks, probably June (or July). 

It's the new boxed game : "Kill Team : Rogue Traders" (probably like necromunda : a "2D" board game version, and a rule book with "3D" rules). 

Second picture here : https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/330/752823.page 

There is lots of free people and mostly Nurgle Deamons and Skirmish conversion potential. 

The big fly is straight out the Pusgoyle Blightlords kit !

Edited by HorticulusTGA
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This is exactly how I wanted AoS Nurgle to look. Serious, scary and disgusting at the same time. If this was an AoS release that probably would have been my main army. Instead we received "funny" and amusing models maybe except for the pusgoyle blightlords and maybe the GUO. I accept that some people might have wanted Nurgle that way but it certainly pushes me away.

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