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Everything posted by Riavan

  1. A book with more fleshed out options for a demon only army would be cool, maybe some endless spells and terrain. Don't need more models. Some synnergy between the diff gods demons would be good.
  2. They mention kharadon and fyreslayers uniting in the core book and I assume broken realms.
  3. So are we moving to having less mancrushers in 3.0?
  4. I actually hope there are not giant sized dice. Real huge dice are pretty easy to land the way you want them lol, unless ur dropping them from a real height and damaging everything lols.
  5. Yeah they probably have them but also have sons of behemat logos all over them. There were also rumours of a new sprue in there. I think that's unlikely but who knows. Wondering if they will do a 3 box of aleguzzlers or just leave them single.
  6. Yeah I mean I have enough models unpainted. I don't need random ones to sit there unpainted. Lol
  7. How dare you hate on my beautiful slug friends. But yeah they were expensive and I still want to buy a third lol
  8. Yeah I'm going swampy gargants so I can use them with my Nurgle dudes on the side.
  9. Finished my guo (outside of basing - and magnets) Trying to decide if I want to stick nurglings on.
  10. So the great unclean ones flail doesn't fit on the base and had to be slightly off the side? That's kind of ******. I guess I can like use cork or something to make him higher on the base?
  11. I'm just concerned there's no magic - well it doesn't look like it. Unless the cracken eater gets it, or they have a bunch of physical skills that emulate them.
  12. Yeah I bought new stands that were a bit taller and still had one touching the base with it's stinger. It's the one in the left ur doing. I glued the stinger on as well.
  13. Painted some Nurgle warriors. I swear like 20-25 paints/shades/dry paints were used just my camera sucks lol
  14. More Nurgle warriors on the way. Noting the shield looks awesome dry brushed but I just can't seem to get a good photo of it - tho my phone is pretty ****** lol
  15. Yeah ok makes sense. I have a bunch of the old chaps too but they are in a box downstairs. I think I remember them all being gloves so just wanted to check.
  16. Really important question, are chaos warriors wearing gloves made of leather like their boots or is it metal? I can't tell
  17. I think the fomoroid crusher - slaves to darkness model has an ability like this.
  18. I just finished painting my Nurgle demon prince (posted it in the Nurgle thread already but technically he's slaves to darkness right?). Anyway wouldn't want some tzeentchian bird lover missing out on seeing his sweet curves
  19. Just finished my demons prince with some conversions from the flies/deathguard
  20. Nice. I'm about to try mine. But my colour scheme is going to be way lazier lok
  21. Yeah I don't think sons will hit for a while
  22. Might want to take allies etc, if they have them
  23. This is reading into one tiny line in the ghb a lot. Could be true, but we kind of need to wait to find out.
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