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20 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:


IMO that'd be more : 

1. Magic supplement / Magic scenery (Etheric Vortex) - June 2018 

2. AOS 2 / Big FAQ / New Starter about Soul Wars and MP / Nighthaunt Army / Wizcats (Army ?) - July 2018

3. Moonclan - Fall 2018 

4. Slaanesh - End 2018 

5. Ironjawz / Sylvaneth / Idoneth (2nd waves) - Start 2019 

6. Grotbag Scuttlers - 2019 

Still rumored : Skavens, Darkoath. Note that 1 et 2 may be the same thing, and that the Stormcasts are maybe not a whole army...

Skaven was said to be released right before or right after AOS2, which would be July as well then, but that seems quite optimistic considering we have not even had a single spoiler in the rumour engine.

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4 hours ago, hughwyeth said:

Unfortunately, profit will drive the decision, and Stormcast are very profitable and popular. I can't wait for the Skaven tome and new Ogor stuff, but I'm ok to wait if it takes more Stormcast to fill the coffers before concentrating on less popular forces. 

Other factions are not as profitable partly because they are very neglected.  All of the anecdotal sales figures I have heard said that Khardaron Overlords sold better than GW imagined they would.

A number of years ago GW revamped the Dark Eldar line from the abomination it was when it came out in 3rd ed 40k and into the Aesthetic that they currently have.  That army went from being almost non-existent (due to a combination of long-time neglect and poor models) to being very popular and prevalent.

I don't think that the popularity of Stormcast Eternals is due simply to their design.  They are interesting in the background if you dig in quite a bit - but I doubt most players (especially new ones) do that.  The designs are not bad, but they are not leaps and bounds beyond other Age of Sigmar ranges either.  Honestly, I think their popularity sales figures are highly skewed due to factors like being included in every single box set out there.  GW advertises and pimps out that faction more than any other - so of course they will be popular.  Personally, I have found that GWs biggest failing is to constantly ride their cash-cows into the dirt and neglect large portions of the rest of their games.  They have proved themselves to be pretty brilliant at making new factions or revitalizing older ones when the mood strikes them.  I think they would be much better served financially, and the gamers would be better served on the whole, if GW spent more of their energy expanding out their various army ranges and making each army an interesting & tantalizing faction to choose.

The more I look into the lore for Age of Sigmar the more that I am convinced that at least the lore team is pulling this off.  Now they need to flesh out the various model ranges & battletomes.  Age of Sigmar still feels half-cooked to me simply due to the fact that such a heavy amount of the games factions are still operating under stop-gap get-you-by "temporary" rules rather than their own fleshed out battletomes - in addition to fragmented and incomplete model ranges.

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7 minutes ago, Sheriff said:

I know greenskin mouths very very well, and they do not curve outwards like a beak to the extent you can see daylight between the back teeth like this. 

This is a squig or other monster-mouth. 


If this is a greenskin of some sort, then it might be the massive Ghazgkull kit that has been rumored.  Supposedly he is some sort of colossal "prime ork" or some such.  That is the only way that I could see this possibly being a greenskin due to the fact that the mouth is half-circular and hollow.  That means the mouth is fairly big since you can see all the way through it on a profile view.  It might seem obvious (I don't think all of the rumor image teasers are meant to be non-obvious), but I agree with Sheriff and I think this is most likely a Squig given the solid rumors of upcoming Moonclan.  If Moonclan gets a full battletome then most likely there is a number of squig kits coming.  Other than that, I would also agree that this is some sort of monster.

It is hard to tell the scale, but the impression that I get from this picture is that it is fairly large.  It does not look too far off from the Colossal Squig to be honest (I would not at all be surprised to see that turned into a plastic kit for a full Moonclan Book) - but it could also be a Giant Squig or Mangler Squig kit (those could possibly be combined into the same kit).

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20 minutes ago, Sadysaneto said:

sorry, but what aos 2 is that you guys been talking of?

It's a rumoured Age of Sigmar Phase 2.  Martin Morrin accidentally mentioned it on a Twitch stream and "the word on the street" says that it's a revised core rule update.  There is a thread (currently on page 4) with a bit more information but it's still very much a case of nobody knowing and just going on a few snippets from various members of the community.


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24 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

Other factions are not as profitable partly because they are very neglected.  All of the anecdotal sales figures I have heard said that Khardaron Overlords sold better than GW imagined they would.

A number of years ago GW revamped the Dark Eldar line from the abomination it was when it came out in 3rd ed 40k and into the Aesthetic that they currently have.  That army went from being almost non-existent (due to a combination of long-time neglect and poor models) to being very popular and prevalent.

I don't think that the popularity of Stormcast Eternals is due simply to their design.  They are interesting in the background if you dig in quite a bit - but I doubt most players (especially new ones) do that.  The designs are not bad, but they are not leaps and bounds beyond other Age of Sigmar ranges either.  Honestly, I think their popularity sales figures are highly skewed due to factors like being included in every single box set out there.  GW advertises and pimps out that faction more than any other - so of course they will be popular.  Personally, I have found that GWs biggest failing is to constantly ride their cash-cows into the dirt and neglect large portions of the rest of their games.  They have proved themselves to be pretty brilliant at making new factions or revitalizing older ones when the mood strikes them.  I think they would be much better served financially, and the gamers would be better served on the whole, if GW spent more of their energy expanding out their various army ranges and making each army an interesting & tantalizing faction to choose.

The more I look into the lore for Age of Sigmar the more that I am convinced that at least the lore team is pulling this off.  Now they need to flesh out the various model ranges & battletomes.  Age of Sigmar still feels half-cooked to me simply due to the fact that such a heavy amount of the games factions are still operating under stop-gap get-you-by "temporary" rules rather than their own fleshed out battletomes - in addition to fragmented and incomplete model ranges.


Yup absolutely this, all of this. Bretonnia were very popular after their 6th edition book came out, then they never saw another book and 8th nerfed them into being borderline unplayable.

Stormcast benefit because they get loads of releases, are the 'main' faction and collectors can be confident they won't just get discontinued.

It's ridiculous we still have loads of factions that aren't properly fleshed out, mini-factions that either need to be scrapped or developed and most of the range still feels like a stop-gap.

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If the rumor pic is something for AoS I think it a good chance it a destruction monster giving it looks too gnarly to be an order monster, too organic to be a death monster, and while it could be something for Chaos it doesn't look like something you see on Slaanesh daemons or Rat monsters.

though there always a chance it could be more Stormcast like a Lord Wizardnator on some form of mount with teethes.

If it for 40k It probably for Orks

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13 minutes ago, The Wanderer said:


Yup absolutely this, all of this. Bretonnia were very popular after their 6th edition book came out, then they never saw another book and 8th nerfed them into being borderline unplayable.

Stormcast benefit because they get loads of releases, are the 'main' faction and collectors can be confident they won't just get discontinued.

It's ridiculous we still have loads of factions that aren't properly fleshed out, mini-factions that either need to be scrapped or developed and most of the range still feels like a stop-gap.

Let’s vote who wants a discontinuation for the stormcast eternals?


(I’m am just joking?)

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4 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Let’s vote who wants a discontinuation for the stormcast eternals?


(I’m am just joking?)

I like the Stormcast Eternals the more I learn about them from reading the background.  I think the models are ok.  The aesthetic is not my favorite, but I don't dislike them.   They have grown on me over time as I was very much put off by them at the start.  That said, I think endlessly bloating that faction & model range rather than exploring the rest of the allegiances in the game is a mistake.  Honestly, Stormcast has enough stuff to tide them over for a fair bit compared to the rest of the allegiances.

What the Stormcast probably need most is for their Battletome to be rewritten to be more modern and the GHB-18 to do a better job at handling the costs of units & battalions than the '17 version did (the more allegiances I explore the point costs for - the more it seems that they flubbed up costs across the whole game in that book).   A simple battletome rerelease, without new models like as with the Nagash book, would do more for Stormcast Eternals than dropping another couple of new model kits would.

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Regarding Stormcast discussion,  I'd be happy with just a single female clampack with all liberator/judicator weapon options for some diversity. I'd buy bunches! ?

Super excited for new Nighthaunt, Ironjawz and Moonz!!!!

Megaboss on GoreGrunta plz!!

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9 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

I like the Stormcast Eternals the more I learn about them from reading the background.  I think the models are ok.  The aesthetic is not my favorite, but I don't dislike them.   They have grown on me over time as I was very much put off by them at the start.  That said, I think endlessly bloating that faction & model range rather than exploring the rest of the allegiances in the game is a mistake.  Honestly, Stormcast has enough stuff to tide them over for a fair bit compared to the rest of the allegiances.

What the Stormcast probably need most is for their Battletome to be rewritten to be more modern and the GHB-18 to do a better job at handling the costs of units & battalions than the '17 version did (the more allegiances I explore the point costs for - the more it seems that they flubbed up costs across the whole game in that book).   A simple battletome rerelease, without new models like as with the Nagash book, would do more for Stormcast Eternals than dropping another couple of new model kits would.

Well I was only joking, I hope I didnt upsad any of you guys?.

anyways yes I like the fluff of the stormcast eternals as well and  I also like to play against them since they are a interesting folk. Fighting in small groups of elites Warriors and not in Hordish army’s. But like all army’s have their issue, so do stormcast eternals have their share.

anyways Stormcast eternals are a great army in their own way, but they really aren’t my taste so you will definitely never see me play them 

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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49 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

Other factions are not as profitable partly because they are very neglected.  All of the anecdotal sales figures I have heard said that Khardaron Overlords sold better than GW imagined they would.

A number of years ago GW revamped the Dark Eldar line from the abomination it was when it came out in 3rd ed 40k and into the Aesthetic that they currently have.  That army went from being almost non-existent (due to a combination of long-time neglect and poor models) to being very popular and prevalent.

I don't think that the popularity of Stormcast Eternals is due simply to their design.  They are interesting in the background if you dig in quite a bit - but I doubt most players (especially new ones) do that.  The designs are not bad, but they are not leaps and bounds beyond other Age of Sigmar ranges either.  Honestly, I think their popularity sales figures are highly skewed due to factors like being included in every single box set out there.  GW advertises and pimps out that faction more than any other - so of course they will be popular.  Personally, I have found that GWs biggest failing is to constantly ride their cash-cows into the dirt and neglect large portions of the rest of their games.  They have proved themselves to be pretty brilliant at making new factions or revitalizing older ones when the mood strikes them.  I think they would be much better served financially, and the gamers would be better served on the whole, if GW spent more of their energy expanding out their various army ranges and making each army an interesting & tantalizing faction to choose.

The more I look into the lore for Age of Sigmar the more that I am convinced that at least the lore team is pulling this off.  Now they need to flesh out the various model ranges & battletomes.  Age of Sigmar still feels half-cooked to me simply due to the fact that such a heavy amount of the games factions are still operating under stop-gap get-you-by "temporary" rules rather than their own fleshed out battletomes - in addition to fragmented and incomplete model ranges.

I certainly agree that the armies that get the most love sell the most, but I feel Stormcast sell well for a few other reasons. I think it was Josh Reynolds who said this, but Stormcast have very simple designs because that makes them easy to paint and accessible to new people (to paint the Hammers of Sigmar you just need to spray gold, shade, and add a few blue bits here and there - very nice for new players). In addition, some of the chambers are very generic paladin-like good guys that are all super strong; I think this is appealing to those who don't care too much about the lore as it's simple to grasp the basics, or to those who happen to like epic fantasy. That's not to say that all their lore is like this or that they don't have deeper parts of their lore. 

I totally agree that it's disappointing to have GW ride on their cash cows while neglecting other armies. There seems to be quite a lot of ill will about Stormcast even now, and I don't think it's coming from WHF fanboys, I think it's coming from AoS fans who'd like their armies to be playable but instead have to sit through the forth SC battletome. I'm not sure whether releasing more Stormcast or Space Marines will ever be a financially risky move on GW part, so I'm expecting to see them get triple the number of releases of all other factions in the future. That said, it does make sense - if everyone has a SC army somewhere (because of how easy it is to end up with one from starter sets) then new releases of less popular factions boxed with SC become less financially risky as the large base of SC collectors may buy this box too; hopefully this makes the release of unpopular factions more likely.

I think I might be getting a little off track of rumours, though.  I actually came to this thread wondering how long there tends to be between a rumour engine and it's actual release. From what I've seen, there tends to be quite a long time for everything but scenery. Makes me wonder if we have much left in the way of AoS releases  this year because the past rumour engines are running dry (iirc). I'm hoping we do have more to come besides the SC vs Death box, but it's already been a great year so far. 

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6 minutes ago, Enoby said:

I certainly agree that the armies that get the most love sell the most, but I feel Stormcast sell well for a few other reasons. I think it was Josh Reynolds who said this, but Stormcast have very simple designs because that makes them easy to paint and accessible to new people (to paint the Hammers of Sigmar you just need to spray gold, shade, and add a few blue bits here and there - very nice for new players). In addition, some of the chambers are very generic paladin-like good guys that are all super strong; I think this is appealing to those who don't care too much about the lore as it's simple to grasp the basics, or to those who happen to like epic fantasy. That's not to say that all their lore is like this or that they don't have deeper parts of their lore. 

I totally agree that it's disappointing to have GW ride on their cash cows while neglecting other armies. There seems to be quite a lot of ill will about Stormcast even now, and I don't think it's coming from WHF fanboys, I think it's coming from AoS fans who'd like their armies to be playable but instead have to sit through the forth SC battletome. I'm not sure whether releasing more Stormcast or Space Marines will ever be a financially risky move on GW part, so I'm expecting to see them get triple the number of releases of all other factions in the future. That said, it does make sense - if everyone has a SC army somewhere (because of how easy it is to end up with one from starter sets) then new releases of less popular factions boxed with SC become less financially risky as the large base of SC collectors may buy this box too; hopefully this makes the release of unpopular factions more likely.

I don't have ill-will against the Stormcast Eternals as a faction, nor Space Marines for 40k.  But I have played GW games since the late 80s and I have very much seen the army demographics change over time (in a lot of areas as I have moved around the US a fair bit) and it has very much coincided with the attention GW has lavished over certain ranges.  The simple fact is that the more favoritism a company shows for a product the more it tends to sell compared to other products.  Space Marines have always been popular, but back in the 80s and 90s I tended to see only roughly 25-30% of players fielding a space marine force (it went up a bit when Chaos finally got a codex and new model range in 2nd edition).  And  Warhammer Fantasy has always had a much much bigger diversity in the armies fielded by the player-base. 

Players of every single faction are better served by a bigger variety in opposing forces.  Fighting big swathes of the same thing gets dull and also serves to narrow down what is useful in your own range.  When the range of opponents is more diverse then the game becomes more interesting in general but list options also open up a lot more.  This is good for everyone.  GW has less "losers" in their product line, players have a more enjoyable game and more useful options to choose from across the board, etc.

I just wish that GW would finally figure this out.  They have seriously tunnel-visioned on Space Marines (which I agree are cool) and spent a couple of decades trying to squeeze blood from a stone when they have such a fertile environment to explore and profit from.  It's simply opportunity squandered and something I do not want to see them do with Age of Sigmar.  Unfortunately, the trend has already begun with Stormcast.  Heroes are only interesting if they have interesting stuff to fight.  

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4 hours ago, novakai said:
Rumor Engine pic
I want to say a squig but it feels too obvious and that they are tricking us.

Squig was also the first thing that came to my mind as I saw the picture. But I think it could be a different kind of squig than the ones at the moment. 

The spore squig on the fungoid cave shaman also looks very different to the current existing squigs.

I would really like if GW designs more AOSified squigs, maybe with a lot of mutations or different forms (like a poison squig, bomb squig, flying squig etc.)

I think squigs with different forms and functions with somewhat random and uncontrollable abilities would fit the AOS-aesthetic very well. As I have seen all the beautifully designed Idoneth Deepkin models I also wish for such a diversity in the new monsters of Destruction. For me that is what is Destruction about. A lot of different giant and terrifying primal monsters with some humanoids trying to tame them.


If it is no squig it most likely is a Destruction monster, because Destruction monsters very often have very big mouths (Maw-Krusha (it's even in the name) or Stonehorn for example).

Edited by Infeston
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40 minutes ago, Enoby said:

 There seems to be quite a lot of ill will about Stormcast even now, and I don't think it's coming from WHF fanboys, I think it's coming from AoS fans who'd like their armies to be playable but instead have to sit through the forth SC battletome. 

I disagree, most stormcast haters I've found seem to have played WHFB.   

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Looking more at the current toothy-mouth preview, I think the model is smaller than I first thought.  There are not very many teeth in the mouth - certainly not enough for a huge squig model.  Squigs are basically just giant mouths - and they tend to have a lot of teeth in them.  This model is fairly snaggle-toothed and does not seem to have a ton of teeth.  Also, you can see plainly see a lot of the brush-strokes from painting.  I think this model is probably close to the size of the current metal cave squigs - or maybe just slightly bigger.

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