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1 hour ago, Sheriff said:

My models are new. Very new. They were in liquid form very recently.  They are just an old sculpt. It's ****** that new players are tricked into buying these models only for gw to say actually we are soon demoting you to narrative only, buy stormcast instead. 

There is nothing wrong with open and narrative play and these rules allow you to use your models for that. Matched play is design for a tournament setting and a lot of these old models are still sold on squares.  The only reference to a correct base size are the GA books from like 2.5 years ago.

A lot of these units will be repackaged in a new battletome. DE witches are both in the DE pdf and the DoK battletome.

Its about time they start removing some of these old models that don’t fit the new aesthetic/direction from matched play imo.

Edited by svnvaldez
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2 hours ago, HollowHills said:

It doesn't make sense to divert resources into writing and updating rules for models which are no longer sold. There isn't any business sense in it at all. Neither does it make sense to encourage people to stick with armies they've owned since the nineties or early noughties. Part of the problem with warhammer fantasy was that the people who were enthusiastic about the game didn't buy new models. 

Games Workshop are being more supportive towards legacy armies than anyone has any right to expect. 

Frankly, this. It's just what I tried to say in the Warhammer Legends thread, but better formulated.

@Sheriff : 1. Nobody "tricked" you into buying anything.  2. Even if it made me giggle, let's stop with the Stormcast paranoia  : for DE, GW recommended (logically) Daughters of Khaine or Idoneth Deepkin, nothing else. 3. As @KevenM said, GW didn't "squatted" anything. They gave new rules for DE (yeah, without points for the compendium). But did they even touched Scourge Privateer and the like ? No. So, even if you are playing with the 3 years old Orcs & Goblin compendium (and nobody can prevent you to do that), you can still play Gitmob, Greenskinz and Moonclan. Especially the later, with the rumors and their unique aesthetic, the Grot Scuttlings ans the Fungoid Cave-Shaman, they aren't going anywhere but a very probable future release updated for AOS.

Back to the thread topic, I'd be interested to know : 



(Just to know when the Preview seminar is scheduled, I guess Saturday evening :P;) )

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We remain in a transition period from the old world, decisions will be made along business lines and people will be disappointed by their favorite armies disappearing. This is, I'm afraid, a fact of life. When picking a new army, pick one that has a Battletome, or, at the very least, has Allegiance Abilities in the GHB17, if you want to play Matched Play. These are the only factions we have assurances on going forward in the medium to long term and if you pick anything else, then you're taking a chance and you know that you're doing this, because you did a tiny bit of research before jumping in. Right?

If you're previous army from the World that Was is unplayable, then it's probably time to pick a new one. I know there are financial, time and emotional investment in the models from a previous world, but the new models are so much better, so don't mope over the girlfriend / boyfriend that's left you, get out there and meet new models, start a new relationship and find a new love!


There are a couple of theories around that Slaanesh will be coming in October, do we think that could mean a Skaven release in January to continue the 'Chaos army at the beginning of the year' thing?

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Hm, maybe we could agree upon that GW should squad everything old world and fade out models older than, hm, something around 2010ish. make a more or less clean cut, with only keeping stuff in a way as they did with DoK. AoS has much more to offer than your standard dwarfs , knights, undead skellies and late 15.th/early 16th century humans. There are dwarfs in metal balloons kept afloat by gaseous gold and elves riding eels on land to gather souls for their withered children, ****** at least make humans overthetop, too. Let WHFB die in peace and not drag it along keeping it in an unholy un-life.
And could we get back to rumours and hyped for this weekend!

Edited by Bloodmaster
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Hi everybody, I’m not sure why most players are crying.

after all , Darkling covens as well as other army’s from the old world wars are still playable, and probably will be even after 2020 in matched play 

the way I understand it, is more like that they wanted to give us an army, which symbolizes the old world dark elves, which is more like a little bit of added sugar for player (like me) who miss the old army’s which ones were one and not one of a thousand factions.

And yes I get it that many of you guys are sad I probably would be the same, if those army’s of legends would be a discontinuation of like the whole Dark Aelves factions, like darkling coven, those Elves who ride on lizards and dragons, the privateer guys etc. 

There might be even a possibility, that Gw is making a Legend Battletome for every old world army’s, which would be great.

So anyways don’t worry take it cool, the only army which has a high chance of loosing everything through the legend battletomes will  probably be the most favored (In my opinion) Tomb Kings which is really sad since some of their miniatures look so cool  (like the tomb guard riding on the skeleton snake) and the Bretonnians (it might be spelled wrong)


Edited by Skreech Verminking
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2 hours ago, Bloodmaster said:

AoS has much more to offer than your standard dwarfs , knights, undead skellies and late 15.th/early 16th century humans.

I know, right. I'm so glad they haven't served up any old Fantasy tropes in the AoS-era like smash-face orcs, red-headed Celtic dwarfs and blood-soaked, muscular barbarians.

Some people like traditional tropes, while others like more "out there" fantasy. Same for Sci-fi.

I am sure GW have the resources to make stuff for everyone's tastes - be it traditional stuff like Ironjawz, Fyreslayers and Bloodbound, or more imaginative concepts like the KO and Deepkin.

Edited by Kyriakin
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26 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Hi everybody, I’m not sure why most players are crying.

after all , Darkling covens as well as other army’s from the old world wars are still playable, and probably will be even after 2020 in matched play 

the way I understand it, is more like that they wanted to give us an army, which symbolizes the old world dark elves, which is more like a little bit of added sugar for player (like me) who miss the old army’s which ones were one and not one of a thousand factions.

And yes I get it that many of you guys are sad I probably would be the same, if those army’s of legends would be a discontinuation of like the whole Dark Aelves factions, like darkling coven, those Elves who ride on lizards and dragons, the privateer guys etc. 

There might be even a possibility, that Gw is making a Legend Battletome for every old world army’s, which would be great.

So anyways don’t worry take it cool, the only army which has a high chance of loosing everything through the legend battletomes will  probably be the most favored (In my opinion) Tomb Kings which is really sad since some of their miniatures look so cool  (like the tomb guard riding on the skeleton snake) and the Bretonnians (it might be spelled wrong)


Uips sorry wrong chat ?

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Well from personal experience I was gutted that the old world went pop. But, I understand why it was done.

Furthermore I have several 'classic' army's on square bases and one I've revised for AoS. Now I can still use them (and even if I can't there are other systems I would use them in and enjoy - Kings of War).

However the new forces I collect are going to have relatively new Battle tomes - like the Maggotkin I am enthusiastically collecting and loving it.

Anyway, I am hoping there will be news/rumours on Slaanesh coming back. If anyone has any info I'm all ears. 

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12 minutes ago, Dwarf Giant said:

Well from personal experience I was gutted that the old world went pop. But, I understand why it was done.

Furthermore I have several 'classic' army's on square bases and one I've revised for AoS. Now I can still use them (and even if I can't there are other systems I would use them in and enjoy - Kings of War).

However the new forces I collect are going to have relatively new Battle tomes - like the Maggotkin I am enthusiastically collecting and loving it.

Anyway, I am hoping there will be news/rumours on Slaanesh coming back. If anyone has any info I'm all ears. 

Well I heard some rumors about a battletome coming out sooner or later.

not sure if it’s true though

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So, our friend @Thebiggesthat said on Dakka Dakka he believes 2018 will see army releases for Nighthaunt, Moonclan (Fungoid Cave-shaman) and (as rumored by other) Slaanesh.

Nighthaunt and Slaanesh are IMO almost guaranteed at this point, but I really like the Moonclan bit - I also heard something like that (Moonclan in Fall 2018) somewhere else,, I'll try to look up where.

"drbored" also said on Dakka Dakka that he heard : 1. six armies for AOS in 2018, 2. second Idoneth wave (lol) in 2019 (ala SCE Vanguard) with a big Whale, 3. Grotbag Scuttlers in 2019 too. 

I think the Grotbag Scuttlers (with their names and appearance in BT, White dward and novels) are a really good possibility in 2019 (also pic related). 

AOS_Grotbag Scuttlers.jpg

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So the Nighthaunt is pretty obvious, I can even see that as the June release. There's a new box coming, maybe they'll be involved.

Moonclan is from a GW employee who is pretty reliable. I said that I wanted a new destruction tome in time for BOBO, he laughed, then I said 'or at least this year' and he said, 'well that's a different story then, I won't laugh at that' 

Slaneesh is from the same dude that gave me the Nurgle details. 

3 more armies due this year, and we know 2 (nighthaunt and Slaneesh) so I really hope my friend is right for Moonclan.

Would expect some more Ironjaws as well to flesh out the range, and to kick-start some destruction love. And the new 40k Ork kits are awesome ?

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25 minutes ago, Thebiggesthat said:

Oh and heard nothing on a second Deepkin wave, I'd expect someone has seen something similar and put 2 and 2 and got 5. The only thing I've heard is new Ironjaws, and potentially new Sylvaneth, just to flesh out factions. But definitely Ironjaws


Excellent ! Thank you for the rumors !

(I know I already asked on Dakka, but do you have infos on the rumored Wizcast coming with Nighthaunt in the box set ? :P ) 

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2 hours ago, Thebiggesthat said:

So the Nighthaunt is pretty obvious, I can even see that as the June release. There's a new box coming, maybe they'll be involved.

Moonclan is from a GW employee who is pretty reliable. I said that I wanted a new destruction tome in time for BOBO, he laughed, then I said 'or at least this year' and he said, 'well that's a different story then, I won't laugh at that' 

Slaneesh is from the same dude that gave me the Nurgle details. 

3 more armies due this year, and we know 2 (nighthaunt and Slaneesh) so I really hope my friend is right for Moonclan.

Would expect some more Ironjaws as well to flesh out the range, and to kick-start some destruction love. And the new 40k Ork kits are awesome ?

Thanks for the rumours.

I am no rumour monger, but Slaanesh is being heavily rumoured, and given that Fulgrim is being talked about a lot for 40K I can see GW seeing this as a chance to get twice the bang for their buck with an updated range that both expands and builds on 40K and AoS.

Interesting that you mention Moonclan as well as I saw on Twitter a post from Wayne Kemp (who does a lot of playtesting for GW) about his new project - a Troll Hag converted to be in a Moonclan army...

In terms of Ironjawz have you got any hints about what fleshing out might mean?

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I’ve also heard solid rumours about second wave ironjawz release at end of this year or start of next. Expecting the range to go from 7 kits to 11-12. The description I had was that they released the standard kits first and this second wave would be wackier and crazier. Moonclan should be first for destruction though. 

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Oh well, I was sort of hoping for two Death factions around Malign Portents, but seeing how Nighthaunt are my favorite out of all current Death factions and I really did not expect them, I think I will be satisfied.

Everything else sounds great for AoS.

Slaanesh fills out the big four of Chaos being able to stand on their own. If Moonclan and Ironjawz expansion pan out, that would put as both grots and Orruks having a strong showing. I was thinking that Ironjawz, as Destructions Spearhead (closest thing any GA has to a Stormcast equivalent), really need a wider range. Besides, it would be a very encouraging sign to see a second wave for any non-Stormcast faction.

All in all, this would give AoS a much wider field players can select from and sounds like a good way forward.


This would leave Skaven, Ogors, corporeal undead and mortal humans in the "unloved" bin from the biggest players. I will admit, corporeal undead seem like the lowest priority out of those even to me.


With those adressed, AoS really would have something original to itself for everyone. I think from there on out all bets are of, save that Darkoath can be expected to show up one day.

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5 hours ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

I’ve also heard solid rumours about second wave ironjawz release at end of this year or start of next. Expecting the range to go from 7 kits to 11-12. The description I had was that they released the standard kits first and this second wave would be wackier and crazier. Moonclan should be first for destruction though. 

So. Great. :P 

That would make end 2018-2019 a very good year for Destruction, after Order-Chaos-Death :)

And new "waves" would be perfect occasions to uptade old Battletomes like Ironjawz and (mostly) Sylvaneth !

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On 06/05/2018 at 9:57 PM, HorticulusTGA said:



ME!  I'm there both days too, sorted out the last bits of my GD entry yesterday (massive Imperial Knight) so will get that in on the Saturday.

This year it appears they've got 3 seminar rooms and a number of hobby pods.  With luck we'll find out a bit more information over the next few days on what seminars to expect, but they're one thing I really look forward too :)

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5 minutes ago, wast8 said:

sorry new to forum. Just wondering if anyone heard about the new box set ? I heard it is Order vs Death.

Welcome to TGA :)  I believe the current rumour is that it might be Stormcast Extremis Chamber vs Nighthaunt.  However nobody is 100% sure!

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