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9 hours ago, someone2040 said:

I don't think anything has been confirmed in regards to Malerions shadow beings or Teclis+Tyrions angelic aelves.

That being said, my gut feeling given we've just seen 2 Aelven races is that we're not likely to see those two ranges this year. Those would be pretty large Idoneth sized releases, and I think that between upcoming death release, 40k, specialist games, and whatever else GW has in store we're unlikely to see more Aelves this year.

Doubt we’ll even see them next year. Chatter says next year is Slaanesh then moonclans. Possibly even dark oath if all the other factions got teased by mp  get armies. Then that leaves one big surprise army left and I doubt they want to use it on an elf faction so soon. What we want to do is watch for possible army teases like mist weaver or the malign portents generals teasing army releases this year to possibly see what is coming in the future. 

Edited by Barkanaut
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14 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Well :D I'm still not on the same page as you about the "new edition" !  


I think we will have to agree to disagree ;) 

I'm still going to fight the corner about no new edition, mainly because the model of the game now is core rules with a new edition each year in the form of the Generals Handbook. This is why I seriously doubt we will see what many people are expecting as a new edition.

Plus one of the rules a lot of players seem to want is how characters are targeted. I seriously doubt we will see anything like this going off one of the rules that Idoneth Deepkin have (preview from the community site - https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/04/08/who-are-the-idoneth-deepkin/)


(for those who can't see the image - Forgotten Nightmares: Missile Weapons can only be used to target an Idoneth Deepkin unit with this battle trait if it is the closest visible enemy unit)

Whilst this is taken out of context due to how the previews are written, it's safe to assume that this is something that just the Deepkin will get and won't be used in any updates to the game outside a battletome.

14 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

However... As you said, we really should / need to start to see news about June for AOS (obviously IF it's gonna be big!).


Depends on how you see big. I think a new set, Stormcast chamber and Nighthaunt army sounds big (assuming the rumours are true). Also sets up the tone of the game for next couple of years. Then again, we might see a model for Sigmar which is quite big! ;) 


Whatever happens, it will be cool. Personally, I'm not expecting any more Aelves after Deepkin and I do think after the summer we will see a flip away from Order to some of the other alliances for models and books.

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38 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

I'm still going to fight the corner about no new edition, mainly because the model of the game now is core rules with a new edition each year in the form of the Generals Handbook. This is why I seriously doubt we will see what many people are expecting as a new edition.


I agree, I think even if it could be explained as a new edition, they won't communicate it like that. Let's not forget that it's just a label. And a new edition can either excite or scare away and I think AoS2 would do the second. 

I'm guessing only a new edition of the generals handbook, as per the schedule they announced themselves. Personally I hope the core rules stay the same, easy acces, short and enough to just get playing. I don't mind allthe add on rules, but I would think it's a shame if the 'bareback' version of the rules get more complicated. I would rather see them trim it further (move special terrain rules to a different chapter for example). 

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1 hour ago, Gaz Taylor said:

Whilst this is taken out of context due to how the previews are written, it's safe to assume that this is something that just the Deepkin will get and won't be used in any updates to the game outside a battletome.

That's basically what my thoughts are on rules updates. The third wave battletomes coming out this year seem to have been stretching game mechanics even more than usual for allegiance abilities and traits. While I believe the odds of a reissue of the 4 page rules are good, I think it'll only have minor changes and major mechanical changes will continue to come in battletomes and the GHB. I could see the the GHB 2018 maybe injecting those kinds of new mechanics more generically into either other factions that don't have anything like that as a continuation of the GHB17 giving out allegiance abilities. I could also see them expanding mechanics for GA abilities or even putting new mechanics into specific battle plans. I just don't think we'll see an overhaul of the core rules, but instead see the changes in battletomes, the GHB, and supplements like the rumored magic supplement.


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4 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Yeah Syvaneth aren't Aelves (rulwise nor fluffwise), but they are inheritor (algondisde Wanderers) - at least thematically - of the Wood Elves ; they kind of fit the the same niche, and the Tree-Revenant are the only unit directly influenced by the elvish part of the Wood Elves (the Protectors in the fluff).

Between the Daughters of Khaine, the Idoneth Deepkin, their Sylvaneth cousin, and all the Alves of the Free cities factions, I can't see 1 (or 2) new aelves army this year - at best in 2019 algonside maybe a Slaanesh release (because they are strongly linked together in the fluff). 

Agreed, I don't see new elves after Idonethfor a while and any ne release being tied to Slaanesh seems like a safe bet for at least one faction. There's chatter that the second half 2018 chaos release for 40k is going to be Abbadon and the Black Legion, and that would mean Slannesh is probably 2019 at the earliest. My thoughts are that narrativly, we're going to Slaanesh return first, then we'll some kind of new elf faction rise out of obscurity to meet them.

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Forgotten Nightmares affects all Idoneth units.

Even if we where to get the 40k character targeting rules, Idoneth would still be quite special with that, behing able to "hide" a behemoth behind a battleline unit alone is huge.


Personaly, I think character protection is the one rule change AoS  absolutely needs. Not even for balance reasons but because character sniping goes completely against the feeling and style of the setting.

Really, we have a world that is all about epic heroes, in the lore often among the last ones standing on the battlefield. And then in a game they will often be scratched of first, being relatively squishy force multipliers, but given the LoS rules often hard to hide.

None of the other more controversial rules have such a discrepancy, even shooting from melee has some basis in the lore and somewhat suits the settings over the top feel.

Edited by Rogue Explorator
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It depends on what people constitute as a ‘new edition’.

AoS phase 2 if definitely happening, rules changes(such as charges going first) is happening, different magic (though likely in its own set) is happening. 

Will it be branded as AoS second edition- I’m not sure but I doubt it.

Edited by LLV
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23 minutes ago, Moonstone said:

Might as well chuck this out there, new Stormcast Warmachine is apparantly some sort of catapult, which launches magic potions of some description.



Oh. My Lord-Ordinator might have some use then. 

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4 hours ago, Turgol said:

I think it is important not to confuse “faction’s or GA’s needs” with commercial needs. What takes precedence in GW’s releases is obviously commercial thinking. Because of that, it is important to understand that they will keep on pushing order factions (specially SCE’s chambers), maintaining a much slower but still reliable frequency of chaos releases, and a much more sporadical frequency of death and destruction releases. And aelves are a major selling machine. 


That being said, I am 99% sure that no new aelven faction is coming on 2018. We kinda know that a new chamber and Nighthaunt are being released during this year, and that already makes for the by far biggest AoS ever year. But 2019? I wouldn’t discard it. There might be some surprises on the road, but it seems that after SCE and Nighthaunt, the next factions to have major releases should be (in no particular order): Slaanesh, Khorne (because of 40k), Moonclan and Darkoath. None of those is order though and I am sure they will keep on pushing order factions in between.

I still believe that they are making a mistake by pushing Stormcasts so much but maybe their numbers tell them differently. If for Example Ironjawz had as many releases as Stormcasts, be the second wave be oriented around cavalery like boars and third around weird boyz then I think they would receive as much customers' attention. Some people just choose Stormcasts being sure that they will have constant releases for their army and be always up to date with balance and rules. Can you say the same about BCR or Daughters of Khaine? It is much more likely to see two more SC chambers than seeing more of those guys. That said if I were to decide I would release 1-2 new units for each so far introduced factions. It would certaintly rise the interest around those "old" factions like Ironjawz or Fyreslayers.

And I think that since elven players me included are quite satisfied right now with latest releases they should now appeal to Destruction and Death players. Pretty sure there are some.

Was there any rumour that Darkoath are on their way? Or those are just forum suspicions?

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By the way, found this in the site of "Cargad": 


Translation and editing: Shadespire is fixing a few lines of AoS' future development. In fact, the storm mages were first designed for shadespire. 

The next batch of warbands will change the landscape quite a lot. Specially the storm mages, more than the spectres, due to the range of their attacks. They will be released just after the supplement for magic meant for AOS that will release in june. Within it will appear new units (elementals, storm mages, and the new arch-prophet of gorkamorka) as well as a remodelling of the magic as it is in the vanilla game. It will be a softcover manual. 168 pages long. 

Take it with a massive handful of salt.

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All in all, from what we have heard, I still don't see a new starter set coming for AoS - a new expanded set of rules, yes. What is rumoured as a AoS Starter might just be the starter for Shadespire Season 2, especially with the reappearing rumours on Stormwizards and Ghosts

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1 hour ago, LLV said:

.....rules changes(such as charges going first)....

I would be extremely surprised if this was happening as it works in 40k. It would make destruction extremely powerful and would require huge points re-calculation for all forces, an absolute nightmare to implement.  As I've written before, charges before other combats works in 40k because it helps those forces weak at shooting (orks, tyranids) to become strong in combat in a game that's all about shooting. AoS isn't all about shooting, combat is the big phase for damage dealing.

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4 minutes ago, hughwyeth said:

I would be extremely surprised if this was happening as it works in 40k. It would make destruction extremely powerful and would require huge points re-calculation for all forces, an absolute nightmare to implement.  As I've written before, charges before other combats works in 40k because it helps those forces weak at shooting (orks, tyranids) to become strong in combat in a game that's all about shooting. AoS isn't all about shooting, combat is the big phase for damage dealing.

Right now you are right, but things might change together with the change of "Charges first". And it might as well happen, that we GW is doing a "Make magic great again" kind of thing, where sorcery and prayers have a more offensive role similar to shooting in 40k. Only time - or rather June - will tell.

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4 minutes ago, Bloodmaster said:

Right now you are right, but things might change together with the change of "Charges first". And it might as well happen, that we GW is doing a "Make magic great again" kind of thing, where sorcery and prayers have a more offensive role similar to shooting in 40k. Only time - or rather June - will tell.

I'm happy AoS is moving forward, but I can't see how you can change how charging works without destroying the current points system. If they do it, then great, but I imagine it won't be the same as 40k. 

More magic would be cool. Being able to bring a tome of magic with you to battle and choose spells depending on circumstance would be nice, rather than the very limited number wizards currently have. 

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1 hour ago, hughwyeth said:

I would be extremely surprised if this was happening as it works in 40k. It would make destruction extremely powerful and would require huge points re-calculation for all forces, an absolute nightmare to implement.  As I've written before, charges before other combats works in 40k because it helps those forces weak at shooting (orks, tyranids) to become strong in combat in a game that's all about shooting. AoS isn't all about shooting, combat is the big phase for damage dealing.

Prepare to be surprised.

Plus - its not like Destruction are tearing up the top tables in Tournaments right now so this change is also a balancing factor. 

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1 hour ago, Bloodmaster said:

All in all, from what we have heard, I still don't see a new starter set coming for AoS - a new expanded set of rules, yes. What is rumoured as a AoS Starter might just be the starter for Shadespire Season 2, especially with the reappearing rumours on Stormwizards and Ghosts

Again, its a matter of perspective, but I dont know what else you call a box with 2 factions in it and different rules than we currently have if it's not a 'new starter set'?


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2 hours ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

By the way, found this in the site of "Cargad": 


Translation and editing: Shadespire is fixing a few lines of AoS' future development. In fact, the storm mages were first designed for shadespire. 

The next batch of warbands will change the landscape quite a lot. Specially the storm mages, more than the spectres, due to the range of their attacks. They will be released just after the supplement for magic meant for AOS that will release in june. Within it will appear new units (elementals, storm mages, and the new arch-prophet of gorkamorka) as well as a remodelling of the magic as it is in the vanilla game. It will be a softcover manual. 168 pages long. 

Take it with a massive handful of salt.

NOt sure about the storm mage stuff coming from shadespire but the bit about the AoS magic (akin to the old warhammer -battlemagic) is what I have heard too.

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26 minutes ago, LLV said:

Again, its a matter of perspective, but I dont know what else you call a box with 2 factions in it and different rules than we currently have if it's not a 'new starter set'?


Im really unsure if I would even like a new starter. 

I mean sure the rules needs a bit of an update but if AOS 2 takes us back to a time where you had to refresh your army and buy a new book every 3 or so year then I seriously doubt that I will stick around for long. That was one of the main reasons I left wfb 15 years ago. AOS is a great system and whatever changes we might need, might as well come as changes for the GHB. 

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If they do a new starter set they are likely to need to do a total revamp of their getting started range, with Blood n Thunder and Storm of Sigmar equivalents, plus new easy to build sets and getting started magazine. Not impossible, but much bigger than just putting out one new box filled with minis and AoS 2.0 rules. I look forward to the first moan of 'im so fed up of nighthaunt releases, why cant we get some new khorne models' ?

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