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They said last year the news was 8th ed is coming. So we need to think big for this years news. This tends to be the biggest news. I think the only thing they got is well.. we know for 40k more knight stuff is on the way. Also hints of primarchs here and there might show up. Finally in a long shot there is chatter of Kroot sometime within a year so in a long shot we might see something? Although it might be a bit early even if we somehow get them. 

As for AoS we'll be seeing Deepkin for sure. 

Also I think we'll see some sort of "chapter approved" style books announced for both games as they refresh the points. GW has even said they intend to do this twice per year. At the gama last week we seen most of the board game news come out already. Would they show new board game news twice in a row like that? 

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Please no more timers, the taste is still in my mouth from the last one that led to pretty much no where. Who am I kidding I live for the next preview date and time...

Hope something juicy is shown, for all systems, things have got a little stale over in 40k and the hobbit recently, been a few quiet months, Morathi and her daughters were very cool, not for me, but very cool and advances the story line nonetheless. 



Edited by Kronos
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5 minutes ago, Kronos said:

Please no more timers, the taste is still in my mouth from the last one that led to pretty much no where. Who am I kidding I live for the next preview date and time...

Hope something juicy is shown, for all systems, things have got a little stale over in 40k and the hobbit recently, been a few quiet months, Morathi and her daughters were very cool, not for me, but very cool and advances the story line nonetheless. 



Prepare for Imperial Knights and Primarchs and Imp releases till the end of time. No xenos anymore. I hope to god they are really working on Kroot like rumors suggest  or something as 40k is so bland right now and I feel a new xenos race is needed asap. Right now not interested in 40k which is basically just a less interesting 30k at the moment. 

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1 hour ago, Turgol said:

1) Not only safe bet but certainty: Deepkin reveal with miniatures (not certain though if exhibition of the whole range)

2) New starter set announcement and content tease. I don’t think there will be a real reveal of content

3) WH: UW 2 announcement, no reveal of content

100% agree. 

I litterlay set my clock at 1:30 PM just for that. 

From the Las Vegas Open they said they would reveal 3 ou 5 big things ?

Because there is 40k in the ring too, which means something big too for it, like a new army or a Daemon Primarch.

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14 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

100% agree. 

I litterlay set my clock at 1:30 PM just for that. 

From the Las Vegas Open they said they would reveal 3 ou 5 big things ?

Because there is 40k in the ring too, which means something big too for it, like a new army or a Daemon Primarch.

More likely - or better hopefully - a loyal Primarch. As much as my dark, chaotic heart wishes for angron and the Pleasure boy, things have to be a bit balanced out, so first a loyal Primarch would be nice, the Emperors Dog or his Jungle Bro would be nice. 

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2 hours ago, Barkanaut said:

Prepare for Imperial Knights and Primarchs and Imp releases till the end of time. No xenos anymore. I hope to god they are really working on Kroot like rumors suggest  or something as 40k is so bland right now and I feel a new xenos race is needed asap. Right now not interested in 40k which is basically just a less interesting 30k at the moment. 

God, I hope they don't do some other Xenos full army before they release the Orks.  And I am really hoping that the wait on Orks is because they are finally planning on replacing some of the ancient Gorkamorka-2nd edition era kits and the resin models that they have.  Just drop a new buggy/trakk kit, Ghazgkull & Badrukk, plastic Kommandos & tankbustas dual kit, and finally sell a real kit for the Deff Koptas and it would make me a happy 40k player.

Barring that - maybe finally modernize the Chaos Space Marines range with nice models?  I am sick and tired of seeing constant new ****** when so much stuff is old and meh.  I like new stuff as much as the next guy but I absolutely loathe GWs long-time policy to ignore massive swathes of their game and spend attention on a small section.  The argument is that they concentrate on the stuff that sells best - but that argument is really circular since you can legitimately say that the popularity of some things is the fact that GW puts so much emphasis and attention into it.  Stormcast are a pretty good example of this.  In terms of GW races - they are practically brand spanking new and they are quite popular.  GW is capable of making most of the factions in any of their game popular.  Barring truly terrible rules, their visual design team is capable of reworking almost any faction into something exciting and they have proved this a number of times over the years.

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Another idea for a really big announcement would be the return of Slaanesh.  He/She is fairly quiet in both games right now and a big Slaanesh release could be a  big thing for both main systems.  And we all know that they are probably making an effort to rework the aesthetics of the Slaanesh faction - so it might be a pretty huge shake-up from what we have gotten used to.

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6 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

Another idea for a really big announcement would be the return of Slaanesh.  He/She is fairly quiet in both games right now and a big Slaanesh release could be a  big thing for both main systems.  And we all know that they are probably making an effort to rework the aesthetics of the Slaanesh faction - so it might be a pretty huge shake-up from what we have gotten used to.

That would be awesome.

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15 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

Another idea for a really big announcement would be the return of Slaanesh.  He/She is fairly quiet in both games right now and a big Slaanesh release could be a  big thing for both main systems.  And we all know that they are probably making an effort to rework the aesthetics of the Slaanesh faction - so it might be a pretty huge shake-up from what we have gotten used to.

I think we'll see Slaanesh within the next 12 months, but I don't think it'll be today.

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Slaanesh will probably return around the edn of tis year or beginning of next one for AoS, this may be preceded by 40K Slaanesh release. Hard not to see a pattern here with Tzeentch and Nurgle releases (first 40K, next Daemons and AoS). Still we might get some progress in the fluff in both systems for Slaanesh, the unloved child of Chaos Pantheon, It suffered so much pain, now is the time for Its pleasure :)

My personal bet is Slaanesh next year, with Khorne re-release for AoS with major 40K release year after. Just my bet, nothing more ;)

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6 minutes ago, Still-young said:

That would be awesome.

I remember something from an interview with one of the designers (name escapes me at the moment) during a video about the Daughters of Khaine where he mentioned that Slaanesh was coming relatively soon and was going to be a big thing.

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4 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

I think we'll see Slaanesh within the next 12 months, but I don't think it'll be today.

Thats fair.  But they could preview it today.

I am sure we will see more about the Deepkin, but I honestly don't see how that could in any way come close to as big of an annoucement as dropping a full new ruleset for their flagship game.  There has to be something else.

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26 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

Another idea for a really big announcement would be the return of Slaanesh.  He/She is fairly quiet in both games right now and a big Slaanesh release could be a  big thing for both main systems.  And we all know that they are probably making an effort to rework the aesthetics of the Slaanesh faction - so it might be a pretty huge shake-up from what we have gotten used to.

I don't think they'll be doing anything of the sort. I don't think GW has any issue with Slaanesh other than it being the least popular god and it's more projection from the player base. I mean just on the models alone how often do GW actually replace a plastic kit and you're talking about them scrapping them all and releasing what would be a 4th version of Daemonettes. The chariots are pretty recent and they got their own Start collecting set recently. I wouldn't expect any of the daemons to be touched other than a new KoS and Fiends and maybe some new heralds. The other new sets will most likely be the Slaanesh 'other' troops that would be their equivalent of Arcanites/Bloodborne.

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As to the question of 'what could possibly be bigger than a new edition of 40K?' it might be that we're misinterpreting their words. It could be read as the presentation will be bigger than last year, rather than the content of the reveal itself.

I'm betting on a big finale in which a man in terminator armour takes the stage and shoots fireworks out of his eyes.

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1 minute ago, Jamie the Jasper said:

As to the question of 'what could possibly be bigger than a new edition of 40K?' it might be that we're misinterpreting their words. It could be read as the presentation will be bigger than last year, rather than the content of the reveal itself.

I'm betting on a big finale in which a man in terminator armour takes the stage and shoots fireworks out of his eyes.

Thats what I thought too, if they present deepkin for AoS, some new models for 40k + codex schedule and that titanicus game and or killteam thats actually a LOT. So it may be the biggest with a lot of releases, and the best with some production value! (Quote: "We’ve got what is quite possibly the biggest and best Studio Preview ever planned for AdeptiCon – and last year, we announced the new edition of Warhammer 40,000!")

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14 minutes ago, firebat said:

I don't think they'll be doing anything of the sort. I don't think GW has any issue with Slaanesh other than it being the least popular god and it's more projection from the player base. I mean just on the models alone how often do GW actually replace a plastic kit and you're talking about them scrapping them all and releasing what would be a 4th version of Daemonettes. The chariots are pretty recent and they got their own Start collecting set recently. I wouldn't expect any of the daemons to be touched other than a new KoS and Fiends and maybe some new heralds. The other new sets will most likely be the Slaanesh 'other' troops that would be their equivalent of Arcanites/Bloodborne.

This is fair.  I like the more recent models so I would be fine with them making new fiends and a greater demon.

But having said that, we have seen crazier things happen.  I did not expect them to blow up a world they spent 30 years developing and convert the whole game into a skirmish version, and I also did not expect such a large change for a new version of 40k.

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11 minutes ago, Jamie the Jasper said:

As to the question of 'what could possibly be bigger than a new edition of 40K?' it might be that we're misinterpreting their words. It could be read as the presentation will be bigger than last year, rather than the content of the reveal itself.

I'm betting on a big finale in which a man in terminator armour takes the stage and shoots fireworks out of his eyes.

I have to agree with you, I wouldn't be surprised if "bigger" is just a term for advertising and hyping it up a bit and insted of a new edition we only see a reveal for each system, several teasers and something from SG. And after the MP Count down debacle I tend to be cautious to get my hopes for a big reveal up. On the other hand with AoS Open Day postponed, we might see some surprises. 

43 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

I think we'll see Slaanesh within the next 12 months, but I don't think it'll be today.

and again, this. Slaanesh would be super nice to see, but would also be an absolut surprise and something that I don't see. But if I am wrong I am more than happy to admit it.

Edited by Bloodmaster
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