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Best Age of Sigmar podcasts?

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6 minutes ago, chord said:

Which ones have great sound quality? I can't listen to ones where some people are closer to the mic than others and the speakering volume fluctuates

From an audio quality stand point I really like JustSaying. Its very competitive focused but they've got stellar audio quality. 

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The Honest Wargamer all-round the best imo (is also on YouTube)

Just Saying is currently the best competitive focussed show and best for Battletome reviews

Dwellers Below is most fun (and also the best with an Australian focus)


Doom and Darkness

Heywoah Twitch

Warhammer Weekly

All 3 are essential viewing.  Don't limit yourself to podcasts alone, because these are amongst the best content creators out there at the moment.

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I'd *honestly* not bother with the honest Wargamer.


It's like a cult and his main way of generating discussion is complaining, sh*t stirring, making wild accusations and generally being a douche to gw cos of his chip on his shoulder. *Shrug*

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6 hours ago, The odd one said:

I'd *honestly* not bother with the honest Wargamer.


It's like a cult and his main way of generating discussion is complaining, sh*t stirring, making wild accusations and generally being a douche to gw cos of his chip on his shoulder. *Shrug*

I find which Age of Sigmar podcast or youtube channels I like is to a large degree how I click with hosts and thats different from person to person.

Love Warhammer Weekly.

The Honest Wargamer was a little off for me to start, but really like it now. 

Legends of the Painty Men on the other hand I just find f******* anyoing.

I would suggest giving most things listed by people here  several episodes and then stick with the ones you like the most.

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17 hours ago, The odd one said:

I'd *honestly* not bother with the honest Wargamer.


It's like a cult and his main way of generating discussion is complaining, sh*t stirring, making wild accusations and generally being a douche to gw cos of his chip on his shoulder. *Shrug*

it probably sounds like that as they arent trying to suck up to gw as they want the early goodies for free.

 credit is given when its due, not when its expected.

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