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AoS 2 - Gloomspite Gitz Discussion


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57 minutes ago, AxolotlQuestions said:

They're certainly all viable units, if not the most competitive choice.

Manglers are good. Boingrots are good. Trolls aren't bad, though rockguts really need to be in a larger unit. Loonbosses are very useful, though not with any units that actually come in the box. Fanatics of both sorts are useful. 

thanks :) what would you suggest as additional buys? I'd guess some grotz?

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I'm no expert, but it really depends on what you want your army to look like, and how competitive you want to be. Grots/squigs/troggoths are the main split. 

Stabbas are good, but you really need to run them in big blobs, which I personally don't find much fun, though YMMV. What you are doing there is buffing up big units with extra attacks from Sporesplatta fanatics and sneaky snufflas, along with the loonboss' command ability.  

Squigs are fun, though less competitive (though still viable if you aren't looking to place at tournaments). You're going to need squig herds for battleline, then a couple of big units of boingrot bounders, and then a couple mangler squigs. Maybe some squig hoppers for a different battleline and harassment and capturing objectives on flanks/in the backline. 

Troggs are probably the least competitive, but are a small model count elite army. Troggboss, some units of 6 rockguts, and units of 3 Fellwater. 

Of course you can also mix and match.  Regardless of what way you go, I'd pick up a Fungoid Cave Shaman or two. 

If I was basing an army off the battleforce, I'd probably get a shaman, a couple of boxes of stabbas, maybe a squig herd, and see how I go from there. 

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16 hours ago, Eldarain said:

Any advice against Bonereapers? Seems like a brutal match up for us. Thought Fanatics might be it but 10 bounced right off those crazy Mortek and got one shotted by the 7 left. Then there were 13 the next turn.

Mortal Wounds are weakness for OBR so going Endless Spell heavy, with good casters is a very powerful way to work through their support heroes, etc.  They are sort of pillow-fisted, so giant Grot blobs just grind and trade for most of a game, especially in range of the Loonshrine.

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11 hours ago, Neomaxim said:

Mortal Wounds are weakness for OBR so going Endless Spell heavy, with good casters is a very powerful way to work through their support heroes, etc.  They are sort of pillow-fisted, so giant Grot blobs just grind and trade for most of a game, especially in range of the Loonshrine.

This has not been my experience. Catapults murder any character visible and all unleash their 30 dead gobbos shot early.

20 Morteks put out 61 2+ 4+ -2 rend exploding hits on 6s (5s with spell) If that's pillow fisted I don't know how to describe our faction.

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On 12/7/2019 at 1:35 AM, Eldarain said:

This has not been my experience. Catapults murder any character visible and all unleash their 30 dead gobbos shot early.

20 Morteks put out 61 2+ 4+ -2 rend exploding hits on 6s (5s with spell) If that's pillow fisted I don't know how to describe our faction.

Haven't play the matchup (played against with Ironjawz) but i think it's pretty bad indeed. Gloompsite is more a grinding army, and BR like that because they can repop model.  BR weakness is board coverage and the fact their hero need to keep close to their hero to get their buff. So you need to exploit that weakness. Ignore Mortek guard early, try to engage the cataplut (using hand of gork, it can't shoot while in melee) and kill what actually die (heros, kavalos) . They also don't have a lot of flying, so you can disrupt them with endless spell. A well placed skuttletide for exemple can steal a turn from Mortek guard.

Edited by broche
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Hey all I'm just getting into Gits and in my head I'm really digging the idea of playing Squigs backed up by Troggoths. Please have a look at my list and pick it apart for any glaring weaknesses or what not so it can be better on paper before I start investing money in the models. Thank you!


Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (General)
Fight Another Day
Sword of Judgement

Loonboss on Giant Squig

Fungoid Cave Shaman (Hand of Gork)

Fungoid Cave Shaman (Squig Lure)

Squig Hoppers x10

Squig Hoppers x5

Stabbas x20

Boingrot Bounders x15

Rockgut Troggoths x6

Fellwater Troggoths x6

Sneaky Snufflers x6


Between the Cogs and the Loonboss on Giant Squig I together adding +5 to my Squigs movement that should hopefully mitigate the Squig's random movement somewhat. And if the Snufflers can buff the Boingrots, that 90 attacks they'll get to do on top of their 15 chances to cause a mortal wound on the charge! The Stabbas are basically just there to sit on an objective and give the Fungoids Look Out Sir while they help move units around with their spells.


The next list is more "traditional" I suppose? Tons of Stabbas essentially. I haven't played horde armies before and Gits seems like a fun army to jump into the horde aspect of the game :)

Skraggot, the Loonking (General, Itchy Nuisance)


Fungoid Cave Shaman (Hand of Gork)

Stabbas x60
Spears and all the trimmings

Stabbas x40
Spears and all the trimmings

Stabbas x20
Swords and all the trimmings

Loonsmasha Fanatics x10

Boingrot Bounderz x10

Sneaky Snufflers x6

Sneaky Snufflers x6

Sneaky Snufflers x6

Sporesplatta Fanatics x5


Should be getting plenty of command points due to Skragot and Fungoid. Can teleport a big unit of Stabbas then release Fanatics (fun dirty trick... very in line with Gits lol).

Can also potentially buff Stabbas to having  5  attacks each causing mortal wounds on 6s and being -1 to hit (-2 if the enemy unit is also affected by Gemenids).  Sporsplattas screen the Loonboss on foot so he can't be snipped right away.

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On 12/6/2019 at 1:36 AM, Eldarain said:

Any advice against Bonereapers? Seems like a brutal match up for us. Thought Fanatics might be it but 10 bounced right off those crazy Mortek and got one shotted by the 7 left. Then there were 13 the next turn.

Spiders. Mucho mortal woundo + deepstrike spiders to tie up harvesters and crawlers. Perhaps add squig hoppers for character assassination by moving over them, and a blob of gobs (with fanatics and/or snufflers?) to tarpit them whilst you line up those MWs. Take as much strike first/last as you can eg/ boggleye, fanatics, itchy nuisance etc. Unless they have Arkhan or Naggy, you can probably rely on magical supremacy if you have 2+ casters. (Are boneshapers casters? ). You can't rely on your heroes to last too long as long as the crawlers are at large, so perhaps put dodgy character on the wizard with itchy nuisance or hand of gork, since those spells are likely integral to your plan. This is all theoretical, but I for one look forward to trying it out. If you try something like this, tell me how it goes! :) I'm looking forward to seeing how it works myself! :)

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On 12/8/2019 at 12:59 AM, Neomaxim said:

Unrelated question, but a friend gifted us 60 Grot Shootas...  Haven't had time to do much to see what is worth doing with them.  Are there any tricks or ways to buff or support them meaningfully?

The classic combo is 40 Shootas with Fanatics inside. Hand of York them near something important, plink it with arrows then finish it with a charge from the Fanatics.

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6 hours ago, BDJames said:

I keep trying to build the list I want and include Skragrott, but I just can't fit him in.  How viable is it to run gitz--using gitz and squigs, no trolls or spiders--but not run the big man himself?  I'd be going with just two shamen, which makes me worried.

You don't really need Skragrott, especially at low point levels. Dude is 220 points, and that is a lot when you can almost get a Mangler for the same price. He is really good, but you could always just run a pair of Fungoid Shamans instead for 60 points less. His main benefit is the ability to manipulate the Moon and his free CP generation, which only happens if he is the general. Two fungoids can still generate some CP. This is part of why he is so expensive, so if you were going to use a Loonboss riding a Squig or Mangler to get Hoppers as Battleline or another reason, then you would be wasting a good bit of points.

Skragrott is good, but not necessary. He isn't like Nagash or Archaon where this one named character is the pivotal unit in an army, he is nice for certain builds, but not too important. I don't use him, I have a Loonboss on foot and two fungoid shamans as my command squad. Still waiting for the Squig rider Loonboss to release.

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10 hours ago, BDJames said:

I keep trying to build the list I want and include Skragrott, but I just can't fit him in.  How viable is it to run gitz--using gitz and squigs, no trolls or spiders--but not run the big man himself?  I'd be going with just two shamen, which makes me worried.

He is on the expansive side, but he can bring you some unique feature:

1. Embeded cast bonus

2. Bad moon control

3. intriguing shooting.

I think it's actually worth taking him as general, and use is command to put the moon in the middle at the start of round 2 and trigger all your bonus (this is  true for any strategy). He also generate an average of 1 CP per turn so he can end up paying up for himself.

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19 hours ago, BDJames said:

I keep trying to build the list I want and include Skragrott, but I just can't fit him in.  How viable is it to run gitz--using gitz and squigs, no trolls or spiders--but not run the big man himself?  I'd be going with just two shamen, which makes me worried.

Like @dirkdragonslayer suggests, he isn't an auto include as much as for example fungoids.

But what you really need when running gitz and squigs are CP. Inspiring Presence is mandatory in any Gitz/Squig list and will always take up 1-2 CP per battleround, as our bravery is very low. That's why we have so many ways to get CP. If you want to use any other command ability, you should really consider Skragrott and 1+ Fungoid in a Gitz/Squig list.

The CP really help us in a big way: Squigs have several buffs to get run and charge, turning the run dice to a six after rolling poorly on the 2D6 or 3D6 is key. Rerolling doubles on fanatic charges is great, the risk of not making a charge is low after hand of gork and release the fanatics, so if you've got plenty of CP you can maybe save a fanatic. Rerolling 1's to hit or 1's to save with CP's is always great, and +3" move on squigs from the loonboss on giant cave squig is also a big boost, 5" minimum instead of 2" is a great deal. +1 to wound from Mangler Loonboss makes all your Squiggs 2+ to wound. And last but not least, stab em' good from the loonboss is great on big blobs of gitz.

Git and Squig lists have a ton of usefull command abilites, all which want to be triggered as often as possible. Including Inspiring Presence, reroll charges and run 6", you see why fungoids are auto-includes and skragrott is very valuable to any Git/Squig list. And thats just the CP.

Controlling the moon is a big thing imo, it makes a subpar allegiance ability to a rather "ok" one, he is a great caster with build in +1 to cast, he has the potential to break certain enemy builds relying on artefacts with his spell Nikkit!Nikkit!, his shooting is awesome and with 4+ shrug he is suprisingly resiliant.

In a Trogg or Spider list i would argue you dont need him, as your not that hungry for CP , Troggs need as many bodies as possible (and skragrott is expensive) and spiders have other great casters which work great with build in spiderfang buffs. But he would be always a great addition.

In Gitz and Squigg lists i would argue he is too good to give up, from a competetive perspective. I would only rate two other units higher than skragrott, thats the fungoid and stabbas. Those are the only auto includes in any build imo.


This Topic always made clear - and thats why i love all the gitz fans so much - that this is only competetive talking. Number 1 rule always should be to play the models you love and have great fun with it, as Gloomspite Gitz in general is - with some minor exceptions - a great, fluffy, fun and internal balanced book.

Edited by DerZauberer
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I got a Troggoth hag as a birthday gift. And since she apparently does not get the dankhold keyword I think I can better ask it over in here than in the Troggoth topic.

1. Any ideas for a fun 1k list with her at the center? I have the Hag, 6 rockguts (used them as proxies for Icefall Yhetee's) and Mollog.

2. Any tips for building her? Never worked with resin before.

3. Any tips for her on the tabletop? She has a lot of wounds but as an Ogor player I know that a lot of wounds and a 4+ safe is still pretty fragile. Is she more of a stay back and chill hero or do I need to be aggressive with her?

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Hey guys, new to aos. Got the silly kill team hook of trying to build Gitz for Warcry and now after a few purchases and the battleforce, I'm super close to 2k. I've made an army, and would love to hear some advice from experienced folk on how the set up sounds. 

*= already purchased or gifted


Skragrott, The Loonking, GENERAL *

Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig*



Squig Herd x12*

Stabbas x20

Shootas x20


Mangler Squig * (not assembled yet so could have loonboss)



Squig Rider Stampede


Boingrot Bounderz x10*

Squig Hoppers x10* (only 5 of both Hoppers and Bounders assembled rn)

Fanatics x5*

Rockgut Troggoths* x3

Rippa's Snarlfangs* x3


This equals 2k exactly. I also have Endless Spells I'm getting for the holidays. Without pumping A LOT more money into it, Skrag seems my best option for a general with all his great abilities, but doing so makes my squig battalions not huge. The best part of this list is that it'd only require 2 more grot purchases, which is the best I can seem to find rn. Does this seem effective? 


Also you may have noticed a lack of artifacts and spells. I do not immediately know which would best suit this team, so any and all advice is greatly appreciated!

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On 12/14/2019 at 2:11 PM, Pitloze said:

I got a Troggoth hag as a birthday gift. And since she apparently does not get the dankhold keyword I think I can better ask it over in here than in the Troggoth topic.

1. Any ideas for a fun 1k list with her at the center? I have the Hag, 6 rockguts (used them as proxies for Icefall Yhetee's) and Mollog.

2. Any tips for building her? Never worked with resin before.

3. Any tips for her on the tabletop? She has a lot of wounds but as an Ogor player I know that a lot of wounds and a 4+ safe is still pretty fragile. Is she more of a stay back and chill hero or do I need to be aggressive with her?

1. in this case you probably make Mollog your general to make the rockguts battleline and just fill out the rest with either more trolls or for cheap bodies squig herds

2. on the Forgeworld website, they have a tutorial on how to work with FW resin, it is a bit of a lengthy process for beginners but follow the direction closely and you will do alright

3. she can be a bit squishy but at 1k it usually harder to take her down. she can play the range game a little bit with her magic and vomit attack and while she not a beatstick in melee, if you use a -1 to hit artifact along with her innate -1 she can tank certain units in melee a good time and hold them off while doing decent damage in return. so play her somewhat aggressively but don't charge her headlong into combat without support.

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1 hour ago, StuSenpai said:

Hey guys, new to aos. Got the silly kill team hook of trying to build Gitz for Warcry and now after a few purchases and the battleforce, I'm super close to 2k. I've made an army, and would love to hear some advice from experienced folk on how the set up sounds. 

*= already purchased or gifted


Skragrott, The Loonking, GENERAL *

Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig*



Squig Herd x12*

Stabbas x20

Shootas x20


Mangler Squig * (not assembled yet so could have loonboss)



Squig Rider Stampede


Boingrot Bounderz x10*

Squig Hoppers x10* (only 5 of both Hoppers and Bounders assembled rn)

Fanatics x5*

Rockgut Troggoths* x3

Rippa's Snarlfangs* x3


This equals 2k exactly. I also have Endless Spells I'm getting for the holidays. Without pumping A LOT more money into it, Skrag seems my best option for a general with all his great abilities, but doing so makes my squig battalions not huge. The best part of this list is that it'd only require 2 more grot purchases, which is the best I can seem to find rn. Does this seem effective? 


Also you may have noticed a lack of artifacts and spells. I do not immediately know which would best suit this team, so any and all advice is greatly appreciated!

Skuttletide is always a good one to use very cheap and has good range, then maybe the flaming swords and Geminids.

for using Squigalanche your probably want a bit more chances for CP generation then just Skragrotts with Fungloids, just to stock up on them for the  Autorun 6 command ability for  your squigs so they can get a bit more movement when you need to hit them hard.

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