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  1. Thanks all! The is an astoundingly thorough, and helpful few posts. I really appreciate it. I'm glad the data largely lines up with my instincts, as to which units I might finally be able to get back on a table. You've given me plenty to chew on. I'll be testing out Evo-kitties next, and already have a Comet on my painting table, alongside my old Knight Incantor.
  2. I'd hope so, as they cost almost a third extra. 🙂 I've just always enjoyed those models, and am looking for an excuse to run a few. 😉
  3. I was thinking, as I continue to delve into Cities of Sigmar, that it might be a good excuse to repaint some of my Stormcast units, and give them new life. I frankly loathed trying to run Stormcast in a serious, competitive way, but feel a lot of units have meaningful potential as CoS. Any favorites, tips, tricks, etc...? In early days testing both Knights Azyros and Incantor have proven fun. I'm thinking of seeing if Evocators on Dracolines can add anything of note, though I suspect supported Demigyphs fill a similar role already as shock-cav.
  4. Thanks for the great tips. Nice to know I have a few options, even with the huge number of Guard I ended up with!
  5. Hey folks. So while picking up a bunch of lots of models for future Fantasy Fisticuffs articles, I found that one ended up including almost 90 beautifully painted Phoenix Guard. Any suggestions on some fun and competitive uses for them? I'm really unfamiliar with that corner of the CoS book, but it seems it takes very little to get them up to 2+/2+ hit-wound, re-rolling the later. Is that enough to make me want to run really large blocks of them?
  6. Has anyone found value in going out of the way to maximize the efficiency of the Endless Spell Daemonrift? I mean I know it can be excellent, but is there any quirky thoughts about outright building around it?
  7. Doppleganger Cloak is still very strong. I rolled people at a tournament this weekend, and it was absolutely key. Two combat phases + feeding frenzy guarantees that you can even foolishly throw him into, and tie up, half your opponent's army, and likely remove large swathes of it.
  8. Any suggestions or tips o n how to pilot the list? I just did a bunch of mock deployments and move phases to figure our spell buff ranges, etc... The placement of the Throne and desire to keep the Arch Regeant within 1" keeps mucking me up.
  9. Honestly, it isn't terribly relevant as a battalion, but I wanted the 2nd artifact, and no other battalion worked points-wise without me taking some tax units I wouldn't have otherwise taken.
  10. Any thoughts on this list? It is for a three round event with only one likely competitive opponent attending (an Ork player likely using Big Waaagh). I haven't dusted off my FEC in some time though, so the table-top equivalent of ring-rust will be in full effect. Thanks! FECKirwans12-21.pdf
  11. I'd look to FEC's Flayers and Horrors for inspiration, but the whole warband would end up being like 3-4 models, and mostly unplayable. 😛
  12. Random question, but why do people continue to lump in FEC with the broken-tier books like Hedonites? I know I am a bit out of practice with playing my FEC but I just got absolutely rolled in a bunch of tournament prep games against Big Waaagh, and Ironjaws, as well as against a well screened Cities of Sigmar shooting list. I ran the pretty traditional Feast Day, with two AGKoT, a Ghoul Patrol, and an Arch-Regeant, and at no point felt like I had the tools needed to out-class either army by any significant degree.
  13. Unrelated question, but a friend gifted us 60 Grot Shootas... Haven't had time to do much to see what is worth doing with them. Are there any tricks or ways to buff or support them meaningfully?
  14. Mortal Wounds are weakness for OBR so going Endless Spell heavy, with good casters is a very powerful way to work through their support heroes, etc. They are sort of pillow-fisted, so giant Grot blobs just grind and trade for most of a game, especially in range of the Loonshrine.
  15. The foot-print of a Loonshrine is such that it is very unlikely to tip over. I transport ours in a small card-board box, otherwise it would take up a third of and army bag all on its own. 😛
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