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Malakree last won the day on June 26 2022

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Lord Celestant

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  1. Right now we are waiting for 4th edition to drop which will come with complete rules rewrites for everything in the game, so saying anything about strength or even future play style is impossible right now.
  2. Maybe a battletactic. "Pick two friendly hobgrot units on the battlefield. You complete this battletactic if both units run and shoot this turn."
  3. Hobgrots are 80 points for 10 wounds and 10 models. Stabbas are 120 points for 20 wounds and models meaning that they are more efficient per wound. Stabbas also get Netters in the unit, which make enemy units within 1" of the stabbas -1 to hit. A 5+ save instead of a 6+ save Drummer is +1 to run rolls rather than run and shoot so they move faster Icon is +1 save vs missile weapons instead of reroll battleshock So overall as a chaff unit netters have a higher wound efficiency and are faster/tankier than hobgrots.
  4. We have recently had another pretty huge points drop. The fact Gordrakk is down to 460 (compared to the 450 for the normal) is really nice for mixed BW armies since you get his ability to use command abilities 3 times targets destruction units not Ironjawz. Brutes are solid right now due to the points decreases. Not sure about the rest of the Kruelboyz units since at 2k I run 1250 points of heroes and can't afford to bring them.
  5. If you can pick up a swamp lurkers boxed set that will help massively. Its gobby, a sludgeraker, 3 boltboyz and 10 gutripperz.
  6. This change is enormous for GG's and was specifically aimed at them (plus a few others), I actually remember complaining about how it should be 6 to the lead dev at Warhammerfest (he was the head judge). What you need to realise is that a unit of 6gg's and a unit of 3 actually two very different roles. At 3 they function as medium cavalry, avoid enemies big hammer units while trying to get on objectives/backline units/support heroes, a single casulty cuts their damage output by 1/3rd and it's not really worth putting a warchanter buff on them. At 6 they are shock cavalry, they can and will chew through important enemy units. You definitely want to put a warchanter buff on the 6s and they absolutely demolish stuff. So the question you need to ask yourself, do you want two units of medium cavalry or one unit of shock cavalry. Really depends on how you use them.
  7. That's what I've been running, tunnel master is there to score the grand strat on turn 5. I'll be swapping the Footboss with a Gnashtoof. Only thing I'm worried about is only having 1 locus, if need be I'll revert back to arcane tome on a warchanter. Though as I said above, this leaves me with 110 points of float. The list was already pretty solid, add in the 2 new tactics, ability to score the Kruelboyz General one and another unit it's looking great.
  8. I'll be honest, I saw the new changes and thought it couldn't get any better. Then I found the points changes. My list dropped by a 90 points, 110 when I include swapping the footboss with a killaboss on gnashtoof. I basically get a killbow for free with 30 points for a triumph.
  9. This is definitely worth highlighting. The difference between competitive tournament play/list building and casual play is huge. List building can even vary wildly between "casual just for fun" tournaments and serious competitive tournaments. EDIT: There are two clubs near me, one is my club and its members regularly go to tournaments. The other is a more generic local board/card gaming club. If I were to go to the "local" club and take my tournament list nobody would want to play me. The list is to domineering and they just want to play with their toys.
  10. Gobbapalooza gives a bunch of buffs and provides 2 unbinds. The extra rend especially is horrendous if you combine it with the fellwaters no positive save buffs. You get dankhold troggs to -4 rend and the opponent can't get +save, almost every unit in the game now has no save. The stabbas are a classic screen, you sit the troggs 2.5" behind them, this means anything which charges the stabbas brings the troggs into combat but can't attack them till after they activate unless they have a 3" range. It's a way to ensure your opponent doesn't get to decimate your big expensive trogg unit before they get to attack.
  11. At warhammerfest a while ago the best performing gloomspite list had 18 rockguts. I want to say there were 2 others in the top 16, all had 15+ rockguts and a dankhold the other had 2 man dankhold squad. Was insane the damage output they had. You do need at least 1 unit of 20 stabbas and a gobbapoluza, I think 2 of them were running a unit of sporesplattas. Essentially it was a trogg list with the gobo support stuff.
  12. Command Ability. A normal maw-krusha is 3 Ironjawz units, gordrakk is 3 Destruction units.
  13. So played at the warhammerfest AoS 8 game tournament last weeked. Same list just swapped the arcane tome for a tuskhelm on the get em beat wc. Finished 11th with a 3 major wins, a minor win, a draw and 3 losses. Of the losses only the one against lumineth was completely unwinnable, they remain a hard counter. Gordrakk continued to out perform my expectations. The fact you can CA the bonesplitterz/kruelboyz is a really nice tool to have and the flat extra damage has been key at some points. Gobsprakk remains mvp, the level of utility and threat he grants is insane. Ward stripping, reducing attacks, he killed 2 heroes and contributed to 2/3 more. Not to mention the number of spells my opponents would just decide to not risk casting. The army is so tech heavy it's unreal and makes it really complicated to play. That said outside of a few specific matchups it can beat top teir armies.
  14. This is what I've used in my two tournaments over the past month. Went 4-1 in the first and 3-1-1 in the second. Sadly I think the new battlescroll, which they just released, stops you taking hand of gork with an arcane tome warchanter is pretty a large nerf. Not sure how I'd get access to hand of gork anymore because the weirdnob is just awful and all the hero slots are mandatory at this point. I think swapping Gordrakk for a standard MK and the 5 brutes for 2 units of ardboys is probably the correct choice, especially now that third artefact is available to put a wardsave on them. I'm really using him mainly because it means I have both the Fist of Gork and the Mouth of Mork.
  15. @Ganigumo I've been playing a more IJ focused big waaagh but with gobsprakk, he's been utterly amazing with the +1 to cast/unbind, the threat of the unbind mortals is brutal and because he knows the entire lore of the swamp you can do some dirty things with him. Last weekend I managed to use sneaky miasma to move him within range to nasty hex a block of 15 hearthguard, absolutely ruined them. I'd also say that you need a warchanter for the waaagh! points, especially as you don't have a lot of stuff to charge early with. Give him an arcane tome for the hand of gork then take fixin beat on him. Note that fixin beat just says orruk it doesn't require IJ, super good when paired with the wurrgog. Personally I'd swap out the jawz, weirdnob and gut ripperz for 2 more units of 5 ardboys and a warchanter.
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