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Liberator (1/10)



  1. Hey guys, new to aos. Got the silly kill team hook of trying to build Gitz for Warcry and now after a few purchases and the battleforce, I'm super close to 2k. I've made an army, and would love to hear some advice from experienced folk on how the set up sounds. *= already purchased or gifted LEADERS Skragrott, The Loonking, GENERAL * Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig* Loonboss* BATTLELINE Squig Herd x12* Stabbas x20 Shootas x20 BEHEMOTH Mangler Squig * (not assembled yet so could have loonboss) WARSCROLL BATALLIONS Squigalanche Squig Rider Stampede OTHER UNITS Boingrot Bounderz x10* Squig Hoppers x10* (only 5 of both Hoppers and Bounders assembled rn) Fanatics x5* Rockgut Troggoths* x3 Rippa's Snarlfangs* x3 This equals 2k exactly. I also have Endless Spells I'm getting for the holidays. Without pumping A LOT more money into it, Skrag seems my best option for a general with all his great abilities, but doing so makes my squig battalions not huge. The best part of this list is that it'd only require 2 more grot purchases, which is the best I can seem to find rn. Does this seem effective? Also you may have noticed a lack of artifacts and spells. I do not immediately know which would best suit this team, so any and all advice is greatly appreciated!
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