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AoS 2 - Beasts of Chaos Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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3 minutes ago, Slaanesh said:

It will be nice to have all the old stuff with round bases in the box

I'm still basing on the old squares, personally. They're easier to transport and move that way on my magnetic movement trays, and I like to keep them compatible with other rank-and-file games. Plus I like the look of them all ranked up together. Only my Shamans and Behemoths are going on rounds at the moment since they won't be fighting in ranks at any point.

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Really fascinating!

The fact that its called Beasts of Chaos (the original name of their army) surely must mean it is going to be like the old original books, not the "only goats and minotaurs"  Beastmen of 7th edition. So I'd assume rules for Troggoths, Thunderscorn, etc (maybe chaos ogors? Other than plague ogors though do they still exist?)

Neat that they have a new swarm. Is that the Flock of Doom endless spell? And the other is Brayhorn Blast or something. Or literally Call of the Wild?


Interesting also that the Beastmen rumor was really unknown. Many people going back and forth on whether it was true, false, or simply rolled into Darkoath. Looks like GWs rumor guardians are as vigilant as ever!

Edited by kenshin620
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15 minutes ago, Izotzuhure said:

I would love to see Moonclaw back. I know it didn't even have a miniature, but for some reason I though it was really cool. 



I think if there is one model they will oew us is Morghur. He is literally The undying, he cannot be killed as he incarnate the purest of the essence of chaos therefore can be recluded when weak but not killed. 


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13 minutes ago, Izotzuhure said:

run and charge

Beastmen already do that though, if they have a musician in the unit.

But yeah, really hyped for this, wasn't expecting any kind of support for the next several years so I'm super happy with what we're getting even if there aren't any new models (except endless spells and that awesome herdstone).

I'm curious to learn how much warscrolls will change and in what ways. Really hope they beef up the beastlord (the conditional command ability is awful) and give bland units like Dragon Ogres more of a niche.


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41 minutes ago, Izotzuhure said:

I wonder if there are any plans to make new Slaangor, Khornegor and Pestigor... Even if it's only at rules level (run and charge, pile in 6", Disgustingly resilient or something like that) with a future update in next Battletomes. 




The article specifies we will be able to mix Tzaangors so maybe now that Slaanesh comes out (and with he pestigor coming out for Blood Bowl maybe we can hope for those too) we will be able to have some unit with marks, although I will have to make up my mind on whether I like marks or not for us.



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I'd been ignoring AoS for 40k, but man, this will draw me back in. Love the herdstone, love that they're (presumably) throwing in a catch-all Beasts of Chaos keyword to unite the disparate factions, love knowing that the most constant form of Chaos incursion is going to be showing up more often.

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I actually like the 8th edition Beastmen aesthetic. Huge hordes of savage goats worshipping chaos in its purest form, with a few minos and monsters supporting the army.  From the images shown so far it seems as though that is the angle GW has chosen to pursue. I highly doubt we will get to choose God Marks or have access to units like Pestigors.

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My first ever miniature bought was beastman champion made of metal ?. Then I collected everything else between heaven and earth. Made return to Beastmen around End Times and bought couple battalion boxes or whatever they were called back then. Idea was to make monster list with only couple infantry units to fill out requirements. I wonder how feasible my plan still is with this new AOS release.....? 

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I am actually curious how balanced Tzaangors are going to be in regards to the BOC lists. They're already Battelline no matter the chaos allegiance (so I assume they'll stay battleline) and many tzentch players complain they're the most effective battleline option for them compared to acolytes and horrors. And I doubt they'll restrict particular buffs from affecting them, they are Gors after all. So whatever will affect Gors, Bestigors, etc will likely be applicable to Tzaangors,

1 hour ago, Pangu said:

I actually like the 8th edition Beastmen aesthetic. Huge hordes of savage goats worshipping chaos in its purest form, with a few minos and monsters supporting the army.  From the images shown so far it seems as though that is the angle GW has chosen to pursue. I highly doubt we will get to choose God Marks or have access to units like Pestigors.

Technically 7th edition! The problem wasn't that goat people shouldn't be the focus of beastmen, but that basically Warriors of Chaos stole a decent chunk of what made up the beasts of chaos for no other reason other than "oh yea we need more units for warriors since they don't have daemons anymore".  8th edition WOC event took this further with Chimeras being a thing! (and a special slot for no particular reason!)


Plus the fugly Pumba-gors (the mock name for the Razorgor) and Minotaurs didn't help.

Edited by kenshin620
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24 minutes ago, Blueraven84 said:


I wonder if they include Skyfires in the battletome or is it just normal tzaangors....?

I'd be surprised if they didn't, or at the very least did not have "any unit with the word Gor may be a part of this army". I mean Nurgle can take the entire Clan Pestilens roster!

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