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Malign Portents

Will Myers

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From the Dread Solstice explore the narrative pages;



Hundreds of cells are smashed asunder and the souls within released to recorporeate. Occupants trapped since before the Age of Myth emerge, blinking in the light.

Ancient magisters and mages, disgraced vampiric aristocrats, snarling greenskin warlords, ice-hearted queens and Sigmar-touched heroes, blind loremasters, duardin kings and arrogant Skaven clan-lords; all of these and countless others burst from captivity and seek to make good their escape.

Anarchy reigns as battles are interrupted by the resurrection of beloved heroes, the return of long-lost loved ones and the sudden recorporeation of nemeses long thought slain. Some souls are trammelled once again, of course, but many more escape



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I will miss the short stories. They're like the little fluff blurbs from WD at its best - only much more rapid than a monthly magazine! NuWD isn't as good with this, so they were very welcome to make the AoS setting better. Houndsgate and the Soulblight  in Excelsis or Hammerhal feels more urgent/important now than "there was the biggest waaagh in some random place, everyone dead" blurbs from battletomes. This and some of the books make AoS finally interesting - even if I disagree with some of the bold early strokes still chaining the setting in a framework I dislike overall.

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3 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

oh sure, but it doesn't change the fact that his servants can become even more desperate to find him, and so new creatures and beings come out of his realm out of desperation and by the same token old champions of his who's souls are now released could join the search in whatever form they now find themselves in.


Honestly, whether or not Slaanesh is freed, remains imprisoned or is usurped by one of their followers (who becomes the new Slaanesh) seems like a good focus point for a whole campaign by itself.

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1 hour ago, Barkanaut said:

So who won me then? I wasn’t able to get my ko ready for the campaign sadly. 

Death won the Coalescence:

Dread Solstice is not so cut and dry:

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On 30/03/2018 at 10:19 PM, Binabik15 said:

...I disagree with some of the bold early strokes still chaining the setting in a framework I dislike overall.

I am completely sold on Age of Sigmar and this is from someone who should be making a post to Sigmar in the rage quit amnesty thread. Stormcast Eternals, Blood Bound, Overlords, Fyreslayers, Arcanites and now Deepkin - all freakin' awesome. I have started rebasing my old miniatures and once Silver Tower is done I am all in. I was heartbroken in the early days to see the old world go but now I am glad they did it. It has allowed the setting to be opened up with more room for unbridled creativity. It is now fantastical like the John Blanche paintings. It is more Warhammer than it ever was. Bring it on!

(Intended to be light-hearted and my personal thoughts. Respect your right to your opinion Binabik).

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Yeap I mean I started an army for AoS knowing I might be alone. However others are as I’ve said making the jump and this year has shown a big shift to AoS being the game of choice  for more and more. I would say about 1/3 of my area is now into AoS. If AoS has a great year like this no doubt another half might join in. 

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1 hour ago, Greyshadow said:

I am completely sold on Age of Sigmar and this is from someone who should be making a post to Sigmar in the rage quit amnesty thread. Stormcast Eternals, Blood Bound, Overlords, Fyreslayers, Arcanites and now Deepkin - all freakin' awesome. I have started rebasing my old miniatures and once Silver Tower is done I am all in. I was heartbroken in the early days to see the old world go but now I am glad they did it. It has allowed the setting to be opened up with more room for unbridled creativity. It is now fantastical like the John Blanche paintings. It is more Warhammer than it ever was. Bring it on!

(Intended to be light-hearted and my personal thoughts. Respect your right to your opinion Binabik).

I coudn't agree more!

Our small group when AoS hit kept playing 8th edition and start looking at 9th Age, but after GHB we started playing AoS and didn't look back. It's fun, tactical and easy to start with. The potential about new armies, heroes, miniatures is huge!

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Ohk! malign portents ended and a lot of souls from the AGE OF MYTH has been released form the grasp and the prisons of Nagash! Are we going to see old caracthers from the Old World that has not become Gods?

What do you think, it would be fantastic to see again VLad von carstein and Aekold Helbrass :D

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4 minutes ago, Captain Marius said:

Am I right that the Age of Myth took place AFTER the end of the world that was? So the returned heroes and villains would be from the least explored part of the AoS background...

I think you’re right. That is a relief actually, because I would hate this story to be a lame excuse to bring back heroes that should have died. I loved the old world but why blow it up to just bring back all the characters. 

I also think a lot of these souls from heroes got snatched up right away to become stormcasts. So maybe this is more about bolstering the ranks of the stormcasts. In a MP story we saw an undead capturing the soul from a stormcast, preventing it from reviving. So hopefully this all is a set up for the soulwars. The idoneth background also talks about souls a lot.

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2 minutes ago, Captain Marius said:

Am I right that the Age of Myth took place AFTER the end of the world that was? So the returned heroes and villains would be from the least explored part of the AoS background...

You are both right.

The Age of Myth was the time from the very inception of the Mortal Realms to the Invasion of Chaos and Isolation of Azyr. The heroes of that age have little to no connection to the world that was.

However, the resolution of Dread Solstice heavily implies that even heroes from before the Age of Myth where captivated in the Obliette and now freed.

So, the vast majority of heroes and villains freed from the Obliette would be from the Mortal Realms (from the Age of Myth to the Age of Sigmar), but it is very possible that a few personalities from The-World-That-Was  have been unleashed as well.


What I also find interesting is that we have little information on the form of these heroes. Now a vast number of these characters have been snatched up for the Anvils of Heldenhammer. Whom, I would like to note, do not become any more of a Nemesis for Nagash than they where before, since they have always been composed of dead ancient heroes snatched from the Underworlds and Nagashes hosts. These are reforged into (immortal) flesh and blood, but most others, I would expect, are Undead of some form, as I find them being captivated in immortal flesh and blood a bit unlikely and unconvincing.


So, I would hardly expect a massive wave of unchanged pre-End times models thrown back into the game, but this does offer GW a route to bring back an old character here and there in a new version. And it also offers players who transitioned from Warhammer Fantasy a route to bring back their own favorites, be they "official" or just a figure of their own invention from their own army background.

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1 hour ago, Captain Marius said:

Am I right that the Age of Myth took place AFTER the end of the world that was? So the returned heroes and villains would be from the least explored part of the AoS background...

The narrative actually says:


Hundreds of cells are smashed asunder and the souls within released to recorporeate. Occupants trapped since before the Age of Myth emerge, blinking in the light. Ancient magisters and mages, disgraced vampiric aristocrats, snarling greenskin warlords, ice-hearted queens and Sigmar-touched heroes, blind loremasters, duardin kings and arrogant Skaven clan-lords; all of these and countless others burst from captivity and seek to make good their escape.

Not only does it state that there will be heroes from before the age of myth, but it also gives us some clues of who those heroes are. "snarling greenskin warlords" sounds like it is hinting to Skarsnik, a.k.a "Warlord of the Eight Peaks". Disgraced vampiric aristocrats could be Vlad, though it could be many of the old Vampires (I don't know much about their lore).

I could just be reading too much into it, but "before the Age of Myth" definitely sounds like it is implying the World that Was.

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21 minutes ago, NazbitWeirdstabba said:

The narrative actually says:

Not only does it state that there will be heroes from before the age of myth, but it also gives us some clues of who those heroes are. "snarling greenskin warlords" sounds like it is hinting to Skarsnik, a.k.a "Warlord of the Eight Peaks". Disgraced vampiric aristocrats could be Vlad, though it could be many of the old Vampires (I don't know much about their lore).

I could just be reading too much into it, but "before the Age of Myth" definitely sounds like it is implying the World that Was.

I would guess that 'arrogant skaven warlord' is Queek Headtaker, but on the other hand.. they're ALL arrogant!

GW! *shakes fist*


The disgraced vampire aristocrat sounds spot on for Vlad.

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It would certainly be easier for the chaos champions as their souls would have gone to chaos, the undead champions for similar reasons but for the mortal heroes really?

if they had wronged nagash when he took on Morr’s portfolio i can undrstand it but the prison thing infers that these guys were truly special and not because they were great heros of their kind.

i wonder if however, this could give some storm cast the missing part of their souls  back unless the pointy ears have theived that?


im just speculating and like most of us i do really hope they use this for something clever, rather than oh look comedy grimgor is back and “i’z pissed ofz”

lets hope this gives us great models,  and a brettonnarnia mashup! (Which it wont but i can dream)

I now keep asked g myself what would it gave taken for a soul to be imprisoned, and what designs did nagash have for them?

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"Sigmar-touched heroes" sounds like Valten. And "blind loremasters" sounds like the totally-not-Eltharion.

What I don't know is whether they will be bringing back the "full character" (so included back in the fluff Vlad & Co. with their corresponding models) or if it is just a narrative change in order to introduce back their models after the Warhammer Legends things was announced. After all, there was no "blind loremaster" in the whfb fluff after the whole story (which was a good one) got retconned.

Either way, it's all quite exciting.

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For a soul to be imprisoned and not used I think it would have to fulfill one of two things:

A) Impossible to bend to Nagash's will: either by being stubborn like only dwarves can be, too wild like I'd expect some greenskins to be, etc

or B) For the soul to have annoyed or angered Nagash so much that he decided he would rather cast him into eternal suffering rather than using it

So yeah, I'd expect mostly notable characters to be imprisoned there.

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