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Clear bases


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I've noticed on Facebook an  occasionally in store a increasing amount of clear bases being used on models.

The benefits to this are obvious to see, terrain. 

Your model no longer stands out like a sore thumb as it's got snow and you're battaling on grass today; for instance.

Effects can also be painting ontop of these, for instance I plan on basing my nurgle army on clears, painting some ooze and slime on them and maybe some blood.

Or maybe my khorne stuff, with blood splatters.

Voilà! A nice looking base regardless of terrain with some nice effects. 


There is a downside though, tournaments often require people to paint bases, this would then obviously counter the point of clear bases. I've seen chatter of some more tournaments allowing them lately.

I don't feel it's skimping out on hobbying more allowing it to evolve into something more dynamic, suiting aos 

What are people's views?  

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I want consistency in my armies.  I'm not going to rebase hundreds upon hundreds of infantry models and put them on clear bases.  To me, basing is the best way to tie together armies and allies in a way that is visually appealing and quick to see.  Plus, having clear pieces makes the models feel more like "tokens" to me, and less like characterful.  Sure, it would make finishing the army go a lot quicker, especially since I struggle with deciding what to use for basing my armies, but I like that "last stretch" feeling of having squads of guys ready to base as the final step in my process.

Yes, it can be a bit anachronistic having snowy-based models on a grassy field facing against models with lava bases, but that's part of the charm to me.  It's a clear way to know who is who and what is what on the battlefield.

I'm not going to criticize or bash anyone that wants to have or plays with a clear-based army, but I'm not going to participate myself.  To each their own, and all that.

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I personally love scenic bases.  I often times have just as much fun modeling the base as I do the actual model.  

I have seen a fully clear base army, a local guy bought one off ebay that was based this way, and I did not like the effect in person.  The models without basing lacked character to me and actually broke the game immersion for me because the effect was so jarring.  Maybe it was because I was not used to it but overall I was not a fan.

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5 hours ago, BunkhouseBuster said:

To me, basing is the best way to tie together armies and allies in a way that is visually appealing and quick to see. 

Agreed. My GF (TwiceIfILikeIt - check her hobby threads in the painting forums!) and I are making a skaven+overlords frenemy army for Adepticon. Bases + color schemes unify the army.

Btw - Not a fan of scenic bases. At all. Not for gaming models anyway.

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I rebased the entirety of my Zombicide Season 2 Kickstarter reward with clear acrylic bases, and I really liked how it looked during play.

I was tempted to do it with my new AoS army, but ended up simply using regular bases, and the same with my new 40k army. But I think sooner or later, I might jump in and do a new GW projects solely with clear acrylic bases. Especially with the battle mats becoming more and more widespread, it makes more and more practical sense to use these clear  bases.

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Ive seen a couple of clear base armies and I think they look great as wargaming pieces; however if your a painter as opposed to a gamer you will naturally gravitate to painted bases. The majority of armies I have seen with the clears tend to be 30k zone mortalis forces.  There was a guy with a death rattle force in our flgs and they looked good. 

As others have mentioned, overly scenic bases I find to be more decisive than clear bases as they often alter the height of the models. 

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I'm honestly not a fan of clear bases. Mostly because they're never clear enough and just look like a lump of plastic under the model xD

Regular bases aren't perfect but at least you can make them look pretty with appropriate materials and painting, and use them to theme your army, tell a story and so on.

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18 hours ago, BunkhouseBuster said:

I want consistency in my armies.  I'm not going to rebase hundreds upon hundreds of infantry models and put them on clear bases.  To me, basing is the best way to tie together armies and allies in a way that is visually appealing and quick to see.  Plus, having clear pieces makes the models feel more like "tokens" to me, and less like characterful.  Sure, it would make finishing the army go a lot quicker, especially since I struggle with deciding what to use for basing my armies, but I like that "last stretch" feeling of having squads of guys ready to base as the final step in my process.

Yes, it can be a bit anachronistic having snowy-based models on a grassy field facing against models with lava bases, but that's part of the charm to me.  It's a clear way to know who is who and what is what on the battlefield.

I'm not going to criticize or bash anyone that wants to have or plays with a clear-based army, but I'm not going to participate myself.  To each their own, and all that.

To me, it also has the effect that it kind of illustrates the idea of the forces from the shattered realms are coming together..

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I am personally not a fan. I think they stand out too much. Traditional basing grounds the model much better I think.

I have recently changed my basing style to a darker brown with black rims. I think they work quite well on a wide range of tables including desert, ash lands and grass land.

I would certainly have no issue playing an army on clear bases though. Just not my preferred choice.

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I'm not a massive fan to the point where I really don't like them.  If the clear base were something that wasn't a highly glossy piece of acrylic then it would likely be a little different, but the ones I've seen just stick out like a sore thumb, more than a plain unpainted base.  I also think it's compounded by the fact that it's normally a simple plastic disc whereas a GW base has a bevel round it.

That said, I'm not going to knock anybody who does use them providing I don't see any superglue misting or similar ;)

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