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Lousy Beatnik

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Everything posted by Lousy Beatnik

  1. I really hope that it is 100% over the top Chaos stuff!
  2. Wow, the last kid I'd want changed is the current night goblin kit. Actually, I'd love them to re-size the multi-part set from late 5th (updated with shared skeleton/skaven plastic command sprue) to about 80 percent and re-release that Brilliant fun they were, but too big!
  3. Doom Divers are such a brilliantly "Warhammer" image, I'd be surprised if we didn't see them back. An update, perhaps fired from grot flying ships would be awesome
  4. Hi Karol. Nope, not at all. I still don't see what it has to do with what I said, though. Doesn't make my lackluster dark elf army any different (and I didn't say how much it cost...) To be honest, if money were such an issue, the last miniatures game I'd play, certainly competitively, would be something from GW. This is where I'd think a more narrative approach, buying cheaper starter set models or second hand models and just playing any old way would suit better than a competitive environment. When I couldn't justify buying GW prices, I've been happy with games with free rules and 1/72 scale models. I'm happy to accept that your local group (or yourself!) may feel differently. I've made armies for next to nothing, but yeah, they would be utterly useless in a tournament! Or laughed at for being mostly 4th edition mono-pose plastic or Reaper Bones.
  5. 25 years of mucking about with mates and Warhammer (some times with little money and second-hand models, others able to buy whatever looks cool) and I don't think I've ever considered a unit, let alone army, "bad". I have a Dark Elf army that never once won a game. It just isn't an issue for some groups.
  6. Karol, all I can say is that your experiences with toy soldiers are the exact opposite from mine. Not a single thing rings true for me! On Legends (and on topic!), It just a very little effort/commitment set of profiles to go alongside a limited re-release. If it doesn't interest people, they can so easily not use them. As to whether units are dropped from Matched thing, wait for the new handbook?
  7. Even if this release does brilliantly, you can't really tell if it's anything to do with the DE rules they released, or even anything really to do with live of WHFB. I might just buy the manflayers just because I like the models, and didn't get around to buying them the first time. I've seen plenty of people who stopped playing long before 8th edition wanting to buy them. Same with the 40k made to order.
  8. Yep. AoS really needed a "designer's notes" from the start. In white dwarf, on the site, the rules download and the first campaign book. You can't release a game with no points, and not even give some context (I've read plenty of independent games that explained their game. Swashbuckling game Donnybrooke for example has very rough points, but says anyone choosing only the "best" options is playing the wrong game). It would have saved me pondering for a year what was going on... Can't sell out... "Made to order" I think a tomb kings release could be disappointing, we haven't seen a plastic kit go back into production.
  9. Oh for heaven's sake... I meant I'm happy it WASN'T Cthulhu Aelves! Stupid fingers and stupid phone! I hated the OMG Cthulhu!!! Facebook comments and I'm thrilled it isn't how it turned out.
  10. Such a carry on about the turtle (more elsewhere, not here). I'm just thrilled it wasn't 100% Cthulhu Aelves! How dull that would have been. I'm not sure if I'll end up with an army of these guys, or just a unit or so for mixed order, but I'm happy to see something different. That, and all too clever Teclis making a mistake
  11. What exactly has been said about Thanquol in AoS, if you don't mind me asking? Where to read it?
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