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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

Starting Ironjawz and Youtube!?

So for some strange reason I never finish my projects, so what better way than to try force myself through than broadcast my plans to the whole community! I did a quick video about what I've picked up so far! Hope you enjoy! https://youtu.be/5eGr845_Y7E Thanks for checking it out, all C&C welcome, I'm still learning



Preventing Hobby Wobble between Projects

Hello again everyone.  Sorry for the delay between posts recently, but you will be happy to know I will be back to my regular posting twice a month! We all have experienced Hobby Wobble and as Wargamers we have come to almost accept it as part of the process.  It sneaks into our hobby time like a Nurgling dancing around distracting us from the Great Unclean One that is our current (or next) project.  What are some of the ways to prevent Hobby Wobble? Is it possible to use Hobby Wobble to yo



Khalida finished!

High Queen Khalida is such a wonderful model. She's small, but so commanding. It's one of the really iconic Tomb King models for me. It's just so easy to imagine her standing in a temple, or on a sand dune, gazing across a battlefield. She looks ancient, but graceful. The model is actually quite small, a fairly realistically scaled female. She's actually smaller than the skeletons released at the same time! They weren't to scale, being as large as a man with his flesh still on. Basing

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

Warlords, Pestilens, NZ, Bring the Foulrain!

So I spent the last few weeks hobby time mostly painting & getting ready for Warlords. I had a lot of deliberation over what list to take, I have about 2.5k of Pestilens and can make any of the existing formations, but haven't playtested all of them yet. I mostly played up to now with 2 Plagueclaws in previous games , but I wanted to use the Foulrain this time and that meant I had less real estate to play with points wise as it's 700 points, so I found it hard to shoehorn in the rest of

James McPherson

James McPherson

The First Stages

The first year of AoS was pretty slow for me and that was mainly down to not have an army on round bases. Some time was spent playing with the Ogres and Demons I already owned but then I was thinking of repainting the demon army itself and all of a sudden the call of a new army beckoned. Since the Stormcast were released I was tempted, the models are cool, the premise is cool and then the Dracoth cav came out and I was sold. A starter set was purchased, a mate then got rid of all his stuff so



Tale of Gamers: Month 2 COMPLETE!

So month 2 comes to a close, and we've had our first casualty! Jon has dropped out, realising he would not be able to complete the second month in a row, and having lost all motivation (despite our group bullying motivating him senseless) he has invoked the £50 buy out clause in order to avoid all further fines. He has assured us he will try and get SOME painting done, but we will have to see! Gordrakk, Fist of Gork So here he is! Finished, based, completed. No fine for me this month!



Tomb Scorpion!

I've started in on my next TK unit, the humble Tomb Scorpion. i am going for more of an actual dead scorpion over one made of bone or stone. Kind of like they found this giant dead scorpion, entombed a liche priest in its carcass and stuck a bunch of ornamental stuff on it, you know, the usual. so far I'm liking how it's looking. This should hopefully be pretty quick to paint to. I'm doing the carapace in sections so I don't burn myself out. The legs are next.

Mengel Miniatures

Mengel Miniatures

Huntmaster with his 3 trophies taken from 3 generals.

Took a bit of a break from... well... everything but now that Im back I set to work trying to work over a paint theme for my kurnoth hunters.   Really wanted to set this mini apart from the others. He has been the last man standing in several battles. In 3 different battles he has killed the general. Once as he was the last man on a hill he launched an arrow through some trees killing the general. Second time he was also the last man standing on a hill when he got charged by



The Great Unclean One/ Daemon Prince

For my first post I'd like to show off my Great Unclean One/ Daemon Prince (whichever I need at the time) for the army. The conversion took by far the longest, the paint job only being a couple of hours.



The Cygor Arrives!

I was going to write up something inspring, but I'm not all that inspired by this guy! I'm pretty sure I like how his skin turned out, but I think that's it.  And even that is a little chalky!  Not my best work I don't think. -.- I've been digging the Warherd stuff up until actually nearly finishing it.  I may just be getting sick of painting Beastmen.  I'm bad for wanting everything I don't already own, nothing I own is ever cool anymore.   This weekend my interest has gone from Flesh



Finished plague Lord

First AoS model ever.  First time trying snow too. Really wanted to convey cold here, so kept all the colours cool as possible. Want to maybe hit the Blight Kings nest or maybe a Great Unclean One.  



Tale of Gamers: Month 2 - HOBBY PROGRESS!!

Month 1 Recap So the first month is done, how did the club get on? Well if you read my last entry you'll know I failed spectacularly by getting nothing painted. I'm pleased to say that I'm not alone! I was joined in my failure by Jon and Will, so there's £60 for terrain already! Jon and I fall into a special category of "set ourselves way too much to paint then make excuses about it". We both set ourselves somewhere in the region of 40 models to paint, which was just silly. Make sure y



Tale of Gamers! Hobby Progress?

It's been a while since I last posted, I'd love to say I've been really busy and had loads of stuff that has gotten in the way of hobby, but the fact is I've just been really really lazy. Fortunately for me my local gaming group are keen motivators, finding that delicate balance between getting me to paint and making me feel small and insignificant! So, whats new? Tale of Gamers! With AoS being fairly new, and having taken on some fresh blood recently, we decided to run a tale of gamer



OK Let's Make Some Ground Rules

As someone mentioned in my last entry, I need to learn how to use photo bucket or something similar once I get a little more free time and some actual models painted instead of the mess that is my hobby room/bedroom.  But I wanted to sit down and make a list of goals and rules I hope to accomplish and follow to make a real change in my hobby attitude. 1.  Get rid of all Warhammer 40,000 modles, aside from a few unique exceptions.  I have not played 40k since 3rd edition and truly have no lo



Paint Scheme Test

I've started working on my Deathrattle army.  Here are some the first batch of figures, wip.   This is my Necromancer (or Lich, depending on if my opponent will allow the use of a home brew unit). I'm trying to get the blue to be something like the blacks you sometimes see in comic books, where a character is in a black suit, but highlights are done in blue.  Not sure that I'm giving the correct impression or not.  Also, I'm not incredibly happy with the flames.  I'm going for blu



"Iron Keep" Path to Glory Campaign

Iron Keep is our new campaign for AoS.The story of the campaign is about the Iron Keep,a keep that it was lost during the end times as it was sucked up in the realm of chaos.It was build by a powerfull sorcerer named Eradorius who was a follower of the Great Manipulator.The Urban legend said tha he had pulled out his own eye and with it made a powerfull medallion that could see into the future and into the past.After  thousands of years the Iron keep was seen floating in the realm of Life,unknow



Converted Squig Gobba

With this model I wanted to make it as different from the original Forgeworld model as possible. So it seemed obvious to have its mouth filled with squigs at the point just before spitting. Looking at the original model it is based on a frog or toad with a lot of loose skin around its throat, which when full would be greatly expanded. So I set about converting the model buy chopping away the mouth and resculpting the lower half of the face. I am happy with how the squig turned out and thoug



Work is progressing as planned! ...almost.

The first delivery of models arrived and everything is now built and some of it primed. 32 Dryads, 3 Kurnoth Hunters, 1 Branchwych and 1 Treeman Ancient.  The dryads was fairly easy to assemble and the last 4 went from sprue to base in 23 minutes. I timed it. The Treeman was a lot of fun to build and it was nice to just build it according to the instructions. The biggest hassle have been the Kurnoths. Magnetizing options for scythes and bows meant a lot of drilling and a lot of magnets. If any



Règgio and The Wolves of Ghur

To start the campaign, I have chosen Order Free People and therefore chose my war band from these Path to Glory tables. Below is the beginning of my story in the campaign. The story of Règgio and The Wolves of Ghur.     It had been a year or so since the war to defend the city of Greywater Fastness , the war which had seen the death of the King of Bretonni and ruler of House Houghton. The kingdoms were in ruin, the Kings only son Paladin Hènry was also killed in the final



Project Slaughter

Hi peeps decided to show a quick wip pic of my £5.99 slaughterpriest  Only spent half a lazy Sunday on it and I have to stress this is a crappy phone pic Started on a Base too  M  



The Story Starts Here

So where to start . . . I began playing Warhammer over 20 years ago.  Since that time I have developed a problem.  I am a hobby hoarder.  Over the years I have collected more then I ever painted or played with.  It became an obsession to own everything that ever came out, even when I did not have plans to use it.  Following are just some more pictures of the situation I am in.  These are just a few of the examples on how by not painting and playing can begin to grow into quit



Order vs Death

In a sleepy Freeguild town deep in the Hinterlands of Gestran Doth did our heroes first battle against the Deathrattle hordes that plagued these lands...   - bottle



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