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The Story Starts Here




So where to start . . . I began playing Warhammer over 20 years ago.  Since that time I have developed a problem.  I am a hobby hoarder.  Over the years I have collected more then I ever painted or played with.  It became an obsession to own everything that ever came out, even when I did not have plans to use it.  Following are just some more pictures of the situation I am in. 




These are just a few of the examples on how by not painting and playing can begin to grow into quite a mess.  I am on a quest to clean up this mess.  This will be accomplished by either painting or selling off my hoard.  This blog is to document my success. 


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Thank you for letting me know.  This is the first time I have attempted to engage on a forum and did not realize a simple copy and paste wouldn't work. Hopefully in the future my posts will be more concise and relevant.  This first post was to just get it started, otherwise I would have dragged my feet and never started it at all.  Thanks again for the info.

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