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A journey of a Warhammer Hoarder on his way to greatness.

Entries in this blog

OK Let's Make Some Ground Rules

As someone mentioned in my last entry, I need to learn how to use photo bucket or something similar once I get a little more free time and some actual models painted instead of the mess that is my hobby room/bedroom.  But I wanted to sit down and make a list of goals and rules I hope to accomplish and follow to make a real change in my hobby attitude. 1.  Get rid of all Warhammer 40,000 modles, aside from a few unique exceptions.  I have not played 40k since 3rd edition and truly have no lo



The Story Starts Here

So where to start . . . I began playing Warhammer over 20 years ago.  Since that time I have developed a problem.  I am a hobby hoarder.  Over the years I have collected more then I ever painted or played with.  It became an obsession to own everything that ever came out, even when I did not have plans to use it.  Following are just some more pictures of the situation I am in.  These are just a few of the examples on how by not painting and playing can begin to grow into quit



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