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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

Update on terrain

No new models yet but the latest news is that they will arrive next teusday so I have been cracking on with all the Wyldwoods for the Sylvaneth. Here are some WIP pictures. The first step was to glue down a couple of bits of bark and tiny cork gravel to the forest bases. Then a layer of grey hobby paint and a drybrush of lighte gray. i wonder if my friend will ever field all 13 woods in one game....  



If at first you don't succeed...

Hey guys, I figured I would start this blog by showing of where I got started and where I ended up after experimenting with the color scheme, different techniques, brushes, brands of paint etc.  Sadly I never took any pictures of these initial trial and error runs and most of the models I painted were stripped afterwards to match with the scheme I finally settled on. But I'll include a picture of the one unit that was saved and simply retired rather than stripped and redone.  This



Games Workshop Recruitment

Thank you all for the emails requesting information, it's ace to see so many of you wanting to work for Games Workshop. Can I just ask you, if you are applying directly through the website, could you quote #TGA in your application? So I know where you came from  



Base model

I'm not sure if I wrote it already, but I'm a bit slow as a painter, and my hobby time is pretty short. I'm trying anyway to do my best with the time I have. This weekend I managed to finish one model as a reference, to have a look at how they will look like. I have to say that the difference between those models, and the one in the AoS starter box is impressive! The quality of details of the newest miniatures keep the painting job way easier. Ok, it requires maybe a bit more time, but



Nurgle guy.

I've had a Maggoth Lord sitting on the desk for a while now and over the last few evenings I've been painting up a few armour panels at a time to try and get him completed. I'm looking at trying out different greens for all the armour plates and also use it as a good exercise for practising blending and such like. I've been using the loaded brush technique, with the greens rather than white at the moment and its kind of working, but I think it needs more practise. The blends between the shades a



Darkoath Chieftain

First up is one of the heroes from the new Warhammer Quest. I think he might be wearing a few too many skulls for what could be considered practical but I think it turned out good =)



Tales of Gamer

When the Tales of Gamer was first introduced  I jumped straight in. I knew that I was going to build a Sylvaneth army. I had just picked up some Ironjaws and had started getting into AOS. But the annunciation of the Sylvaneth made my go and leave the Ironjaws for later. My goal is to have 1000 GH point worth of models finished by the end of the year. Hopefully I will also have played in a Path to Glory campaign and participated in an upcoming tournament. But first here is my great



Path to Glory Campaign

Me and my gaming group is preparing for a 'Path to Glory' campaign. We are not going to roll our Warbands, but will instead use the points from  matched play. The first goal is to write a small introduction of the Warbands and to name the Hero. We will be starting out with 300 points a build from there. Warbands are gathering for the coming storm. The forces of Orders have secured the Seeds of  Hope, but the Chaos gods are never contend and never truly defeated. Lord Nurgle is  pr



A sticky beginning.

A friend of mine have been thinking about jumping back into the hobby for a while and after a nice three-way battle last weekend he was more ready then ever! The problem was he had no wish to build or paint the stuff himself but when I offered him my humble services he accepted and took the plunge. After much discussion and analyzing he decided he wanted to play Sylvaneth over Flesh Eater Courts. The initial order was for one Start Collecting box, one box of Kurnoth Hunters and the battleto



AoS Needs Fluff Support

I believe that AoS is a good miniatures game but will continue to blast it's creator (GW) for a poor handling of the game. This time, I'm focusing on fluff instead of rules, or mainly where the lack of fluff. When you searched online about the old factions, you could usually get a quick flavor blurb about why someone might want to play Empire, or Dwarfs, or High/Dark Elves, or Warriors of Chaos, or Skaven, or Orcs and Goblins. This seems to be a missing part and parcel for Age of Sigma



First post

My first post on TGA, Yahoo! I am a massive geek who loves wargaming, superheros, fantasy and science fiction. I live in Madrid and the AOS scene is slowly growing here. My friend, my girlfriend and I are going to be starting a local club soon but 9th age is much beloved by our local game shops clientèle and Infinity very popular too. I have been especially in love with age of Sigmar since I first tried playing it in Canterbury a year ago, it is so easy to get into and games are fun and has load



Water water everywhere

These are copies of a discussion I've been having in a Google+ community about using Water Effects and my experiments so far. Hopefully others can add to it here.  Part 1:  Does anyone know any tutorials or videos for making pools and water effects on bases??? Part 2:  Ok, here is the one I've started working on as a test. I've tried the Vallejo water effects first, but it isn't sitting flat. I'm going to keep adding to it. I've ordered some clear plastic beads to go in be



Day Six, First Ripperdactyl

Slight varnish frosting because I am impatient. I should have spent time to make the claws more consistent. Painting flying things is seriously awkward due to holding them. I should have picked a higher contrast pallet.



Here comes the Ironweld Arsenal...

After my trip to Warhammer world for the AoS open day i was flicking through photos and came across this shot of the Ironweld Arsenal.  So inspired by this I have decided to start my own warmachine host. So far I have a mortar, a hell blaster volley fun and and Organ Gun with crew completed. 



First game with Fyreslayers

Had my first game with the Fyreslayers last night. I had them combined with my Stormcast for a 2000 point game against a lot of Skaven, 213 wounds of Skaven. I knew I could not win as it was the scenario in the Generals Handbook where the more models you have near an objective you capture it. His units were huge. Did that stop the forces of Order? Nope! I may not have won on points but I did slay a lot of Skaven! My List; Leaders Auric Runefather on Magmadroth (320) Grimwrath Berze

The Barwick

The Barwick

Exmouth Imperial Wargamers club night 18/08/16

I faced off against the excellent Paul Brooksbank's mixed Order faction of Seraphon and Wood Elves in a 1000 pt game of Take & Hold at my local gaming club this is what he had 1 Saurus Old Blood on Carnosaur 20 glade guard 10 Saurus Warriors 8 Glade Riders 5 Saurus Cav And I made a slight tweak to my Seeds of Hope 1000pt force by downgrading Skrolk to a regular Priest and taking 10 less Plague Monks and replacing them with a Plagueclaw. 1 Corruptor

James McPherson

James McPherson

Seeds of Hope, Climactic end to the Season of War Summer Campaign at WHWorld!

Seeds of Hope The aptly named Seeds of Hope took place on the Sunday after the AOS Open Day at WHW. 3 Games, each themed around each of the 3 cities on the S.o.W campaign map. 3 Places of Power (The Living City), Gift From the Heavens (Greywater Fastness) & Take and Hold (Phoenicium) 1000pts, 1.5 hrs a game, each game contributed somehow to the results of the Season of War campaign directly via campaign points, so whether it was via a favorite game vote or a major/minor v

James McPherson

James McPherson

Day four

I need to light my photography better. I need to spend more time on gems. I don't like metalics.



AOS Open Day at WHW World

AOS Open Day So I fixed myself up with a hire car and made the trek up from Devon to Nottingham for the first time ever last weekend to attend the AOS Open Day and Seeds of Hope, the climactic finale to the Summer Campaign at WHW. I wasn't sure what to expect as the last big GW event I went to was Games Day '94 at the NIC in Birmingham which was just nuts in terms of size and scale with a crowd in attendance roughly similar to the size of a small Premier league game, imagine thousands of p

James McPherson

James McPherson

day three

Non-GW >> Warlord Games english civil war pikemen. The random bottle of vallejo yellow i chose couldn't cover to save it's life. It was nice to paint a face again, even if one of them is a derp monster.



Slow progress

Few days have passed, and I've taken only few steps to completion. I started with the 2 units of Saurus Warriors, unfortunately I couldn't find my command groups, so I'm looking for them on Ebay - no luck, though. First of all, I painted skin and scales with Macragge Blue, and put a layer of sotek green on the skin.   In between, I applied a base of mournfang brown on the weapons - time was short, but I wanted to do something on them anyway I'm now on standby a



Here come the Spites...

I completed the Unit of Spite Revenants the other day. I think these are some of the best Sylvaneth models as I love the menacing look and feel they have. These are the last unit to be done. All I have left now is Alarielle, the leader. 



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