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Nurgle guy.




I've had a Maggoth Lord sitting on the desk for a while now and over the last few evenings I've been painting up a few armour panels at a time to try and get him completed. I'm looking at trying out different greens for all the armour plates and also use it as a good exercise for practising blending and such like. I've been using the loaded brush technique, with the greens rather than white at the moment and its kind of working, but I think it needs more practise. The blends between the shades are still looking pretty rough - you can easily pick out the boundaries between shades in places. I suspect that I need to work with my paint consistency a bit more as when Ben Kommets does it he uses a thicker white than the colour. Anyway, as I was short a blog post I thought these would do as a little WiP. 




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I don't know, based on the picture I think you're blending looks good.  I only kinda noticed after I read your post and looked at the image again.  I think the green looks great, very textured.  You might consider the yellow wash GW sells, forget the name, but a coat of that should help the blending and gives the green a sickly glow affect perfect for nurgle.

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On 24 August 2016 at 4:37 AM, JokerLord said:

I don't know, based on the picture I think you're blending looks good.  I only kinda noticed after I read your post and looked at the image again.  I think the green looks great, very textured.  You might consider the yellow wash GW sells, forget the name, but a coat of that should help the blending and gives the green a sickly glow affect perfect for nurgle.

Adding the yellow is a really interesting idea. I think that if I am using a range of different greens then yellow glaze could work really well as something to tie them all together tonally. Thanks :) 

I am also  thinking that an edge highlight will definitely help to bring everything together too. 

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