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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

Excelsior Warpriest

One of the best looking models in the Silver Tower box is the Excelsior Warpriest. I really like the Games Workshop colour scheme so I decided to paint him this way. This is how I did it: Step 1: Brown primer applied with airbrush. Step 2: Skin First of all I gave the skin a wash with Druchii Voilet. Then I layered using a wet palette. These are the colours I used: Abaddon black, Vallejo Panzer Aces dark rust, Beasty brown, Vallejo Panzer Aces light rust. Step 3: White cl



...and continue!

After a few crazy weeks at work I return!! Finally got some hobby in this week and finished all the base coats and shading on my first batch of blood reavers. I am really enjoying building my bloodbound. AoS is infectious! My small warband is growing and creating its own character as I paint up units and characters. Ive managed to catch up on all my pod casts and particularly annoying recent topics regarding painting time and optimising painting opportunities. picked up my ne

Tim the Enchanter

Tim the Enchanter

The Harbinger

Here is my Harbinger well dismounted since his mount which is a palanquin of Nurgle  I kinda misplaced somehwere and can't find it which sucks. The Palanquin is done so it can be used for a multitude of my other Nurgle minis I have both 40k and AOS so the Harbinger can just fit in it quite easily (as I originally made it for a 40k Sorcerer)   He was made using a Chaos Sorcerer Lord with a head swap from the Blight King set (also where the shield on his back came from too) Has a Plague



Life and Death - Possible background for my Deathrattle army

I have an idea on some background fluff for the Deathrattle army I'm considering making. Here's are the very basics.  There is a human tribe, somewhere in Ghyran.  They are fairly primitive, or at least very ignorant, and little connection to the realms at large.  In fact, they are completely unaware that there are any other realms than where they live.  However, they have some major strength, I'm leaning towards the idea their rulers are natural casters, or perhaps they are great craftsmen



Finished first unit of Skaven Stormfiends

First unit finished! 3 Stormfiends with magnetised weapon options. The full selection of pictures is available in the Gallery. As a lot of people have asked I'll put them colour recipes here: S75 = Scale 75 AP = Army Painter Armour plates: Based with S75 Mars Orange - Airbrush Highlighted with S75 Sol Yellow - Airbrush Shaded with S75 Red Leather - Airbrush washed all over with AP Soft Tone and GW Lahmian Medium 50/50 mixed - Brush Edge highligh

Terry Pike

Terry Pike

Completed Maggoth Lord

I've finished the first model for my Rotbringers army. I had a maggoth that was being used as a demon prince, but I decided to put the rider on. I took quite a bit of time working on the riders armor, and then realised that the bone I'd done didn't match the bone on the maggoth. I went in and repainted these from black to cream, and I also had to rebase the model as it was on a 50mm square for 8th edition. Overall I'm pleased with how it came out and he will make a nice addition to my army that



Back in the saddle

So the gf is assembling some Skaven from an old Island of Blood set to try out AoS.  Thought I'd whip some paint on the characters to help her get started.  This one is a bit sloppy but speed was the goal   I also found a neat little surprise in a box. Something I forgot I had. Pics of that soon...



Mistweaver Saih

I was going to paint the Excelsior Warpriest next, but then I saw the wonderful tutorial on the Mistweaver by The War Gamer on youtube: If you don't already, you should definitely follow his channel! He has some really great tutorials and lots of other interesting stuff. Anyway, seeing this video I decided to use this colour scheme as a starting point. The first thing I painted was her dress. The colours used are Stegadon Scale Green for the lower parts, chest and ribbons, fo



Wow! Progress!

I'm finally back! I had a couple of hours to put some more paint on my saurus. Painting 20 of those guys make me feel SOOOO slow... I mean, I AM slow, but well.. I have few pictures now, not that I finished them, but I'm few step closer to the end of those 2 units! First of all, the skin! After the base color, I used temple guard blue to give a bit of light, I wanted them to be "blue" instead of "greenish", so I actually followed WHTV guide   After that, I used a dusty white to hi



PROGRESS: Fire and Blood!

Hiyas! Between vacations, work and other excuses I've been busy but not idle! I'm just going to photodump a bunch of pictures of my Megawarboss Groggo da Kegshmasha Bane of Alegullzla Gargants as well as some Brutes that are WIP. I've tons more in the queue, so hopefully the updates will be fast and furious!   Special shout out to @James McPherson for picking up the Ironjawz mug for me. Also to @Ben and @Bowlzee for recommending Hobbyzone.pl. I've picked up a bunch of stuff, with



Why im enjoying more of Skavens fascinating/crazy Clan Moulder

I have been trying to get through some of my skaven stuff the last few weeks. Going through boxes, seeing what needs to be painted and even striking up some conversion ideas but i did find a packmaster model that was mixed in with some clan rats i had bought off ebay months ago. Everything went pretty straight forward you know the usual, clipped off sprue, cleaned mold lines, primed and painted , but the more i was looking at the model the more i was thinking about its clan, Clan Moulder. Probab



Phase 2: Khalida WIP

Featuring basecoat and advanced WIP!   Finally started this model. When I started back in the day , she was one of the real beauties of the Tomb Kings faction. The sort of model you didn't buy, but wish you were good enough to justify doing so. I feel like I'm there now. Trying a new marble technique on the face and body, so that's exciting. It's the marble guide from Duncan over at Warhammer TV, but it should be really good. The basecoat shows the major elements; bandages, marble

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

Gorechosen - 1st thoughts

I was lucky enough to play a game of Gorechosen, GW's new boxed game last Thursday. We played a couple of games and I thought I'd pop down my first thoughts.  I played with Ben and I'm sure you've heard or watched his review on the Bad Dice YouTube Page. The Good Firstly the game is extremely good value. The four models are excellent sculpts and if you buy them individually you'd pay considerably more than the rrp for this game. The game itself is quite simple - the rules are clear and




My friends and I are hammering out ideas for a mini-league this winter, with games twice a month running the months of January and February, and I'm having a little trouble deciding what army to bring.  I have two options, Tomb Kings, and Deathrattle.  My preferred play style is narrative, so I really don't want to mix and match these specific armies, since their aesthetics are significantly different.  But both armies have significant draw backs on their own. For my TK, my biggest issue is



August's AoS day

Another friendly multiplayer day. This time it was three of us playing - Stormcast, Tzeentch and Nurgle. We used the Triumph and Treachery  rules for the first time. Battleplan was holding the centre of the board - blood and glory, I think.  We played without battleline restrictions. Here are some photos from the day. Next time I'll make notes and write a full battle report.    



War Wagon in AoS

I've painted a war wagon for my Free Guild army so I thought I should make some rules up for it. I didn't want it to be over powered as it is a made up scroll and I based it off the Gorebeast Chariot from the warriors list. I also wanted it to stay true to the old rules so put in each weapon as an individual profile.  What do people think? Any changes you'd make, does it seem over powered or under powered? And does anyone else have any home made war scrolls they have made?  Here



Sunday Project

G'day guys After having struggled to find any time to paint during the second part of this week I finally found some around Sunday afternoon.  So I decided I would try something that I had never managed before. To paint a miniature in one sitting.  Originally I had planned on painting my unit of Decimators next but having seen Lohke's awesome Darkoath Chieftain I was inspired to paint up my own Silver Tower model. The Knight-Questor. The model is great fun to paint. Enjoyed it eve



New beginnings

In a while I will be moving to a new house, it was our dream since I have meet my wife, funny thing that your dreams change once you meet a woman We will have a son so I am planning to have lots of time at night. Any way in our old apartment we had no space for  gaming table but now my wife agreed to have one in the basement. So I am planning to have the best gaming table ever, but I have no idea what theme it should be, how to do it and what with. I would love for it to be modular and specta



Clear the Backlog, phase 1 complete!

Finally finished my first part of the project. It's been a long time, unfortunately. For almost the entire month of August, I've been too ill to really paint anything. That left these three sitting around not getting finished. But now they're done!   They are the first of 4 identical units. Due to a brilliant deal, I now have more than enough chariots to build a full Royal Legion of Chariots. This is the long term plan (think years). In the shorter term, I plan on adding another unit o

Darth Alec

Darth Alec

The trees are coming to life!

First  batch of models have arrived and it's a bit of an easy start. One box of dryads and one of Kurnoth hunters. Started assembling the dryads last night and got one unit completed. It's quite a change to put these together from my own Stormcast that I've been working on before this project! From big chunky armoured dudes to thin, spiky, tree bits.   So imagine 6 more of these units in slightly different executions and that's all the dryads. I'm holding of on making the Kurnoths for



I got wood/woods

Still exceptionally busy with work. I haven't really had the time or peace to sit down and do any of my death or Sylvaneth for myself . I have been able to finish these 3 wyldwoods to a standard i'm happy with  . I'm unsure as to the amount I will need but I think 3 for 1000pt games is enough for now. I promise I will try to post something interesting soon. M  



Games Night

Since my first post I have been able to finish the bases on my next set of models. These Liberators have been done for a while but required a bit of sprucing up with another layer of Liberator Gold and a their bases painted. This unit of Liberators are led by a Prime named Sulla that has held the line admirably in several key battles. Get them in cover holding objectives and they can be hard as nails. Not very deadly but a good line unit. When I get my next unit of liberators, Grand hammers will



'Celemnis' campaign teaser

Inspired by the events at the start of 'Ghal Maraz' in the realm of metal, this campaign will take step back in time, before the shattering of the great city of Argent.

Tom W

Tom W

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