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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

If you go down to the woods today... Orion Finished

Despite still having no avatar photo I have actually finished Orion. Pulled him off the silly big base I had planned and put him on a simpler 60mm round and feel a lot happier. Just got to finish the bases for his hounds now.  The hands are still horrendous, but to avoid the colour match problem I did the hand holding the staff in a green to make him look like he's channeling the power of the realm of life.   



Getting started on Orion - King in the Woods

Here are a few photos of my Orion model that I've had lying around for a few months. After the South Coast GT I needed a bit of a break from chaos so a nice legacy (read oop) model seemed the way to go. The fine cast is good everywhere except the two hands which are shocking. I might have a play around at changing the horn hand to something else. 




Hi, I'm Jason, and I really like Battalions.  I mean, really like them. For me, Battalions define Age of Sigmar -- more than the drastically simplified ruleset, more than the destruction of the Old World, and more than the radical reinvention of organized play. I was never a tournament player in 8th edition, I can't paint to save my life, and for the majority of the last decade I've been a broke grad student living on ramen and sleep deprivation. Sure, in good old WFB, you could make y



Goodwin's Stampede

(Pictures below!) Shartor Dragonchewer snorted, sending steam cutting through the evening frost.  They had marched far with their quarry and the air even this far from the Jotenburg was chill and harsh.  Still, they had escape the daemons of blood that had sought the precious Shard of the Herdstone.  First, escaping from the wailing bloodthirsty creatures through an land of haunting ruins continued to trouble the dreams of some of his tribe.  Then, as the daemons closed in, his monstrous tr



Second week's progress on the army...

Once I had the bases down I needed to start coming up with a color scheme for my army. I wanted to go pale and more ghostly at first but then after browsing around online as well as trying out a couple test models I came up with this general look:   You might ask yourself where I came up with that scheme? I would love to pass on a great video that inspired me to give it a try, I took this video as my starting point down the path of creating a color scheme for the army:  



First week's progress on the army...

I was lucky to have a few days off work... So I set off on a bid to try and get most of the mundane items finished. I've included some of the various shots of progress through those days (No Particular order):   I have to say that after the first week I was quite happy with my progress, getting the mundane stuff out of the way helped push me forward and ahead. I was now itching to try and get some of the models paint



Basing the Horde...

The first thing that I needed to do was figure out the right basing technique for my army, I wanted something out of my comfort zone and that would add to the overall presentation of the army. So off to YouTube I went in hopes to find some ideas. One video that caught my eye was: I wanted to do something like that but wasn't sure if I could pull it off. I watched the video a few times then went off to Home Depot to pick up some wood filler and the necessary dyes.   Here



Preparing the Horde...

Hi! This is my first blog ever... I am hoping it'll be interesting, informative, and also might inspire one or two people. I am going to document out my very first large project. Preparing the Army (What I ended picking up): 2 older boxes of Crypt Ghouls (10 in a set) 1 box of Crypt Horrors 2 boxes of the King Vlagorescu's Ghoulish Host Flesh-Eater Courts Battletomb Some random bits of information: Took me about 3-4 days to clip, clean, and put to



The Age of Distractions

Howdy, just wanted to post a small update to let everyone know I'm still alive. I made the mistake of finally picking up Warhammer: Total War knowing full well what would happen. I've been busy running through the Chaos campaign rather than working on my models Aside from that my Warshrine is coming along. I'm waiting for some bits from Brother Vinnis for it. Also I'm looking for some good 28mm scale gibbet style cages if anyone knows any or some 28mm torture tool racks. also



Breaking Of The Storm

Where to begin, I've been inspired by the Age Of Sigmar since its release just over a year ago, in that time i've painted odd models, i've recently painted a small force of Freeguild and Devoted Of Sigmar, both of which i'll be expanding in the near future, but since the breaking of Sigmars Storm there was only one army for me, The Stormcast Eternals, when I first saw Vandus Hammerhand sitting proudly atop his majestic Dracoth I was utterly swept away, and now i've devided it's time to get mysel

chris swift

chris swift

Dread things from the chaos realms....

What a week!!  Just when I needed to get in some painting I have hell of a work week!! Still, got my blood secretor completed  and started my blood reavers. And this horror is getting ready for paint... I want to get my initial warband painted but No! Endless obstacles! But I battle on and here I present what I will have done to start my global campaign battles. Mighty Lord of khorne Slaughter priest with hack blade Blood secretor Blood stoker

Tim the Enchanter

Tim the Enchanter

Early days, a summer of firsts

Age of Sigmar brought me back into the fold after a long exodus from the hobby.  Last time I was this involved with anything was the early 90's and I was about 11 or 12. Because of this I had to build everything up from scratch as I had no models or paints or anything, so I've been slowly getting set up since the AoS release over the last year while learning the rules and watching AoS bat reps on youtube (MWG and GMG and tabletop mini's mostly) and following youtube chat shows such as

James McPherson

James McPherson

Can You Feel The Beat?

Hey All! 1st off thank you for the comments and constructive criticism! This week I started on some support staff for my evolving Waagh!, a Warchanta and a WEirdnob found their way to my painting table. I also managed to build and prime some units for the Waagh! A 10 man Ard Boyz unit w/ dual weps, boss, drum, and banner. Unfortunately the new box doesn't give you all the parts to make all 15 included models the same loadout, so I ended up building the last 5 with great weapons. A



Out for a pleasure ride..

Finally finished my Knights. I love these models and I think a cav army would be cool... ...but they are an absolute pain in the boob to build. Ya my right boob hurts...TMI  hoping it's a sign from Slaanesh for my dedication to perfection by scraping the miles of mould lines off these armored pricks.   anywho....     and for my my next project...   ...the torture mobile! The ride is slow but the screams are loud!  



First set of ghouls

This is my first 10 ghouls, I'm going for a 50/50 mix for each unit of these. The conversions use the lower part of forge world manann swords have some green stuff to finish them off and do bases before ready to paint. As you can see I have painted the original ghouls already to get my skin paint scheme Down  anyways time to crack on with more C&C always welcome Adam 



Extremis Chamber.

Hi all, Here is the story of the first strike of the Knights of Azyr Extremis Chamber followed by a ton of photos of them in all there glory, I hope you like them.  "At the same moment as Traylorn was battling the Changeling for control of the the Celestial Compass Dracothions rore could be heard all over the Celestial Realm of Azyr. The great Drakes rore was followed by the sound of a thousand chambers coming to life.  First forged for the Knights of Azyr was Lord-Celastant Brana

Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson

hobogoblins, lammasu and chaos dwarf wizard

i plan on painting (or re painting in the regard of the crew). the robes, capes and trousers will be painted a picture of colours. Armour will be weather bronze and the skin will be a yellow/grey with red noses and ears (I've tried the old yellow look and cant make it blend in to well). All these guys will be heavy washed and weathered. so i managed to get one normal cut throats half done before i had to leave. These two skull cracker crew are almost there, just need some more highligh



Early Rumblings`

Hey all! I'm making this blog as a continuation to my posts Here .I'm newer to the forum and didn't realize that I could simply create a blog instead of taking up space on the Destruction sub-forum. So here I am, and with my total lack of blogging know how I suppose I'll start this off with a bit about how we got to this point. I started playing fantasy about a year or 2 before the death of the old world, and while I, like any other fantasy player, mourned the loss of a very enjoyable (if n



2016 Summer Global Campaign Plans

The Season of War is almost upon us! What a year we have had in the Age of Sigmar.  The End Times had come and gone while the remnants of our community clung together and shape our destiny with the new game we loved.  I want to applaud everyone who came through The End Times and stuck with Age of Sigmar particularly the community leaders (Dan Heelan, Wayne Kemp, Russ Veal, Dave Witek, Big Jim, and others I am sure I am missing).  This community focused and maintained course and now we are



More Slaanesh

So i'm still working on those damn knights and i've been playing around with the list to make it a little more scary but also to play more on the Slaanesh theme. I decided I didn't just want a Slaanesh themed slaves to darkness. Still some room for stuff (not much) and I need to fill a battleline.  Leaders Lord of Slaanesh on Daemonic Mount - 140pts Sorcerer Lord - 140pts Leaders/Behemoths Daemon Price of Slaanesh - 160pts Herald on Exalted Seeker Chariot - 160pts



Themed Listbuilding In the Age of Sigmar

I've been looking over the GH released points and been a little depressed on how a number of the new factions don't have enough different things to make a very diverse army. In particular, the old High and Dark Elf factions are quite limited, using the same unit over and over while supplementing with 1-2 Behemoths/Leaders. Here's a few of the really easy to make specific allegiance Order factions I'm referring to: Devoted of Sigmar: 30 Flagellants, 2 War Altars of Sigmar, Warrior Pries



Fluff and a finished Shaman!

Prologue: Dust and Water   As a scholar of the Freeguild's of Azyr, the opportunity presented to me was something unlike any other had yet had the chance to do. This could land me in the history books, my published work in libraries among the Mortal Realms. Alternatively, this could lead to a swift return to Sigmar's embrace. I, Gerber Lichter, have been charged by my betters in the colleges with research of a most peculiar and unknown facet of one of the most terrifying races known to



The Children of Chaos march for Nurgle!

Greetings! I've never really made a blog like this before so I'm certain I'll break something.  My Beastmen are nearly complete.  I'll soon put up pictures of those that are already finished, however I wanted to get these guys up.   Being the first to defecate on an enemy standard is a mark of pride amongst the Gor-kin.  However, the Pestigor take great pains to ensure only the most prized ****** mark their banners.     My Bestigor are a mix of curren



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