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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

first of many

hello guys and gals welcome to my bloggy blogy of chaos dwarf fun. Note how i say chaos dwarfs and not leagion of azgorh, these guys are back to there roots. Lets hear it for big hats..   i base a lot of my style of this art work mainly the turban style hat and classic chaos dwarf look.   The first big thing i did for this army is a taur'uk Lots of sculpting later he is still sat in my box, half painted... any hoo... not wanting to go w



My Yellow Bloodbound

So I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Khornate Chaos Warriors as they always had some really badass looking models but I'd always managed to resist buying into them, until now.  With the arrival of Silver Tower came the perfect excuse to pickup one of the meanest looking dudes of recent times... Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrath-hammer I've always shied away from blood effects but as I've decided not to use a traditional red colour scheme on this model it seemed like




There are times when a hobby treat is more than just a model. Look at these lovelies: I'll be rolling 'em at our next AoS session. For which I will be running a Tzeentch force.  



The start of taking it all in.

Hey everyone,   I haven't been doing a lot of painting lately, mainly just frustrated from hitting my head against the wall with my last job owing me money and some family worries, and organising travelling back to the UK, and fighting a shop who I think are a scam (a geeky shop, hence my WordPressblog post to warn anyone who might like their products, to be careful. My WordPress blog is for Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40K, but it can also be for all types of geekiness (but there is on



Nearly There

Hey there guys! Just doing a quick update entry to show off the banner bearer. His main body section is now finished, apart from maybe some touch ups (Like the bright silver on his left foot is too thick!). I've decided that the green colour, whilst not maybe as nice by itself as a yellowey natural green, works better with the dark metallic armour, as it is the primary source of colour. The skull on his pauldron seems a bit washed out unfortunately but the rest seems to have been caught well eno



Step 2. Admitting you have a problem

I did a little bit more cleaning up on the other horrors and put the first bit of paint onto one horror as an experiment. I can't for the life of me remember the name of the colour, but it is a deep pinky purple from Vallejo applied as a few washes over white. A little bit of blue was added for some shadows/splotchyness to break up the overall PINK. The aim is for it to blend out to purple or blue towards the finger and tentacle tips. We shall see... So what is this problem? The proble



Seeking aid from the silver tower

Since my last entry, my chaos army came to a standstill for several weeks due to exams. Now that I've finished my exams I have been able to get my hands on a Silver Tower box and I love the overall look of all the models. My main aim is to use the Tzeentch models to represent the Tzeentchian part of my force. So far I have been painting the cultists and the horrors, in addition to working on my remaining Blightkings, Bloab and Varanguard. Here's some work in progress shots of these models, most



#WiP Wendnesday! I need C&C! NMM and othe new techniques!

So after a fruitless couple of weeks I finally decided to take a step back from my beastmen, this is primarily because I just for the life of me could not get a colour scheme I was even slightly proud of. So what better to do when you are at an impasse? Tackle a brand new challenge of course! In particular the glorious shaggoth model I have had sat in a draw since my birthday back in November. I decided that a lot of the problems with my beastmen was they are small and fiddly and I was almost bo



Step 1. Flashbacks

Many many moons ago, back when Goblins fought High Elves along side cardboard monsters and war machines I had a fun Dwarf gunline that did fairly well in our local shop. Over time, as Warhammer armies grew in scale, my interests waned as I'm a hobby butterfly. The games that retained my interest were smaller scale games like Mordheim and Warhammer Quest due to the ability to hop form one theme to another without having to make a massive commitment to one army. I've not, however, gamed in the War



The Tribe Assembles

This is a project I have been considering for a while now, Minotaurs.  Or to be correct using the AOS name Bullgors.  I used a Nurgle themed list at the start of AOS and took it to SCGT,  it was very good at absorbing hits but had not really heavy hitters of it's own.  I added a unit of Bullgors with great weapons to try to help out in this and they worked great.  So I was toying with the idea of a Bullgor army for a while.  Then when the Godbeasts book arrived a formation appeared, The Bloodsco

Paul Buckler

Paul Buckler

Battle Report: Stop The Sigmartrain!

The second and final AoS game of the weekend (we moved on to X-Wing after that) continued the story from the Pre-Emptive Strike scenario The newly-arrived Bloodthirster relived Morghur of command (considering he'd made such a mess of stopping the invasion) and gathered all the chaos beasts together to stop the Stormcasts from breaking out of their foothold. There were a lot more Stormcast to content with than the first scenario, and a Celestant-Prime waiting in the heavens (actually th



Doomsayer Tourney Prep Week Three/Four-ish

So we're getting to crunch time. I got a pair of practice games in at my club last Thursday, Stormcast vs Stormcast. My takeaways from this was that positioning is super important and mortal wounds are the primary way to take down Stormcast. Having no real way to negate that, I suppose killing their mortal wound units is the only option. Best defense is a good offense and so on and so on. Lost game one when I didn't kill my opponent's Celestant with his whippy cloak, won game two when I used my



Patience Of The Silver Tower

Recently, my hobby time has been taken up with painting models for other people. While this has been great for my bank balance, it has sapped a little of the enthusiasm I had previously for painting my own models from the Warhammer Quest game. I have been stuck on painting the Tzaangors for about a week and a half now - they sit beside me as I write this, daring me to continue their progress. So too does the Fyreslayer, standing atop his pedestal, naked save for a coat of Barbarian Flesh spray,



A new home

After spending most of my hobby time on Warseer and seeing the grand alliance as a far more positive environment to grow as a hobbiest I have decided to move my blog here.  I have quite a large army painted already and I intend on posting my updates and pictures of my battles here as my forces grow.  I am really proud of my army as it has grown over the past nine months.  I intend on getting more Stormcast eternals, a Sylvaneth army, and perhaps some other factions depending on how I feel a



Da Tribe needs 'elp!

Hey there. So on the painting front, I have nearly completely finished the banner bearer's body, and will get on with his weapon and pole so I can get him assembled. Then I'll worry about the banner. But for now I have had lots and lots of fluff for the tribe and where they live and hierarchy whirling around my head with one major flaw; I have no idea what to name the tribe. I therefore also have no idea what there clan symbol would be, and that's holding up painting the banner. So any sugges



WHQ Silver Tower

Warhammer Quest Silver Tower is super cool.  I've set about trying to paint up the beautiful models, starting with the Brimstone Horrors. I haven't exactly decided how to do the bases yet so I'm going to leave them black until I've painted all the models then decide and do them all as one big batch.  I've nearly finished the Blue Horrors and I'm also working on a Slaugherpriest.



Bloodletters of Khorne

I've finished 15 Bloodletters of Khorne, I need to add some grass tufts and add some more Blood for the Blood God effect. More pictures after the jump.       I have a new camera and photo box, but I've yet to work out how to use. Hopefully I will get better pictures soon.           I'm painting up the Khorne Bloodbound to sell, although I've really enjoyed painting them they play too similar to my Slaanesh, and I want some



Hello! Here are some Moonclan Grots

Hello! I recently speed painted up some Night Goblins...I mean Moonclan Grots. You may recognize them from such things as Battle for Skull Pass, low price eBay Auctions or kits you've had since you started the hobby *cough cough*.  They were loads of fun to do. I've always wanted to have a huge Orcs and Goblins army, but there was so much going on it's hard to control ones Army ADD. I love the new Orders, so now I can have fun adding in lots of stuff everywhere and just work on stuff a



Sigmar wants you...

Sigmar's Storm has come and War is everywhere... Like most of you I thought War was already here... I can only imagine this post from Games Workshop's Facebook Page is getting us hyped for the living campaign.  The time will soon be upon us to take our armies to the field and battle it out for the fate of the Mortal Realms and I cannot think of a better time to bring those old and new players on the fence into the game.  There are still plenty of scattered players out there who may not real



Battle Report: Pre-Emptive Stormcasts!

A few weeks ago, I sent my Beasts army to fight against a freshly-undercoated Stormcast force. We started off with the Pre-Emptive Strike scenario - a Lord-Relictor leading a vanguard of Prosecutors to secure a Realmgate and bring the rest of the legion through. Before they can get far, the Beasts get their scent and battle is joined! To add a bit more spice we decided that, if the Lord-Relictor's summoning roll ever failed on a '1', it would accidentally bring through a Greater Daemon




I am laboring to bring my new Flesh-Eater Courts Army to the tabletop.  This will be the first army I am doing specifically for Age of Sigmar, and the first army I will be doing from scratch and entirely by myself. I picked up the King Vlagorescu's Ghoulish Host bundle, along with two more boxes of Crypt Ghouls and three more boxes of Crypt Flayers, and finally two Abhorrent Ghoul King models on foot that I traded for on Bartertown since you cannot pick them up separately. I have pretty muc

Nicholas Bollaert

Nicholas Bollaert

AOS Tournament Army Lists for NiCON 2016

NICON 2016, less than a week to go - final touches are being made to armies, rules packs are being printed, scenarios are being scrutinised. Tournament week can be intense times! We finalised our field for the Age of Sigmar event last week, with a total of 8 players. I am encouraged by this number, as I had about 16 express interest but unable to make if for the weekend. Some would have to have travelled quite far, and some couldn't commit to the two days. I think future events will take th

Tronhammer NZ

Tronhammer NZ

Doomsayer Tourney Prep Week Two

So not a lot of time to type this week. I've been slowly adding elements to rank and file, but then halfway through today I found myself unable to put down the Lord Castellant. He and his Gryph-hound are up to tabletop standard. I also bought myself a Winsor and Newton Series 7 #1 brush. God, what a difference. I started using that and a Royal Langnickel at the same time and the Langnickel is just about shot. The winsor looks new. To be fair, I am treating it with utmost care. Alright, I'll go m



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