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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

The First Steps

The First Steps The tower seemed to glisten on the horizon. Was it possible Old Mags had never ventured this far south and the group had stumbled across a new landmark? There had certainly been no mention of it in the tales he used to tell once too much fire-wine had been drunk back at the clan. There was a rising murmur from the group at his back as they too saw the broken-topped citadel, silhouetted against the monotonous horizon of the southlands, like the hand of a drowning man reaching



This Little Piggy Had Roast Beef

I could use a few more characters in this beastly army. I'm not crazy about the Doombull model, but I did like the idea of a 'monstrous infantry' scale character to push them around. So behold - the Doomboar! It's a Mierce Miniatures model - "Broga, the Wereofor Thegn" to be precise, and it was a dream to paint. If you've not used the company before: the models are resin, generally compatible with Warhammer stuff, and priced at Forge World level (which is why I've only started wit



A day of multiplayer AoS

On Saturday we played a three-player game, and then followed up with two four-player games (Uneasy Alliances and A Convergence of Fate).  Here are some images: Table setup   Game one   Game two setup   4 player games      




I've decided to do a charity raffle army, so here are the Khorne. This army has won a few painting awards as well as other painting nominations at other events. The army comes in at 149 SCGT points. Ticket details not yet sorted, but will be done asap. Here's the charity the proceeds will be going towards https://www.justgiving.com/lucy-buckingham24 . RRP on whole army comes to around £500.  



Status Tokens!

Hey people I have created a new blog entry here: https://twistedshadowsblog.wordpress.com/2016/05/29/tokens-galore/   My boyfriend came across The Mortal Realms and had found these tokens which look really handy in play, as you learn your new model's abilities and/ or have a bad memory, (you never know.. Forgetting an ability where you could have lived, could have won you the game but realising the mistake at the end of the game. Doesn't really do you any favors...) Chec



Onwards, with feeling!

An actual update with much more impressive photographs and painting (I hope!). So I put in another couple of hours and the skin is now finished, including a glazed lip thanks to you guys on the destruction sub-forum. Also finished the leather straps (Have cleaned up the left under-arm strap since posting, that red's a bit too wide), so I will be tackling the armour next. Chainmail is also done, I added some Typhus Corrosion in the spots where it's torn and damaged and his skin is showing through



A reintroduction to the greenskins.

Hey there all. Thought I'd start off by saying that painting time comes and goes so it might be sporadic, but I've decided that the best way to kickstart myself from a dry-spell of painting is to not go back to Nurgle's rank and file and bore myself straight back out of the habit, but instead to paint something really shiny. So, as I intend to hit ironjawz and associated destruction forces hard post-nurgle, here is my first orruk in a while. I bought the FW orc bosses a few years ago now bu



The story continues

Hi All, Here is the next part of the Knights of Azyr's story all based on the game I played against Kev a few weeks ago on the awesome new board at Warhammer World.  Deep into Ghyran mighty Sigmar sent the Knights of Azyr with the task of bringing the Fyerslayers of the Beal-For Lodge onto the side of Order. Sigmar looked down as the mighty vaults of Sigmarion were emptied of every last scrap of gold as Sigmar know that the Fyerslayers would be absorbed by their addiction to it. T

Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson

Why I still have Squares...

I have yet to rebase my old armies....and I do not intend to do so. Over the past months I have really enjoyed Age of Sigmar.  The Campaigns, Narratives, Fluff, and all the new hobby abound have filled my time.  I have seen many people rebase their old armies to the new round bases and it is great seeing people embrace this new system, but I simply could not bring myself to rebase (even my unpainted models) despite them looking much better on rounds.  I couldn't understand why I was hesit



The Army of Tzeentch Grows

Thanks to a set schedule each day for painting (commissioned project first, answer work emails, make calls, then onto WHQ) I now have models painted up for Warhammer Quest, but even better, a small playable force for AOS. Obviously I'll need to get more Pink Horrors but it looks like I'll have my first full AOS army painted within the next week or so. I'm pretty stoked for that, as I'm looking at really getting into the game on a more active level. By that I simply meant start to atten



Success! A New Blog!

Hey everyone!   I'm so used to doing everything on my phone nowadays and earlier on today I couldn't see how to make a new blog... until I went on here through my laptop! Typical lol.   So I had been spending most of my day jazzing up a new one on wordpress, before I found the area on this website to do so haha. http://twistedshadowsblog.wordpress.com   I'm not sure what to do now, whether keep it or just have this blog on here.. What would your opinions b




I wasn't planning on adding any more Gor to this army - but when I saw these 40 on sale at a super-bargain price, I couldn't resist. I normally buy second-hand models to strip/respray them, but these were surprisingly well done. Mostly base coats and a bit of wash, but all neat and well-applied. It just needed some more washing, new round bases and the details added. The last thing was the banner - freehand isn't my strength, and I think my



It's all about the little things... aka ungors

Unfortunately I am still waiting on the delivery of my textured rolling pins so I can get on with basing, so as I didn't want to entirely waste my day off I decided to put together 10 of my ungor raiders and I have to say this kit was pleasantly surprising. Now these model, especially by AoS standards, are tiny. But I was glad to find that they were full of character. The hunched bodies and disgruntled faces are really lovely and honestly I wasn't expecting it at all. When I bought my battalion



Doomsayer Tourney Prep Week One

So not a whole lot to show in pictures this week, but I believe that much has been accomplished. My list, as updated after the release of the rules pack, contains 33 models in total. 3 of them are complete, I spent much time getting sand glued to the rest of the bases, bar the 4 Judicators who still need base coated. Damn this constant rainy weather. I've been following the colors that GW has been using for the basing, as well as army painter tufts, which I think really help the bases pop. The o



Age of Warhammer

When I first played Age of Sigmar, I wasn't super impressed (obviously I've come around since then).  I was trying to play it like Warhammer Fantasy, and it isn't Warhammer Fantasy.  A few months later, I came back to it, but this time with a set of rules to make it Warhammer Fantasy, but without violating the things that made it Age of Sigmar.  There were things I missed like miscasts, artillery dice, and ranked infantry.  So I played AoS with the first page of these rules for a good little whi



Who Let The Hogs Out?

For my next unit, I wanted some animal variety in my Beasts army, so that ruled out anything goat-based. Time for the piggies! I wasn't keen on the 'Pumba'-style Razogor, but I love the new plastic orc boar boys. After remounting all my old savage orcs with new steeds, I still had a couple of models left over. Not much in the way of conversion - just a few extra Gor horns and some spikes made from savage orc flint weapons. I added a couple of arrows in this one, jus



Nature Stirs

The Seraphon have a bunch of angry tree friends to fight along side them. The Sylvaneth are suffering from this unnatural winter created by the vile Skaven and awakened to reclaim their home within the realm of Life again. I'm not sure yet how large this force is going to be yet. Dryads, with a Branchwraith, a Treelord and probably a Treelord Ancient. I used the winter scheme from the How to Paint Citadel Miniatures Dryads book. It's ridiculously easy and fast to paint and the result looks



Colin Dent... a WIP

The basecoat is down on Colin Dent the Colossal Squig. Orange seemed like a good idea at the time...only now do I realise what I've got myself into. This will be my first attempt at shading down darkened areas to bring out the orange in a more natural way. I will also be using a recent tutorial I found for blood effects in and around the mouth area.



Ruins of Osgiliath to be used for AoS

I'd seen the GW blog post prior to WHF that said they'd be selling these OOP ruins again. I'd missed them first time around as Hobbit/LotR happened during my twelve year break from tabletop gaming.  The ruins were packaged in a plastic zip locked bag rather than the cardboard box.  It was the price tag that made it an instant purchase - £18. This was a painted on Saturday afternoon. I made a mistake during the process by picking up the wrong paint to use. It was only the following



Back on the horse!... err goat? goatmen?

So after a few months away from hobbying I have finally got the motivation and time to jump back into my Brayheard project! I have always loved the beastmen but the old Warhammer fantasy battle was always far too daunting for me, now with AoS I decided it was finally time to show my love to the true chaos army. I managed to pick up a battalion box at a random toy store for 20% off after GW discontinued the box and a few other boxes too. Currently I have built 10 gors, 10 bestigors and a bray sha



Mourngul Monday

I finally finished my Mourngul, really struggled with this model due to a little painters block. I'm kinda demotivated with the undead at the moment, possibly due to an upcoming Sylvaneth release . I think its just a phase, as i've done so much using the same palette etc... that I may just need a break before finishing the army. I've still got a few things to paint, Manfred being one of them, so hopefully I get my mojo back and i'll have more to show soon. All the best M



Skaven vs Slaanesh Daemons

My buddy Laurie came over again for a game of Age of Sigmar. 100 SCGT  points, and the Heralds of Storms battleplan from the pack.     I had five heroes to Laurie's two, so I should have the upper hand with this battleplan. Although removing Thanquol or the Screaming Bell from his objectives won't be easy. The plan will be to leave some Heralds at the back, and charge everything up field to remove Thanquol and the Screaming Bell.   I won't be writing a full report,



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