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Everything posted by yarrickson

  1. Shouldn't be surprised, but those marine heads work really well. As do the extra fetishes/details added.
  2. Dude on the disc is decent! Not so sure about the 'I cast parrot" guy?
  3. Dropping any one thing in this list to get the plague touched warband formation in would make this even scarier.
  4. yarrickson

    Nagash & Sculpted Base

    That is the bees knees.
  5. Sign me up please Scott.
  6. Echo above comments. Great day, very smoothly run. Only 1 win in 3 but I have a real skyborne slayers problem and got them twice. Apologies to the poor mortal Khorne player in game 3 where I took out all my frustration and rage and just threw three bloodthirsters across the board and annihilated him. Still, three great opponents, great tourney. Would go again without question.
  7. The Big Hats were my first true gaming love also. I look forward very much to seeing their AOSification. Top notch.
  8. On the subject of FAQ's. Reckon there'll be a few of these since alliance is up so soon after handbook release. Does wiping out an opponent win you a game if you are outscored? Can you take multiples of the new magic items?
  9. Just worried at rumoured 220 for 5 retributors. But suppose I shouldn't and can't compare everything to the best unit in the game. As that way madness lies.
  10. Difficult to say at this stage without full context. But this might be awful if the other leaked costs are also correct.
  11. Sigh, for now I feel the knowledge of the forthcoming general's compendium is actually working against me. Don't want to buy anything new in case points/army writing changes drastically. Most of my group are the same. Hobby limbo.
  12. Ticket bought, looks like a carfull from Aberdeen.
  13. It certainly did. Got Me my only ever painting vote at a local tourney. Mildly regret selling this army.
  14. Thanks . still need to do an updated pic with basing and crew etc. Hopefully soon.
  15. yarrickson


  16. Is that the statuesque female heads as sold by The Dice Bag Lady. Really nice job.
  17. Three warding lantern amigos.
  18. Really like this force. Good contrast between model and base, very warm/cold. Nice to see the mix of old/new and converted too.
  19. yarrickson


    Waiting on some red grass to arrive which should give it a more 'finished' look.
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