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Everything posted by flamingwalnut

  1. Yeah, this seems good. Was already iffy on digging around through a dozen places. At least now I can ignore the other Order stuff. Might Dispossesed/Wanderers/etc go in? Cities has SOOO many options it is hard to categorize it all. Especially with stuff that can be used (KO, Sylvaneth) but has their own tome. I know there has been some Tempest Eye discussions in the KO thread. lol "Good luck. We're all counting on you."
  2. Ok, after a bit of thought and listening to the review videos again, I think I found the first list I want to try out. Not sure yet on what spells go where, but there is a LOT of crazy potential with this list. Potentially +8 to cast with all my wizards, each being able to cast 2 spells a piece. It can be insane. Now, I know the Longbeards are off, it is a fluffy choice and I love that they can grumble a spell off so I can recast it in a better place. If I went to a competitive area, they would, at least, be switched to guard to get 60 more points of Endless Spells. It is...surprisingly simple. And only 4 drops (99% positive that the battalion is 3-6 wizards...). No idea how much firepower it will have and if it can really survive, but as far as skew lists go, this one feels pretty right. PEW PEW, MAGIC!
  3. But you apply cover (and other bonuses) as you take an attack. Which is only time you ever care. So, resolving all attacks, close combat and ranged, you will then check modifiers. Since a Drakkfoot attack is being resolved, ignore Ethereal, so Rend and Cover now kick in. Either way, I am excited for this book. Cities will have my heart and time for a while, but I started Warhammer with Orks, so they will always have my heart. Money and time willing, there will be a Great Waaagh! in my future!
  4. Not gonna lie, warms my heart to hear you excited for AoS. I know the culling hit ya hard. Hope you can keep up the motivation and find joy in the book. Can't wait to see some pictures!
  5. Feels like a no brainer somewhere. There is apparently a buff chart for the Dark elf Dragons and Hydras. Anvilguard will be a great theme city. And being able to take in all but Daughters in your army without even touching allies feels worth it! Whatever Allies the Cities have will probably include Daughters (my guess is All Order for Allies). There should be spell lores for your Sorceresses and your endless spells will be buffed. Also, there was talk about the sub-factions keeping at least some of their synergies if not a bit of their allegiance included as well. Cities is a sheer upgrade for Darkling Covens, especially given that they avoided all of the purge.
  6. I doubt it was DESIGNED as a nerf of counter. More they had an idea of Bonesplittas that through their crazy belief ignores magic and supernatural protection. They figured Nighthaunt fit the bill. Doubt it was malicious. Also, this is a subfaction and requires pure Bonesplittas, which means giving up The Big Waaagh! Points and such, which look amazing.
  7. With a bit of fleshed out lore on the "Church of Sigmar", they could add old world heroes as Saints of sorts. With the gods coming from the Old World, wouldn't be too crazy to imagine that they mention people from it. And ya know how people react to words from a God... Also, more fleshing out on religion helps to explain the Flagellant models. I am sure they will have a page at least on them to explain how religion works. I am excited to the potential the lore can being, both official and player made.
  8. Almost certainly going to be reboxed. They were in a special "Allies" box, so a reboxing is in order. They've been on quite a few of the displays too and the old Bright Wizard art was the preview for the Cities book on Sunday.
  9. I get ya and I agree. I often just let people do as they please, though, as long as everything is clear and consistent. Less bickering that way. For me, my plan is a small core military and 8 districts each with their own group of mages and themed around a Realm. The idea would be 9 "mini lists" of about 1000 points. Then mix and match to create an army. With such diversity, I may need to flit to different cities, but who knows. Time will tell.
  10. I knew it was going to be hard to keep up... Pile of info today! Glad the doom and gloom was not true, these abilities look awesome! This has so many potential combinations it is crazy. Drakespawn curse tables? Extra spell lores? Sounds like each city has a battalion (at LEAST one?) Retinues are simple but awesome, MUCH harder to hero snipe! Also good for thematic conversions. Both Hammrhal, Greywater, and Anvilguard seem solid from what little we've seen ao far. The idea of getting a dozen command points from a really lucky roll in Hammerhal has me laughing in glee! (So glad, because Hammerhal was boring before!) my favorite bit is the talk of magical cabals in Hallowheart. Ooooh, I neeed to know, show me the wizardy goodness. Here is to hoping there is a lore for each Realm, or something similar. Even a half lore for each would be beautiful! Gonna cast with all the colors of the wind! lol
  11. I put my hat into the ring. I like my concept and my characters, but boy do I feel rusty with my creative writing as I have mostly done various pieces of copy, ads, and forum posting. Gonna try to write more for a blog space and my Cities of Sigmar army. My concept, for those interested, is an old noble of Ghur becoming a Vampire and gathering a motley crew of an army to retake her old Kingdom overrun by Chaos. The idea of noble knights in Ghur is fun enough, and toss in Death magic, alliances/friendship with a Orruk Megaboss, and some cool fights, and it should be cool! The core centers around the trio of sisters pitted against each other (the vampire, the sister who turned traitor and fell to Chaos, and the sister who exiled herself to become a Sylvaneth monk). Lots of potential for familial heartbreak and drama. We'll see. If it gets rejected it may go into my project pile for "More dyanimic audio drama battle reports". If THAT ever gets off the ground, of course...
  12. Also, Collegiate Arcane Battlemage on foot spotted in pictures! He returns! Finalllly. Glorious. Oooh boy, this next week will be beautiful. Give me all the news! And those new Start Collecting are great! Finally a discount for duardin! Not as great as I wanted, but will certainly have some Gyrocoptors now!
  13. They also don't split, as summoning is in the Tzeentch allegiance and not in their warscroll. This makes them WAY too expensive... What are you looking at taking that ruins your chance at just making a Disciples of Tzeentch list?
  14. I think I like the white more, feels more crisp. That does depend on if you want a more regal feel or a rough militia feel. Either way I would cover up the bare feet. Hated that about the Empire sculpts, this isn't the militia kit, they were state troops. I just painted mine as boots, ya can't tell otherwise.
  15. Thinking on the "something we've never seen before" deal, it is either a brand new faction or a really out there way to play Underworlds. Keeping in mind, this season is the Realm of Beasts. For the out there way to play I can see: One man warband, either epic hero or a monster (monster would fit with Warcry's expansion) A warband that summons the models you need. Basically a wizard, maybe an apprentice, than a bunch of weird animals or something. A warband of shadow clones that all activate at once, but always do the same thing. For new factions, my money is on Grotbag Scuttlers or one of the Missing Aelves. Previewing the Aelves though in an Underworlds warband when they are probably a HUGE reveal in concept and story.
  16. Oh man, that is awesome looking! Any more pictures? I assume this is one of the pics from Cities of Sigmar, with a book full of conversion ideas. Really makes me think the warscrolls will be a bit more streamlined to allow for lots of odd conversions and details! Also, that is not just a different headswap/color scheme of Dark Elves....that's a hag queen! I mean, obviously it can make a good Sorceress, but that makes me wonder how many other kits and ideas can be blended... I just want more! More info! More ideas! More time and money! lol I am with the other people here, I never seem to have time for all the things I want to do, and definitely not the budget...
  17. That is fair! Compared to Stormcast, any smaller model can work. I just find them to be a bit weird looking next to similar styles of models. But oh man, the wizards on foot are gone!! Whaat!? This...can't be right. They were there post cull.... Staying positive means needing the book and what is inside soon. lol I really need to know what I am working with because it is getting distressing to try and figure out what is even left. The various mounted wizards are there, which is goos, but...come on....
  18. Lord of the Rings do not have GW's heroic scale, so they will be ok height but have super wonky proportions. Pretty sure this was a part of their contract for the license. Doubt the new dudes are any different, as they fit with the rest.
  19. These changes, to both this and the Aelves, were made a long while ago. Ironweld, Collegiate, and Devoted are in the Free Peoples, all the other Aelves together in one group. This condensing happened...I forget, near the beginning of the year, I think? But yes, it does point to at least how the general grouping may be. With the cull now come and gone, we can also see who is left standing a bit easier. I am curious, is there anything on WhatsApp that adds to the conversation? Wouldn't it be easier and better for the community to just have one big place to gather together and discuss the Cities of Sigmar? I don't care where it is, but I sure would like as unified of a community as possible, especially given the concerns and sadness regarding what has happened so far. On a positive note! I have been meaning to post more on this thread (real life and the general backlash of the cull threw me off) to keep the discussion active and positive. While we don't know how all this will end up, we do understand the base concept, and that is plenty enough for lore and speculation! Here is a bit of my ideas I've had over the past few weeks. With the High Elves getting removed BUT their Dark Elf mirrors staying, I really think they might have a more generic "Aelf" warscroll to cover a lot of what was culled. Order Draconis and Order Serpentis were almost identical in many ways. I can see a Warscroll or Allegiance ability or something that allows you to choose either a "Light" idea or a "Dark" idea, giving you a similar bonus as the current differences. So, a "Aelf Knighty Order" warscroll, where all the basic stats are there, but you have a choice of either a choice of "Gleaming Armor" or "Shadowy Armor" for equipment, giving you either the bonuses save rerolls on either shooting or combat, respectively. Or they buff the whole Aelf line and just fuse all the abilities. All cavalry rerolls saves of 1 and 2 all the time, all Dragonlords have a command ability to reroll hits AND wounds and the horn is just a static ability for all. The designer HAD mentioned at the preview that Cavalry was especially pathetic and they wanted to buff them. As for what I plan to do with my city, I have an odd mix. I have mostly Freeguild, a bit of Dispossessed (with a strong desire for more of the current, gorgeous models...) and a smattering of aelves (mostly Order Draconis, as they were my "failed" Blood Knight conversions). My unopened box of Glade Guard will probably become Shadow Warriors and maybe some character conversions for the later. I started a Sisters of the Thorn conversion to make them Centaurs (got the idea from Warcraft, which will probably have quite a few potential nods to in my conversions by the end of it). I have an Ironbreaker box that will probably be Ironbreakers (have wanted a unit of them since I started Fantasy...) but I want to use the Irondrake guns SOMEWHERE and I already have Freeguild handgunners. The old dwarf warriors and thunderers will probably join the Freeguild Guard and Handgunner respectively to create a more cosmopolitan feel. For lore, I am still hammering out the ideas, but this is what I have cooking so far: The Realm of Light is one of my favorite Realms, just for how bizarre and surreal it has the potential to be. As well, my favorite aspects of the Cities of Sigmar idea has been the cosmopolitan melding of different races and cultures. This builds into the idea of Light and Prisms refracting into a beautiful rainbow of color. So my yet-unnamed city will probably be focused around a giant, magical Prism. Since my favorite factions for this are the Collegiate Arcane and the Dispossessed, I had an idea of an Ancient Duardin hold that was built around this massive Prism. The Prism refracts the natural Light magic of the Realm into all 8 "winds" of Magic. Word of this bizarre refraction of Magic spread, and mages from all across the realms came to study the wonder. This irritated the duardin, who viewed the Prism as a gift from Grungni and Grimnir (yes, ignoring the fact that it was probably Teclis, Tyrion, or just natural magic that made it. The Aelves tried to correct the duardin, but learned it was best to just...not). To disperse the coming rise of conflict between the pilgrimage of mages and the duardin, a enterprising duardin stepped forward and proposed a combined effect. The mages would be given free reign to view and study the Prism, but the duardin would be the overall rulers of the Light within the hold's walls. This created a council of 8 that would rule over the city and the Prism. Each member of the council would be a skilled mage in their respective "wind", with a Duardin mage of Light as the highest voice in the council. Yes, I am making Duardin mages! As a secondary aspect of the city, I considered a nearby Realmgate that flickered between the 8 realms, keeping a solid "schedule" of routes to all 8 realms. This meant that as the realmgate flickered to the next realm, a scouting party would immediately go through to ensure the other side had remained in Order control. Adds a bit more...connection to the rest of the world. So that is what I have so far. This makes a Mage/Duardin heavy combination that I really do like. It also allows me to create sub-factions within the city based around each Realm, letting my indecision win out by letting me do whatever idea suits my fancy! lol My long term hobby goal then is to have a core "Light" list and then 7 other smaller lists and groups based around each Realm. Mix it all, let the vastness of the realms bleed into each other! I am excited, I can't wait for the book! What other ideas have people had?
  20. I picked up the Cypher Lords because they were the Warband I liked the most that others didn't already have plans for. I love the models, and the playstyle has been fun and challenging, but... I have NO idea how I could fill out the warband. While I appreciate the simplicity of just multiple boxes of the warband fitting together so well, I think I would have preferred the Leader of each warband to be a character instead of part of the unit. Having more than 1 Thrallmaster, especially with that grandiose and hard to convert pose, just doesn't appeal. The Kairic Acolytes feel like the closest connection to the Cypher Lords, but the different helmets would feel off, and the more static poses also are kinda lame compared to the dynamic poses of the Cypher lords. BUT, the dynamic poses of the Cypher lords make them hard to build other than how the box demands, meaning...multiples just look meh. A big problem I've come to with new GW stuff more and more.....hmm... So, my Cypher Lords may just stay in the "base" mode, though currently there aren't a lot of builds to bother with other than different mixes of goons, so perhaps not that big of a deal? BTW, can you just take Furies/Raptoryxes in Matched Play? That'd be a nice addition and other conversion opportunity.
  21. This is awesome to see such an excellent job done so quickly. Eager to see the army finished and VERY curious how the event goes!
  22. Awesome! Glad to see you getting accolades! Your painting sure deserves it!
  23. Some fantastic conversions! I had several ideas for Scourge Privateers, fleshing them out into more ACTUAL pirates theme with Kharadron Overlords rules and such. Curious, how do you use them in game? Or are they just a for fun conversion project?
  24. In my mind, until GW fleshes out Firebelly and Maneaters, they are just ostracized Gutbusters. So, at LEAST 2. I've been iffy on fusing BCR back in. They are cool (ice pun) on their own. But, if both sides are still well represented and can live on their own, but a combined tome does EACH side justice and faster, I am for it. Ogor priests, cool artifacts, and a really unique playstyle that fits the 'all in on big guys' mindset and I would love it.
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