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Most Popular Army 2021


Most Popular Army 2021  

181 members have voted

  1. 1. Most Popular Army 2021

    • Beasts of Chaos
    • Blades of Khorne
    • Disciples of Tzeentch
    • Hedonites of Slaanesh
    • Maggotkin of Nurgle
    • Skaven
    • Slaves to Darkness
    • Flesh-Eater Courts
    • Nighthaunt
    • Ossiarch Bonereapers
    • Soulblight Gravelords
    • Gloomspite Gitz
    • Ogor Mawtribes
    • Orruk Warclans
    • Sons of Behemat
    • Cities of Sigmar
    • Daughters of Khaine
    • Fyreslayers
    • Idoneth Deepkin
    • Kharadron Overlords
    • Lumineth Realm-Lords
    • Seraphon
    • Stormcast Eternals
    • Sylvaneth

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What army did u like the most of 2021? Could be because u like the looks. Could be because u won a tournament with it. Please share!

Mine is Nighthaunt. Build a small army and painted it up. Have learned a lot by painting these as they are massively different from the Destruction stuff i paint most of the time. Happy to expand it into a 2k list next year.

Edited by Iksdee
Same titles now
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I voted for the ever-popular and always appreciated Lumineth Realm-Lords. Not because of Sentinels or perceived power level but based on aesthetics and lore. I just love the added high fantasy vibe with the Alarith Mountain Spirits and floating structures. They are the army that got me into Age of Sigmar. And they taught me so much about painting.

If I had a second vote it would go to the Daughters of Khaine. They keep on distracting me from my Lumineth and I painted Morgwaeth's Bladecoven just to test my Khailebron colour scheme. 

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For me, the army of the year has to be Soulblight Gravelords. And not just because I play them.

To me, it just seems like GW really got them right. They delivered what people wanted aesthetically. They show that old Warhammer Fantasy armies can have a place in AoS. They have a tome that strong without being overly frustrating to play against (not a small feat after how disliked Legions of Nagash was at times). They have lots of options for viable lists. I like the army so much that I am considering double-dipping on it. I already have a full army of converted Tomb Kings models that I run as Gravelords. I might build another 2000 points of actual vampires just so I can run all the cool new models we got.

I just find it really hard to say anything negative about them at this point. When I first got the book, I thought it was a bit unexciting. But looking back, I think that's just because I was used to Legions of Nagash mega-combos. There is definitely excitement to be found in the Gravelords book, it's just in different places from before.

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  • Gitzdee changed the title to Most Popular Army of 2021

I put Seraphon, because the main AoS project I've started this year is building Kroak, the Underworlds warband and converting the blood bowl team into a new contingent for my already massive lizardmen army. I also finally painted up the Dread Saurian, which is a fantastic behemoth of epic proportions!

Other than that, I've really not been doing much AoS stuff. Favourite newly released army is definitely Gravelords, but I'm not getting into them any time soon, as I already have a pretty big vampire counts force, so don't really need many new models. I'm thus less excited about them than I am about the Lizzies right now.

I guess that makes sense though. No matter how into a new army I get, I'll always swing back to obsessing over Lizardmen, Tomb Kings, and Dwarfs (both regular and chaos themed) sooner or later. Those were my OG fantasy armies for a reason.

The other big project I've been doing is a warcry themed chaos army, but while I've been having great fun developing the lore for them, I've not gotten much done on the models themselves!

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12 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

I put Seraphon, because the main AoS project I've started this year is building Kroak, the Underworlds warband and converting the blood bowl team into a new contingent for my already massive lizardmen army. I also finally painted up the Dread Saurian, which is a fantastic behemoth of epic proportions!

Other than that, I've really not been doing much AoS stuff. Favourite newly released army is definitely Gravelords, but I'm not getting into them any time soon, as I already have a pretty big vampire counts force, so don't really need many new models. I'm thus less excited about them than I am about the Lizzies right now.

I guess that makes sense though. No matter how into a new army I get, I'll always swing back to obsessing over Lizardmen, Tomb Kings, and Dwarfs (both regular and chaos themed) sooner or later. Those were my OG fantasy armies for a reason.

The other big project I've been doing is a warcry themed chaos army, but while I've been having great fun developing the lore for them, I've not gotten much done on the models themselves!

My first army was Orcs and Goblins and i will always swing back to the greenskinz. Since the beginning of AoS i have been building more on the Gloomspite Gitz side of things. Recently i've started to expand the Orruk Warclans and they will be the main goal of 2022. 

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  • Gitzdee changed the title to Most Popular Army 2021
28 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

My first army was Orcs and Goblins and i will always swing back to the greenskinz. Since the beginning of AoS i have been building more on the Gloomspite Gitz side of things. Recently i've started to expand the Orruk Warclans and they will be the main goal of 2022. 

Night Goblins were the army I never quite got around to starting during WFB, so when the Gloomspite range came out I was over the (Bad) Moon, and now have a somewhat ridiculous number of half painted goblins whom I really must get back to once I get a bit further with the chaos project!

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While I do love Hedonites I keep returning to the spooky ones. Ghost, skeletons, and eldritch horrors galore. Anything is a potential kitbash and in terms of painting you can go so many ways too. Traditional white sheets and green glow with roses? Sure, add another kind of glow and palette? How about hell fire themed? Ice fire? Perhaps more of a Guillermo del Toro touch? Slimy or oily filthy look? Let your nightmares take form!

Tough call but another one for Nighthaunt it is.

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9 hours ago, Maogrim said:

I voted for the ever-popular and always appreciated Lumineth Realm-Lords. Not because of Sentinels or perceived power level but based on aesthetics and lore. I just love the added high fantasy vibe with the Alarith Mountain Spirits and floating structures. They are the army that got me into Age of Sigmar. And they taught me so much about painting.

If I had a second vote it would go to the Daughters of Khaine. They keep on distracting me from my Lumineth and I painted Morgwaeth's Bladecoven just to test my Khailebron colour scheme. 

Silence silly hatted, over tall, knife eared non smiling faction distractathon.




now close the thread.

Edited by Kaleb Daark
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9 hours ago, Fairbanks said:

First Half: Soulblight Gravelords

Second Half: Anyone but Sons of Behemat

You are the perfect candidate for a skaven army.

there are no giants allowed in our ranks, and to end it all of, you’ll never have to paint such a huge thing with our-our range.

Yes-yes only hordes and hordes of vicious little ratman just waiting and scheming.

But hey at least painting 200 clanrats is pretty fun.😉


Edited by Skreech Verminking
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I almost voted for Ossiarchs but I've been more focused on my Slaanesh. Sadly I see no one has voted for Ossiarchs :(

I kinda feel like they are in a limbo, everyone who is a fan waiting for GW to release a new Battletome or even a second wave (like Lumineth got) to really give them more variety and spark. I think we are past the "they aren't Tomb Kings" aspect and now they just need fleshing out (ooh is that a pun!?) to really get peoples attention. A few releases here and there or a big launch and I think they'll be solid. Heck look at Lumineth, an army that were much in the same position and now are roaring with popularity 

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49 minutes ago, Overread said:

I almost voted for Ossiarchs but I've been more focused on my Slaanesh. Sadly I see no one has voted for Ossiarchs :(

I kinda feel like they are in a limbo, everyone who is a fan waiting for GW to release a new Battletome or even a second wave (like Lumineth got) to really give them more variety and spark. I think we are past the "they aren't Tomb Kings" aspect and now they just need fleshing out (ooh is that a pun!?) to really get peoples attention. A few releases here and there or a big launch and I think they'll be solid. Heck look at Lumineth, an army that were much in the same position and now are roaring with popularity 

I would have voted for them if there was a second vote option. But right now I chose Soulblights because they are the army that I paint right now and made me stopped finishing my Ossiarch. Model wise they are equal in my heart but I just can't find a good scheme (or at least one that I'm proud of) for my Ossiarch....hence my vote.

That was the subjective point. On the rule/state of play the Soulblight book is really cool with a lot of fun rules, theme and all. And it seems balanced, unlike the Ossiarch which is broken since third edition dropped...and not so many tricks and performing units. Compared to the many good list the Soulblight can come up with, the Ossiarch is clearly less appealing.

Edited by Harioch
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I voted for Beasts of Chaos because someone has to love them and GW sure as hell isn't.

I pray for a new book soon and with a little TLC, Gors might finally clear that lofty hurdle of "dealing any damage whatsoever on average".

Also new Centigors please! 😁

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@Skreech Verminking Well, I guess you could say this is 'a truely magnificent one' and that he's 'from the Old World' because that is the Mage God Teclis himself, and even in his AOS attire! You...realized that, right? 

I'm honestly suprised about the immense popularity of Soulblight Gravelords. They're an awesome army, but apart from a few new characters they're just Vampire Counts without the ghosty stuff. Nothing about them is particularly AOS, apart from Lauka Vai and the Vengorian Lords maybe. Is it the balancing or the nostalgia that people here are so fond of them?

Slightly disappointed that only three people clicked on Orruk Warclans. I thought Kruleboyz would make greater waves with the astonishingly awesome models they've got. They came very close to becoming my third army, before I realized that Lumineth and Daughters would be all that I can handle right now.

Edited by Maogrim
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I voted for Lumineth because it seems the most rounded army at the moment:

  • Awesome design (miniature wise)
  • At least 3 unique themes (Hurakan, Alarith and Vanari) that can be expanded.
  • All classic roles for a well rounder army: cavalry, war machines, ranged, melee, monsters, troops, elite troops, blender heroes, support heroes, magic, Endless Spells and terrain.
  • Grounded and Over the top designs in the same army. Win/win.
  • Well rounded lore, with their own named wars, societies, geography, cities (crossover with Cities of Sigmar) and...
  • ... named characters to support their background: Teclis, Tyrion, Avalenor, Ellania and Elathor, Lyrlor, etc.

Maybe their gameplay seems to "OnLy SeNtInElS", but rules can change from FAQ to FAQ or even every year or new battletome. Models are here to stay a bit longer (same with their background).

2 hours ago, Maogrim said:

Slightly disappointed that only three people ckicked on Orruk Warclans. I thought Kruleboyz would make greater waves with the astonishingly awesome models they've got. They came very close to becoming my thirs army, before I realized that Lumineth and Daughters would be all that I can handle right now.

I have a full army (4500p) of kruleboyz and they have so much potential, but they miss some of my checklist (like 90% of AoS armies):

  • They don't have all basic roles even if they are a prime candidate to have all of them (monstruous troops, cavalry, terrain, endless spells, etc...).
  • They have "some" themes, but they are not represented well enough: snatcha-tribe (snatchaboss and I think the sloggoth) and the breaka-tribe (mire-brute). You can't build a thematic army or anything close
Edited by Beliman
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