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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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4 minutes ago, Jamopower said:

With six wide you are also "always" getting full attacks. I believe 4 wide is very viable option as well for units like elven spearmen or dwarfs, where few additional s3 attacks won't make much difference to the static resolution of keeping the max ranks as long as possible. And I also believe that having two units of 16 is often much better than having one unit of 30 with those units.

You need to be 5 wide at least to get a rank bonus for regular infantry. Heavy infantry only need to be 4 wide. 


2 minutes ago, Gotz said:

one quick random question...

when getting a unit (let's say 20 minis) with a character... you have to spend points for 19 or for 20 minis?

You get however many you pay for. So if you want a unit of 20 models consisting of 19 troopers and a hero you buy 19 troopers and a hero. 

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2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

You need to be 5 wide at least to get a rank bonus for regular infantry. Heavy infantry only need to be 4 wide. 



Dwarfs are almost all heavy infantry, don't remember about elven spearmen, but at least the elites were heavy as well.


Edit: Checked, I was wrong, the elves are regular infantry, too bad... :)

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11 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Dividing the Warhammer Fantasy factions into Good and Evil actually dates back into 2005's Conquest of the New World campaign, complete with Tomb Kings being Evil. 





I remember somebdoy telling me what those allegiances actually meant.


good, being the factions that can make a reliable pack without breaking it.

the neutral faction, being armies that will make a pack or deal with another faction as ling as it benefits them. And as soon as it doesn’t will just leave for something more beneficial

the evil, can make packs but are less trustworthy and might backstab you a few minutes after the back-deal has been made.


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1 hour ago, Jamopower said:

With six wide you are also "always" getting full attacks. I believe 4 wide is very viable option as well for units like elven spearmen or dwarfs, where few additional s3 attacks won't make much difference to the static resolution of keeping the max ranks as long as possible.

I think you need at least 5 wide to get the combat resolution bonus at least for elven spearmen (Regular infantry)

EDIT: and I was correct. Now if only I had also read the rest of the thread before posting I would have seen many of you had already pointed this out :D

Edited by Marcvs
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I'm in two minds as to how to run my witch elves. 

The rules suggest a big unit as they have the horde rule which means they need at least 20 (4 ranks of 5) to benefit from the +3 rank bonus but seeing as they have no armour, 30+ 7 wide would be better. 

However I think they would be better in smaller units say 12 - 14 strong 6 or 7 wide in 2 ranks. Set them up in the front of the army and slam into the enemy knowing they will all die but doing as much damage as possible. 


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I would say the latter with smaller units make more sense (depends of course a bit what you're expecting to face). 30 witch elves will make a very juicy target to something like a Lord on a dragon (or first charging chariots) that has high enough initiative in charge to kill enough that you don't get to strike back enough to get through the armor and continue it on the next rounds. Against smaller units, it will have to work more to earn its points, as it will not get easily through a unit with a champion and the multiple rounds of munching through the units give less reward than the one big and juicy target. 

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59 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

I'm in two minds as to how to run my witch elves. 

The rules suggest a big unit as they have the horde rule which means they need at least 20 (4 ranks of 5) to benefit from the +3 rank bonus but seeing as they have no armour, 30+ 7 wide would be better. 

However I think they would be better in smaller units say 12 - 14 strong 6 or 7 wide in 2 ranks. Set them up in the front of the army and slam into the enemy knowing they will all die but doing as much damage as possible. 


Plausible. Would make for more threats the enemy has to deal with.

A big block works good against shooty enemies (because some will get on target xD)

Witches are great against heavy hitters: rend -2? Who cares? I don’t have armour


Edited by JackStreicher
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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

Plausible. Would make for more threats the enemy has to deal with.

A big block works good against shooty enemies (because some will get on target xD)

Witches are great against heavy hitters: rend -2? Who cares? I don’t have armour


Never thought of it like that! 


44 minutes ago, Sception said:


some classic vamp counts heroes I never got around to painting as Soulblight Gravelords, ready to be re-re-based back to squares for the Old World.

Love the carstien models, I'm got some in a box somewhere. 

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27 minutes ago, Ogregut said:


The Carstein Model are super cool. I hope we will see new versions of them for AoS!



Completely random: That reminds me of a conversation we had in our club with an american mate recently:

If one wants to pronaunce Carstein so it sounds german: Pronounce the S like shh (hush)and  the ei like the ai of ain't


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forgive the blurry low res picture, snagged this from a corner of a page shown in the white dwarf preview.  I just wanted to say that I didn't realize until now how much I missed battle reports with pictures that looked like this - they're just so much more legible than top-down pictures of loose models or clusters of circles.

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2 hours ago, Sception said:


forgive the blurry low res picture, snagged this from a corner of a page shown in the white dwarf preview.  I just wanted to say that I didn't realize until now how much I missed battle reports with pictures that looked like this - they're just so much more legible than top-down pictures of loose models or clusters of circles.

The old white dwarf batreps were ace.

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9 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

The old white dwarf batreps were ace.

They were always my favorite part of White Dwarf. I've not found new WD battle reports to hit the same spot: whether that's because I'm older, or something has been lost over the years I don't know.

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3 hours ago, Sception said:


forgive the blurry low res picture, snagged this from a corner of a page shown in the white dwarf preview.  I just wanted to say that I didn't realize until now how much I missed battle reports with pictures that looked like this - they're just so much more legible than top-down pictures of loose models or clusters of circles.

Just in general Rank and Flank hits so much harder visually when seeing it on a table.

Someone posted their purple High Elves on reddit a week or so ago and they really looked stunning. A Warhammer Fantasy army just looks so amazing when all its all painted up.

Played my first 2 games on the weekend. We did two 1.5k back to back and did some minor list tweaking between them just to try more stuff out. My greenskins managed to stomp the chaos gitz both times (Black Orcs and Fanatics are probably too mean for beginner games which is something I'll have to keep in mind since I'll be doing intro games of TOW in future)





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16 hours ago, Sception said:


forgive the blurry low res picture, snagged this from a corner of a page shown in the white dwarf preview.  I just wanted to say that I didn't realize until now how much I missed battle reports with pictures that looked like this - they're just so much more legible than top-down pictures of loose models or clusters of circles.

Oooh, the nostalgia hits hard!

There's just something in that style - and rank-and-flank in general - that gives my brain those sweet sweet serotonin.

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Played my first game of Old World.






Major victory for the Tomb Kings, but luck was on my side (one of the enemy's infantry blocks failed a terror test & fled off the board, and the necrosphinx made two max distance charges).  My army also turned out to be a bit over-tuned.

I ran my current default 'cram in as many cool models as possible' Mortuary Cult army: lv4 liche, spearleton block, bowleton skirmishers, 3 bowshabti, scorpion, necrosphinx, casket.  The Empire player had two core melee infanty blocks (spears & halberds), two core ranged support units (handguns & crossbows), and a bunch of points in heroes (lv2 wizard, two war priests, fighty lord).  no cannons, no organ guns, no monsters, no heavy cav, no lv4 wizard, no greatswords.

In retrospect I should have recognized the mismatch during deployment, reduced the lich lord to lv3, and dropped the necrosphinx entirely.  I could have filled the points with additional heroes & some warblade ushabti I had in my box.  That would have made for more of a game, as the lv4 was kind of oppressive against only an lv2, and he just didn't have an answer to the sphinx.  But it was fun regardless.  Small games can often end up lopsided like that & we were both still new & getting a handle on the game, so no hard feelings I think.

Some key things I forgot during the game that I need to try and remember going forward: fear (never once made him roll for it), and the -1 to hit from light of protection (ie, the most important part of that spell, and the entire casket).

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6 hours ago, Sception said:

Played my first game of Old World.

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Major victory for the Tomb Kings, but luck was on my side (one of the enemy's infantry blocks failed a terror test & fled off the board, and the necrosphinx made two max distance charges).  My army also turned out to be a bit over-tuned.

I ran my current default 'cram in as many cool models as possible' Mortuary Cult army: lv4 liche, spearleton block, bowleton skirmishers, 3 bowshabti, scorpion, necrosphinx, casket.  The Empire player had two core melee infanty blocks (spears & halberds), two core ranged support units (handguns & crossbows), and a bunch of points in heroes (lv2 wizard, two war priests, fighty lord).  no cannons, no organ guns, no monsters, no heavy cav, no lv4 wizard, no greatswords.

In retrospect I should have recognized the mismatch during deployment, reduced the lich lord to lv3, and dropped the necrosphinx entirely.  I could have filled the points with additional heroes & some warblade ushabti I had in my box.  That would have made for more of a game, as the lv4 was kind of oppressive against only an lv2, and he just didn't have an answer to the sphinx.  But it was fun regardless.  Small games can often end up lopsided like that & we were both still new & getting a handle on the game, so no hard feelings I think.

Some key things I forgot during the game that I need to try and remember going forward: fear (never once made him roll for it), and the -1 to hit from light of protection (ie, the most important part of that spell, and the entire casket).

Could you share your entire list please? I'm looking at getting into tomb kings, but for the life of me can't get around the faction.

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19 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

So, we know what retro models GW is bringing out from the mothballs for Orcs and Goblins. What is on your wishlist regarding the other factions? Any old sculpts you'd like to see as MTO?

I really hope to see the return of 6th edition longbeards, the Command group from Forgeworld Blackfire Pass supplement and maybe Long Drong Pirates (that would be ace). Not sure about Karak Kadrin stuff (I recently acquired a Goblin Hewer and Ungrim), but a few Doomseekers and Khagrim would be nice.

Another things that I would probably buy, even if they are not related to TOW are the old dwar characters (Kazador, Bugman, Skeggi, etc...). I had the pleasure to buy Helga, Throgrim and a Bugman fighting with a stool/axe, but there are a lot of little chaps that I would like to catch.

For a new unit, my only wish is to see the mighty Thunderbarge, but if that's not possible, maybe a resculpted Rangers and/or Slayers would be fine.


Edited by Beliman
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57 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

So, we know what retro models GW is bringing out from the mothballs for Orcs and Goblins. What is on your wishlist regarding the other factions? Any old sculpts you'd like to see as MTO?

This trio of dwarf thanes


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